> VC++网页浏览器制作实例-源码程序 > VC++网页浏览器制作实例-源码程序/code/CHtmlViewProjV2/Custsite.cpp

    //Download by
//  (C) Copyright 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

// NOTE: 
// Some of the code in this file is MFC implementation specific.
// Changes in future versions of MFC implementation may require
// the code to be changed. Please check the readme of this
// sample for more information 

// NOTE2: This file also contains additional code written by Jim Xochellis

#include "stdafx.h"
//#undef AFX_DATA
#include "WebBrowser.h"
//#undef AFX_DATA

#include "custsite.h"

BEGIN_INTERFACE_MAP(CCustomControlSite, COleControlSite)
	INTERFACE_PART(CCustomControlSite, IID_IDocHostUIHandler, DocHostUIHandler)

ULONG FAR EXPORT  CCustomControlSite::XDocHostUIHandler::AddRef()
	METHOD_PROLOGUE(CCustomControlSite, DocHostUIHandler)
	return pThis->ExternalAddRef();

ULONG FAR EXPORT  CCustomControlSite::XDocHostUIHandler::Release()
    METHOD_PROLOGUE(CCustomControlSite, DocHostUIHandler)
	return pThis->ExternalRelease();

HRESULT FAR EXPORT  CCustomControlSite::XDocHostUIHandler::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppvObj)
	METHOD_PROLOGUE(CCustomControlSite, DocHostUIHandler)
    HRESULT hr = (HRESULT)pThis->ExternalQueryInterface(&riid, ppvObj);
	return hr;

// * CImpIDocHostUIHandler::GetHostInfo
// *
// * Purpose: Called at initialization
// *
HRESULT FAR EXPORT  CCustomControlSite::XDocHostUIHandler::GetHostInfo( DOCHOSTUIINFO* pInfo )

	METHOD_PROLOGUE(CCustomControlSite, DocHostUIHandler)
    pInfo->dwDoubleClick = DOCHOSTUIDBLCLK_DEFAULT;

    return S_OK;

// * CImpIDocHostUIHandler::ShowUI
// *
// * Purpose: Called when MSHTML.DLL shows its UI
// *
HRESULT FAR EXPORT  CCustomControlSite::XDocHostUIHandler::ShowUI(
				DWORD dwID, 
				IOleInPlaceActiveObject * /*pActiveObject*/,
				IOleCommandTarget * pCommandTarget,
				IOleInPlaceFrame * /*pFrame*/,
				IOleInPlaceUIWindow * /*pDoc*/)

	METHOD_PROLOGUE(CCustomControlSite, DocHostUIHandler)
	// We've already got our own UI in place so just return S_OK
    return S_OK;

// * CImpIDocHostUIHandler::HideUI
// *
// * Purpose: Called when MSHTML.DLL hides its UI
// *
HRESULT FAR EXPORT  CCustomControlSite::XDocHostUIHandler::HideUI(void)
	METHOD_PROLOGUE(CCustomControlSite, DocHostUIHandler)
    return S_OK;

// * CImpIDocHostUIHandler::UpdateUI
// *
// * Purpose: Called when MSHTML.DLL updates its UI
// *
HRESULT FAR EXPORT  CCustomControlSite::XDocHostUIHandler::UpdateUI(void)
	METHOD_PROLOGUE(CCustomControlSite, DocHostUIHandler)
	// MFC is pretty good about updating it's UI in it's Idle loop so I don't do anything here
	return S_OK;

// * CImpIDocHostUIHandler::EnableModeless
// *
// * Purpose: Called from MSHTML.DLL's IOleInPlaceActiveObject::EnableModeless
// *
HRESULT FAR EXPORT  CCustomControlSite::XDocHostUIHandler::EnableModeless(BOOL /*fEnable*/)
	METHOD_PROLOGUE(CCustomControlSite, DocHostUIHandler)
    return E_NOTIMPL;

// * CImpIDocHostUIHandler::OnDocWindowActivate
// *
// * Purpose: Called from MSHTML.DLL's IOleInPlaceActiveObject::OnDocWindowActivate
// *
HRESULT FAR EXPORT  CCustomControlSite::XDocHostUIHandler::OnDocWindowActivate(BOOL /*fActivate*/)
	METHOD_PROLOGUE(CCustomControlSite, DocHostUIHandler)
    return E_NOTIMPL;

// * CImpIDocHostUIHandler::OnFrameWindowActivate
// *
// * Purpose: Called from MSHTML.DLL's IOleInPlaceActiveObject::OnFrameWindowActivate
// *
HRESULT FAR EXPORT  CCustomControlSite::XDocHostUIHandler::OnFrameWindowActivate(BOOL /*fActivate*/)
	METHOD_PROLOGUE(CCustomControlSite, DocHostUIHandler)
    return E_NOTIMPL;

// * CImpIDocHostUIHandler::ResizeBorder
// *
// * Purpose: Called from MSHTML.DLL's IOleInPlaceActiveObject::ResizeBorder
// *
HRESULT FAR EXPORT  CCustomControlSite::XDocHostUIHandler::ResizeBorder(
				LPCRECT /*prcBorder*/, 
				IOleInPlaceUIWindow* /*pUIWindow*/,
				BOOL /*fRameWindow*/)
	METHOD_PROLOGUE(CCustomControlSite, DocHostUIHandler)
    return E_NOTIMPL;

