> VC++字符转换操作的例子-源码程序 > VC++字符转换操作的例子-源码程序/code/day02_05/codes/char/char.cpp

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// char.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "string.h"

#define _UNICODE

#include "tchar.h"
#include <windows.h>

void PrintUnicode( )
	HANDLE hOut = 
		GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE );
	wchar_t * pszText = L"我是程序员";
	WriteConsoleW( hOut,pszText,
		wcslen(pszText), NULL, NULL );

	wchar_t szText[2] = { 0 };
	for( BYTE nHigh=0x48; nHigh<0x9F; nHigh++ )
		for( BYTE nLow=0; nLow<0xFF; nLow++ )
			szText[0] = MAKEWORD( nLow, nHigh );
			WriteConsoleW( hOut,szText,
				wcslen(szText), NULL, NULL );

// #ifndef _UNICODE
// 	typedef char TCHAR
// 	#define __T(x)	x
// #else
// 	typedef wchar_t TCHAR
// 	#define __T(x)  L##x
// #endif
//  wchar_t * pszText = L"我是程序员";
//  char * pszText = "我是程序员";

void tchar( )
	TCHAR * pszText = __T("我是程序员") ;
#ifndef _UNICODE
	int nLen = strlen( pszText );
	int nLen = wcslen( pszText );
	printf( "%d\n", nLen );

void C_wchar( )
	wchar_t cText = 'A';
	wchar_t * pszText = L"ABCD";
	int nLen = wcslen( pszText );
	printf( "%d %s\n", nLen, pszText );
	wprintf( L"%s\n", pszText );

	wchar_t * pwszChs = L"我是程序员";
	nLen = wcslen( pwszChs );
	wprintf( L"W: %d %s\n", nLen, pwszChs );
	char * pszChs = "我是程序员";
	nLen = strlen( pszChs );
	printf( "M %d %s\n", nLen, pszChs );

void CoadPage( int nCodePage )
	SetConsoleOutputCP( nCodePage );
	char cText = 0;
	for( int nIndex=0; nIndex<256; nIndex++ )
		printf( "%c ", cText );

void ASCII( )
	char cText = 0;
	for( int nIndex=0; nIndex<256; nIndex++ )
		printf( "%c ", cText );

void c_char( )
	char * pszText = "Hello World!\n";
	int nLen = strlen( pszText );
	printf( "%d, %s", nLen, pszText );

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	//c_char( );
	//ASCII( );
	//printf( "\n-------------------\n" );
	//CoadPage( 437 );
	//CoadPage( 936 );
	PrintUnicode( );
	return 0;