> VC++模仿QQ界面风格源码程序 > VC++模仿QQ界面风格/ResizeCtrl.cpp

    // ResizeCtrl.cpp: implementation of the CResizeCtrl class.
// Written by Herbert Menke (
// Copyright (c) 2000.
// This code may be used in compiled form in any way you desire. This
// file may be redistributed unmodified by any means PROVIDING it is 
// not sold for profit without the authors written consent, and 
// providing that this notice and the authors name is included. If 
// the source code in  this file is used in any commercial application 
// then acknowledgement must be made to the author of this file 
// (in whatever form you wish).
// This file is provided "as is" with no expressed or implied warranty.
// Expect bugs.
// Please use and enjoy. Please let me know of any bugs/mods/improvements 
// that you have found/implemented and I will fix/incorporate them into this
// file. 

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "ResizeCtrl.h"
#ifndef __AFXTEMPL_H__
 #include <afxtempl.H>

#ifdef _DEBUG
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[]=__FILE__;
#define new DEBUG_NEW

// Specification struct
struct RSRect
  int left;   // Specifies the percentage change in the position of the left edge 
              // of the object relative to the total change in the parent form抯 width. 
  int top;    // Specifies the percentage change in the position of the top 
              // of the object relative to the total change in the parent form抯 height.
  int width;  // Specifies the percentage change in the width of the object 
              // relative to the total change in the parent form抯 width.
  int height; // Specifies the percentage change in the height of the object 
              // relative to the total change in the parent form抯 height.

struct CRPItemState
  HWND   handle;    // Handle of Control
  RSRect pending;   // pending Resize pixels
  RSRect part;      // resize specifications

class CResizeArray : public CArray<CRPItemState,CRPItemState> { };

static const char m_szResizeProperty[] = "___CResizeCtrl___Class___";

// Construction/Destruction

CResizeCtrl::CResizeCtrl( )
: m_array       ( NULL  )
, m_hWndParent  ( NULL  )
, m_maxPart     ( 100   )
, m_inResize    ( FALSE )
, m_prevWndProc ( NULL  )
, m_enabled     ( FALSE )
, m_minTracking ( CSize( -1, -1 ) )
, m_maxTracking ( CSize( -1, -1 ) )
, m_hitCode     ( 0 )
, m_inMouseMove ( FALSE )
, m_delta       ( CSize( 0, 0 ) )
, m_windowRect  ( CRect( 0, 0, 0, 0 ) )
, m_gripEnabled ( FALSE )

CResizeCtrl::CResizeCtrl( HWND hWndParent, BOOL enable, int maxPart )
: m_array( NULL )
, m_hWndParent  ( NULL  )
, m_maxPart     ( 100   )
, m_inResize    ( FALSE )
, m_prevWndProc ( NULL  )
, m_enabled     ( FALSE )
, m_minTracking ( CSize( -1, -1 ) )
, m_maxTracking ( CSize( -1, -1 ) )
, m_hitCode     ( 0 )
, m_inMouseMove ( FALSE )
, m_delta       ( CSize( 0, 0 ) )
, m_gripEnabled ( FALSE )
  Create( hWndParent, enable, maxPart );


CResizeCtrl::CResizeCtrl( CWnd * wndParent, BOOL enable, int maxPart )
: m_array       ( NULL  )
, m_hWndParent  ( NULL  )
, m_maxPart     ( 100   )
, m_inResize    ( FALSE )
, m_prevWndProc ( NULL  )
, m_enabled     ( FALSE )
, m_minTracking ( CSize( -1, -1 ) )
, m_maxTracking ( CSize( -1, -1 ) )
, m_hitCode     ( 0 )
, m_inMouseMove ( FALSE )
, m_delta       ( CSize( 0, 0 ) )
, m_gripEnabled ( FALSE )
  Create( wndParent, enable, maxPart );

  SetEnabled( FALSE );
  delete m_array;