// * CImpIDocHostUIHandler::ShowContextMenu
// *
// * Purpose: Called when MSHTML.DLL would normally display its context menu
// *
HRESULT FAR EXPORT  CCustomControlSite::XDocHostUIHandler::ShowContextMenu(
				DWORD dwID, 
				POINT* pptPosition,
				IUnknown* pCommandTarget,
				IDispatch* pDispatchObjectHit)

	METHOD_PROLOGUE(CCustomControlSite, DocHostUIHandler)

// Additional code written by Jim Xochellis starts

	if (pCommandTarget != NULL)
	IOleWindow *oleWnd	= NULL;
	HRESULT hr = 0;

	    hr = pCommandTarget->QueryInterface(IID_IOleWindow, (void**)&oleWnd);

		if ( (hr == S_OK) && (oleWnd != NULL) )
		HWND hwnd = NULL;

			hr = oleWnd->GetWindow(&hwnd);

			if ( (hr == S_OK) && (hwnd != NULL) )
				kCCSN_ShowContextMenuParams params =
						{dwID, pptPosition, pCommandTarget, pDispatchObjectHit, S_FALSE};

				if ( CustomControlSiteSendToAncestors(hwnd, kCCSN_ShowContextMenu, (LPARAM)&params) )
					result = params.result;

// Additional code written by Jim Xochellis ends

    return result;

// * CImpIDocHostUIHandler::TranslateAccelerator
// *
// * Purpose: Called from MSHTML.DLL's TranslateAccelerator routines
// *
HRESULT FAR EXPORT  CCustomControlSite::XDocHostUIHandler::TranslateAccelerator(LPMSG lpMsg,
            /* [in] */ const GUID __RPC_FAR *pguidCmdGroup,
            /* [in] */ DWORD nCmdID)
	METHOD_PROLOGUE(CCustomControlSite, DocHostUIHandler)
    return S_FALSE;

// * CImpIDocHostUIHandler::GetOptionKeyPath
// *
// * Purpose: Called by MSHTML.DLL to find where the host wishes to store 
// *	its options in the registry
// *
HRESULT FAR EXPORT  CCustomControlSite::XDocHostUIHandler::GetOptionKeyPath(BSTR* pbstrKey, DWORD)

	METHOD_PROLOGUE(CCustomControlSite, DocHostUIHandler)
	return E_NOTIMPL;

STDMETHODIMP CCustomControlSite::XDocHostUIHandler::GetDropTarget( 
            /* [in] */ IDropTarget __RPC_FAR *pDropTarget,
            /* [out] */ IDropTarget __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppDropTarget)
	METHOD_PROLOGUE(CCustomControlSite, DocHostUIHandler)
    return E_NOTIMPL;

STDMETHODIMP CCustomControlSite::XDocHostUIHandler::GetExternal( 
            /* [out] */ IDispatch __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppDispatch)
	return E_NOTIMPL;
	// return the IDispatch we have for extending the object Model
	IDispatch* pDisp = (IDispatch*)theApp.m_pDispOM;
	*ppDispatch = pDisp;
    return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP CCustomControlSite::XDocHostUIHandler::TranslateUrl( 
            /* [in] */ DWORD dwTranslate,
            /* [in] */ OLECHAR __RPC_FAR *pchURLIn,
            /* [out] */ OLECHAR __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppchURLOut)
	METHOD_PROLOGUE(CCustomControlSite, DocHostUIHandler)
    return E_NOTIMPL;
STDMETHODIMP CCustomControlSite::XDocHostUIHandler::FilterDataObject( 
            /* [in] */ IDataObject __RPC_FAR *pDO,
            /* [out] */ IDataObject __RPC_FAR *__RPC_FAR *ppDORet)
	METHOD_PROLOGUE(CCustomControlSite, DocHostUIHandler)
    return E_NOTIMPL;

// Additional code written by Jim Xochellis

COleControlSite* CCustomOccManager::CreateSite(COleControlContainer* pCtrlCont)
COleControlSite *result = NULL;

	if (pCtrlCont != NULL)
	kCCSN_CreateSiteParams params = {pCtrlCont, NULL};

		//Ask the ancestor windows of the WebBrowser control if they wan't
		//to customise it with a custom control site.
		if ( CustomControlSiteSendToAncestors(pCtrlCont->m_pWnd->m_hWnd,
				kCCSN_CreateSite, (LPARAM)&params) )
			result = params.pSite;
		//Fallback to the default control site that MFC provides
		if (result == NULL)
			result = COccManager::CreateSite(pCtrlCont);
	return result;

//Returns TRUE if message has been handled and FALSE otherwise
BOOL CustomControlSiteSendToAncestors(HWND hWnd, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
BOOL hasBeenHandled = FALSE;

	if (hWnd != NULL)
	LRESULT msgResult = 0;

		const UINT WM_CUSTOM_CONTROLSITE_MSG  = RegisterWindowMessage(_T("CustomControlSiteMsg"));

			msgResult = ::SendMessage(hWnd, WM_CUSTOM_CONTROLSITE_MSG, wParam, lParam);

			if (msgResult != 0)
				hasBeenHandled = TRUE;
				hWnd = NULL;
				hWnd = ::GetParent(hWnd);
		while (hWnd != NULL);

	return hasBeenHandled;