BOOL CResizeCtrl::Create( CWnd * wndParent, BOOL enable, int maxPart )
  ASSERT( wndParent );
  if( wndParent )
    return Create( wndParent->GetSafeHwnd(), enable, maxPart );
  return FALSE;

BOOL CResizeCtrl::Create( HWND hWndParent, BOOL enable, int maxPart )
  ASSERT( !m_array );
  if( m_array )
    return FALSE;

  m_array = new CResizeArray;
  ASSERT( m_array );
  ASSERT( hWndParent );
  ASSERT( maxPart > 0 );
  m_hWndParent  = hWndParent;
  m_maxPart     = maxPart;
  m_inResize    = FALSE;
  m_prevWndProc = NULL;
  m_enabled     = FALSE;  =  =  =  = -1;
  m_hasResizingBorder = (::GetWindowLong( hWndParent, GWL_STYLE ) & WS_THICKFRAME ) == WS_THICKFRAME;
  if( enable )
    SetEnabled( TRUE );
    ::GetWindowRect( hWndParent , &m_windowRect );
  return TRUE;

// Enabled Property

BOOL CResizeCtrl::SetEnabled( BOOL enable )
  ASSERT ( m_array );

  if( m_enabled != enable )
    ASSERT( m_hWndParent  );
    ::GetWindowRect( m_hWndParent, &m_windowRect );
    // remove subclassing
    if( FALSE == enable )
      ASSERT( m_prevWndProc );
      ::SetWindowLong( m_hWndParent, GWL_WNDPROC, reinterpret_cast<LONG>( m_prevWndProc ) );
      m_prevWndProc = NULL;
      ::RemoveProp( m_hWndParent, m_szResizeProperty );
      if( m_hasResizingBorder == FALSE )
        ChangeStyle( enable );  
      m_hitCode       = 0;      =      = 0;
      m_inResize      = 
      m_inMouseMove   = FALSE;
      //m_hWndFocus     = NULL;

      WNDPROC wndProc = CResizeCtrl::WndProc;
      if( m_hasResizingBorder == FALSE )
        ChangeStyle( enable );  
      CRect   rect;
      ::GetClientRect( m_hWndParent, &rect ); = rect.Width(); = rect.Height();

      ::SetProp( m_hWndParent, m_szResizeProperty, reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(this) );
      m_prevWndProc = reinterpret_cast<WNDPROC>( ::GetWindowLong( m_hWndParent, GWL_WNDPROC ) );
      ::SetWindowLong( m_hWndParent, GWL_WNDPROC, reinterpret_cast<LONG>( wndProc ) );
    m_enabled = enable;
    if( m_gripEnabled )
      GetGripRect( m_gripRect, TRUE );
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;
BOOL CResizeCtrl::GetEnabled() const
  return m_enabled;

// GripEnabled Property

BOOL CResizeCtrl::SetGripEnabled( BOOL showGrip )
  if( m_gripEnabled != showGrip )
    m_gripEnabled = showGrip;
    if( m_enabled )
      GetGripRect( m_gripRect, TRUE );
  return FALSE;
BOOL CResizeCtrl::GetGripEnabled() const
  return m_gripEnabled;

// resizeInfo is a null terminated array of CResizeInfo

BOOL CResizeCtrl::Add( const CResizeInfo * resizeInfo )
  ASSERT ( m_array );

  BOOL result = TRUE;
  while( result == TRUE && resizeInfo->ctlID > 0 )
    result &= Add( resizeInfo->ctlID,
                   resizeInfo->height );
  return result;

BOOL CResizeCtrl::Add( int ctlID,  int left, int top, int width, int height )
  ASSERT ( m_array );

  return Add( ::GetDlgItem( m_hWndParent, ctlID), left, top, width, height );

BOOL CResizeCtrl::Add( CWnd * wndCtl, int left, int top, int width, int height )
  ASSERT ( m_array );

  if( wndCtl )
    return Add( wndCtl->GetSafeHwnd(), left, top, width, height );
  return FALSE;


BOOL CResizeCtrl::Add(HWND hWndCtl, int left, int top, int width, int height)
  ASSERT ( m_array );

  if( left < 0 || left > m_maxPart )
    return FALSE;
  if( top < 0 || top > m_maxPart )
    return FALSE;
  if( width < 0 || width > m_maxPart )
    return FALSE;
  if( height < 0 || height > m_maxPart )
    return FALSE;

  if( ( left + width ) > m_maxPart )
    return FALSE;
  if( ( top + height) > m_maxPart )
    return FALSE;

  if( !::IsWindow( hWndCtl))
    return FALSE;

  CRPItemState item;

  item.part.left   = left;    = top;
  item.part.width  = width;
  item.part.height = height;
  item.pending.left   =    =
  item.pending.width  =
  item.pending.height = 0;
  item.handle         = hWndCtl;

  return m_array->Add( item ) >= 0 ;

BOOL CResizeCtrl::Remove( int ctlID )
  ASSERT ( m_array );

  return Remove( ::GetDlgItem( m_hWndParent, ctlID ) );

BOOL CResizeCtrl::Remove( CWnd * wndCtl )
  ASSERT ( m_array );

  if( wndCtl )
    return Remove( wndCtl->GetSafeHwnd () );
  return FALSE;  

BOOL CResizeCtrl::Remove(HWND hWndCtl)
  ASSERT ( m_array );

  if( !::IsWindow( hWndCtl))
    return FALSE;

  int upperBound = m_array->GetUpperBound ();
  for( int current = 0; current <= upperBound; current++ )
    if( m_array->GetAt( current ).handle == hWndCtl )
      m_array->RemoveAt( current );
      return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

BOOL CResizeCtrl::GetWindowRect( RECT * rect )
  if( rect )
    *rect = m_windowRect;
    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
BOOL CResizeCtrl::CalcValue(int delta, int part, int & pending, long &position, BOOL isSize)
  if( part > 0 )
    int toAdd = ( delta * part ) + pending;
    if( toAdd != 0 )
      position  += ( toAdd / m_maxPart );
      pending    =   toAdd % m_maxPart ;
      // avoid negative width or height
      if( TRUE == isSize && position < 0 )
        pending += ( position * m_maxPart );
        position = 0;
      return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

void CResizeCtrl::Resize(int cx, int cy)
  ASSERT ( m_array );

  if( FALSE == m_inResize )
    m_inResize     = TRUE;
    int upperBound = m_array->GetUpperBound();
    if( upperBound >= 0 )
      int deltaX = cx -;
      int deltaY = cy -;

      if( deltaX != 0 || deltaY != 0 )
        CRPItemState * items = m_array->GetData();
        HDWP  hdwp = ::BeginDeferWindowPos( 0 );
        for( int current = 0; current <= upperBound; current++, items++ )
          RECT rcItem;
          ::GetWindowRect( items->handle, & rcItem );
          ::MapWindowPoints( HWND_DESKTOP, m_hWndParent, (LPPOINT)(RECT*)&rcItem, 2 );
          rcItem.right  -= rcItem.left;
          rcItem.bottom -=;

          BOOL changed = FALSE;
          changed |= CalcValue( deltaX, items->part.left,   items->pending.left,   rcItem.left,   FALSE );
          changed |= CalcValue( deltaX, items->part.width,  items->pending.width,  rcItem.right,  TRUE );
          changed |= CalcValue( deltaY, items->,    items->,,    FALSE );
          changed |= CalcValue( deltaY, items->part.height, items->pending.height, rcItem.bottom, TRUE );

          if( changed )
            hdwp = ::DeferWindowPos( hdwp, items->handle, NULL,
                                     rcItem.right, rcItem.bottom, SWP_NOZORDER	);

        ::EndDeferWindowPos( hdwp ); = cx; = cy;
    m_inResize = FALSE;

LRESULT CALLBACK CResizeCtrl::WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
  LRESULT result = 0;
  CResizeCtrl * This = reinterpret_cast<CResizeCtrl *>(::GetProp( hWnd, m_szResizeProperty ));
  if( This )
    WNDPROC prevWndProc = This->m_prevWndProc;
    if( FALSE == This->ProcessMessage( msg, wParam, lParam, result ) )
      result =  ::CallWindowProc( prevWndProc, hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam );
  return result;

void CResizeCtrl::ChangeStyle(BOOL enable)
  ASSERT( m_hWndParent );
  ASSERT( m_hasResizingBorder == FALSE );
  CRect rect;
  BOOL hasMenu = ::GetMenu( m_hWndParent ) != NULL;
  long style   = ::GetWindowLong( m_hWndParent, GWL_STYLE );
  ::GetWindowRect( m_hWndParent, &rect );
  // retrieve client Rectangle
  RECT oldClientRect;
  ::GetClientRect( m_hWndParent, &oldClientRect );
  RECT newClientRect = oldClientRect;
  // adjust rect with current style
  ::AdjustWindowRect( &oldClientRect, style, hasMenu );

  if( enable )
    style |= WS_THICKFRAME;
    style &= ~WS_THICKFRAME;
  // adjust rect with new style
  ::AdjustWindowRect( &newClientRect, style, hasMenu );

  // and adjust the windowrect, so that the clientrect remains equal
  rect.left   += ( newClientRect.left   - oldClientRect.left );
  rect.right  += ( newClientRect.right  - oldClientRect.right );    += (    -   );
  rect.bottom += ( newClientRect.bottom - oldClientRect.bottom );
  ::SetWindowLong( m_hWndParent, GWL_STYLE, style );
  ::SetWindowPos ( m_hWndParent, HWND_DESKTOP, rect.left,, rect.Width(), rect.Height(),
                   SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE  );


BOOL CResizeCtrl::ProcessMessage(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT & result)
  BOOL handled = FALSE;
  if( m_gripEnabled && WM_NCHITTEST == message )
    POINT pt = { (int)LOWORD(lParam), (int)HIWORD(lParam) };
    ::ScreenToClient( m_hWndParent, &pt);
    if( ::PtInRect ( m_gripRect, pt ) )
      result  = HTBOTTOMRIGHT;
      handled = TRUE;
  else if( m_gripEnabled && WM_PAINT == message )
    // First let the previous windowproc handle the WM_SIZE message
    result = ::CallWindowProc( m_prevWndProc, m_hWndParent, message, wParam, lParam );
    HDC hDC = ::GetDC( m_hWndParent );
    DrawFrameControl(hDC, &m_gripRect, DFC_SCROLL, DFCS_SCROLLSIZEGRIP);
    ::ReleaseDC( m_hWndParent, hDC ); 
    // flag message handled
    handled = TRUE;
  else if( WM_DESTROY == message )
    // Remove subclassing
    SetEnabled( FALSE );
  else if( WM_SIZE == message )
    // First let the previous windowproc handle the WM_SIZE message
    result = ::CallWindowProc( m_prevWndProc, m_hWndParent, message, wParam, lParam );
    // resize all registered controls
    Resize( (int)LOWORD(lParam) , (int)HIWORD(lParam) );
    if( m_gripEnabled )
      ::InvalidateRect( m_hWndParent, m_gripRect, TRUE );
      GetGripRect( m_gripRect, TRUE );
    // flag message handled
    handled = TRUE;
  else if( WM_GETMINMAXINFO == message )
    // First let the previous windowproc handle the WM_GETMINMAXINFO message
    result = ::CallWindowProc( m_prevWndProc, m_hWndParent, message, wParam, lParam );
    if( == -1 ) = lpMMI->ptMinTrackSize.x;

    if( == -1 ) = lpMMI->ptMinTrackSize.y;

    if( == -1 ) = lpMMI->ptMaxTrackSize.x;
    if( == -1 ) = lpMMI->ptMaxTrackSize.y;

    lpMMI->ptMinTrackSize.x =;
    lpMMI->ptMinTrackSize.y =;
    lpMMI->ptMaxTrackSize.x =;
    lpMMI->ptMaxTrackSize.y =;
    // flag message handled
    handled = TRUE;
    // if the original window had no resizing border
    // we must serve WM_MOUSE, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN and
    // WM_LBUTTONUP to enable resizing
    if( !m_hasResizingBorder )
    	POINT mousePostion;
   	  RECT  currentRect;

      if( WM_MOUSEMOVE == message )
		    if (m_hitCode && !m_inMouseMove )
			    m_inMouseMove = TRUE;
          ::GetCursorPos( &mousePostion );
			    mousePostion.x +=;
			    mousePostion.y +=;
          RECT  m_previsionRect;

          ::GetWindowRect( m_hWndParent, &currentRect );
			    m_previsionRect = currentRect;

			    switch( m_hitCode )
			      case HTTOPLEFT     : currentRect.left   = mousePostion.x; // fall through
			      case HTTOP         :    = mousePostion.y;	break;

			      case HTBOTTOMRIGHT : currentRect.right  = mousePostion.x; // fall through
			      case HTBOTTOM      : currentRect.bottom = mousePostion.y; break;

			      case HTBOTTOMLEFT  : currentRect.bottom = mousePostion.y; // fall through
			      case HTLEFT        : currentRect.left   = mousePostion.x;	break;

			      case HTTOPRIGHT    :    = mousePostion.y; // fall through
			      case HTRIGHT       : currentRect.right  = mousePostion.x;	break;
			    if (!::EqualRect( &currentRect, &m_previsionRect ))
            int width  = currentRect.right - currentRect.left;
            int height = currentRect.bottom -;
				    ::SetWindowPos( m_hWndParent, HWND_DESKTOP, currentRect.left,,	
                            width, height, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE );
			    m_inMouseMove = FALSE;
      else if( WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN == message )
        ::GetCursorPos( &mousePostion );
		    ::GetWindowRect( m_hWndParent, &currentRect );

		    m_hitCode  = wParam; = = 0;

		    switch( m_hitCode )
		      case HTTOPLEFT     : = currentRect.left   - mousePostion.x; // fall through
		      case HTTOP         : =    - mousePostion.y; break;

		      case HTBOTTOMRIGHT : = currentRect.right  - mousePostion.x; // fall through
		      case HTBOTTOM      : = currentRect.bottom - mousePostion.y; break;

          case HTBOTTOMLEFT  : = currentRect.bottom - mousePostion.y; // fall through
		      case HTLEFT        : = currentRect.left   - mousePostion.x; break;

          case HTTOPRIGHT    : =    - mousePostion.y; // fall through
		      case HTRIGHT       : = currentRect.right  - mousePostion.x; break;

          default            : m_hitCode = 0; break;

		    if (m_hitCode)
			    ::SetCapture( m_hWndParent );

      else if( WM_LBUTTONUP == message )
  		  if (m_hitCode != 0)
			    m_hitCode   = 0;
  return handled;
// MinMaxInfo Support

BOOL  CResizeCtrl::SetMinimumTrackingSize( const CSize & size )
  m_minTracking = size;
  return TRUE;
BOOL  CResizeCtrl::SetMinimumTrackingSize()
  RECT  rect;
  ::GetWindowRect( m_hWndParent, &rect );
  return SetMinimumTrackingSize( CSize( rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - ) );
CSize CResizeCtrl::GetMinimumTrackingSize( )
  return m_minTracking;

BOOL  CResizeCtrl::SetMaximumTrackingSize( const CSize & size )
  m_maxTracking = size;
  return TRUE;
CSize CResizeCtrl::GetMaximumTrackingSize( )
  return m_maxTracking;

void CResizeCtrl::GetGripRect(RECT & rect, BOOL redraw)
  GetClientRect( m_hWndParent, &rect );
  rect.left = rect.right  - ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL) ;  = rect.bottom - ::GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYHSCROLL) ;
  if( redraw )
    ::InvalidateRect( m_hWndParent, &rect, TRUE );