> weenCompany闻名企业网站系统 4.0.0 繁体中英文 UTF8源码程序 > admin/authenticate.php

// +---------------------------------------------+
// |     Copyright 2003-2005 weenCompany |
// |               |
// |     This file may not be redistributed.     |
// +---------------------------------------------+

  die('File not found!');

// ########################## LOAD ADMIN SESSION #############################


define('USERIP',                 addslashes(substr($userip, 0, 15)));
define('USERAGENT', substr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 0, 252));
define('COOKIE_PREFIX', 'cwsa');
define('ONE_YEAR',                 60*60*24*365);

$sessioncreated = false;

$loginerrors = array();

$usersettings = array();

if(!isset($mainsettings['admincookietimeout']) || !is_numeric($mainsettings['admincookietimeout']) || $mainsettings['admincookietimeout'] <= 0)
  $mainsettings['admincookietimeout'] = 1800;

function CreateSession($userid)
  global $DB;

  $loggedin = $userid == 0 ? 0 : 1;

  $session = array('sessionid'    => md5(uniqid(USERIP)),
                   'userid'       => intval($userid),
                   'ipaddress'    => USERIP,
                   'useragent'    => USERAGENT,
                   'lastactivity' => TIMENOW,
                   'location'     => 'Admin Panel',
                   'loggedin'     => $loggedin);

  $DB->query("REPLACE INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "sessions (sessionid, userid, ipaddress, useragent, lastactivity, location, loggedin, admin)
              VALUES ('" . addslashes($session['sessionid']) . "', '" . $session['userid'] . "', '" . addslashes($session['ipaddress']) . "',
                      '" . addslashes($session['useragent']) . "', '" . $session['lastactivity'] . "',
                      '" . addslashes($session['location'])  . "',  '" . $session['loggedin'] . "', 1) ");
  $DB->query("REPLACE INTO " . OLDTABLE_PREFIX . "sessions (sessionid, userid, ipaddress, useragent, lastactivity, location, loggedin, admin)
              VALUES ('" . addslashes($session['sessionid']) . "', '" . $session['userid'] . "', '" . addslashes($session['ipaddress']) . "',
                      '" . addslashes($session['useragent']) . "', '" . $session['lastactivity'] . "',
                      '" . addslashes($session['location'])  . "',  '" . $session['loggedin'] . "', 1) ");

  setcookie(COOKIE_PREFIX . "sessionid", $session['sessionid'], TIMENOW + ONE_YEAR, "/");

  return $session;

// ############################### USER SYSTEM  ################################
// usersystem is fetched in core.php

// check and secure login info
if(isset($_POST['loginusername']) OR isset($_POST['loginpassword']))
  // first secure the data
  $_POST['loginusername'] = trim(strip_tags($_POST['loginusername']));
  $_POST['loginpassword'] = trim(strip_tags($_POST['loginpassword']));

  // the admin panel addslashes to post data, lets get rid of that here
  // it's okay becuase addslashes is actually performed in the usersystem files
  $_POST['loginusername'] = stripslashes($_POST['loginusername']);
  // not needed for the password, it will be md5()'d

  // the admin panel doesn't htmlspecialchars() post data, however if using IPB then
  // we will have to htmlspecialchars($loginusername) becuase IPB stores usernames
  // with specialchars as their entities in the database (ex: weenduck' = weenduck&#39;)
  // it should also be noted that weencompany converts ' to &#039;
  // so if using IPB, not only will we htmlspecialchars but we have to fix the single quote
  if($usersystem['name'] == 'Invision Power Board 2')
    $_POST['loginusername'] = str_replace('&#039;', '&#39;', htmlspecialchars($_POST['loginusername'], ENT_QUOTES));
    $_POST['loginpassword'] = str_replace('&#039;', '&#39;', htmlspecialchars($_POST['loginpassword'], ENT_QUOTES));

  // switch database?
  if($usersystem['dbname'] != $dbname)
        // weenCompany is being integrated with a Forum in a different database
        require($rootpath . ADMIN_DIR.'/login/adminlogin_' . $usersystem['queryfile']);
        $usersettings = LoginUser($_POST['loginusername'], $_POST['loginpassword']);

                $loginerrors[] = $usersettings;
                $kickuser = true;
                $session = CreateSession($usersettings['userid']);
        // weenCompany may be integrated with a forum in the same database,
        // or is using the weenCompany User System
        require($rootpath . ADMIN_DIR.'/login/adminlogin_' . $usersystem['queryfile']);
        $usersettings = LoginUser($_POST['loginusername'], $_POST['loginpassword']);

                $loginerrors[] = $usersettings;
                $kickuser = true;
                $session = CreateSession($usersettings['userid']);
else if (isset($_GET['logout']))
        setcookie(COOKIE_PREFIX . "sessionid", "", TIMENOW + ONE_YEAR, "/");

        if($session['userid'] > 0)
                $DB->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "sessions WHERE userid = $session[userid] AND admin = 1");

                // delete sessions with same sessionid
                  $DB->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "sessions WHERE sessionid = '" . addslashes($sessionid) . "'");
        // ############################## FIND SESSIONID ###############################

                $sessionid = $_POST['s'];
        else if(!empty($_GET['s']))
                $sessionid = $_GET['s'];
                $sessionid = isset($_COOKIE[COOKIE_PREFIX . 'sessionid']) ? $_COOKIE[COOKIE_PREFIX . 'sessionid'] : '';

        // ############################# CHECK IF SESSION ##############################

				$sql = "SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "sessions
                               WHERE sessionid    = '$sessionid'
                               AND   lastactivity > " . (TIMENOW - $mainsettings['admincookietimeout']) . "
                               AND   useragent    = '" . addslashes(USERAGENT) . "'
                               AND         admin = 1";

                $session = $DB->query_first($sql);

                $DB->query("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "sessions SET useragent    = '" . addslashes(USERAGENT) . "',
                                                      lastactivity = " . TIMENOW . ",
                                                      location     = '$location'
                                                WHERE sessionid    = '" . addslashes($session['sessionid']) . "' ");

                // switch database?
                if($usersystem['dbname'] != $dbname)
                        // weenCompany is being integrated with a Forum in a different database
                        require($rootpath . ADMIN_DIR.'/login/adminlogin_' . $usersystem['queryfile']);
                        $usersettings = GetUser($session['userid']);
                        // weenCompany may be integrated with a forum in the same database,
                        // or is using the weenCompany User System
                        require($rootpath . ADMIN_DIR.'/login/adminlogin_' . $usersystem['queryfile']);
                        $usersettings = GetUser($session['userid']);

// This will also delete 'normal' weenCompany sessions but that's OK
$DB->query("DELETE FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "sessions WHERE lastactivity < " . intval(TIMENOW - $mainsettings['admincookietimeout']));

if(count($usersettings) <= 0)
        $usersettings = array('userid'         => -1,
                      'usergroupids'   => '',
                      'username'       => '',
                      'loggedin'       => 0,
                      'email'          => '',
                      'timezoneoffset' => 0,
                      'dstonoff'       => 0,
                      'dstauto'        => 0,
                      'sessionurl'     => '');

$userinfo = GetUserInfo($usersettings);

// ############################# AUTHENTICATE USER #############################

if($userinfo['userid'] > 0)
  // kick user if not admin or mod
  if(!$userinfo['adminaccess'] AND count($userinfo['moduleadminids']) == 0 AND count($userinfo['custommoduleadminids']) == 0)
    $kickuser = true;
    $loginerrors[] = '<b>無權進入後臺管理!</b>';
  $kickuser = true;

// is the user a moderator?
if(count($userinfo['moduleadminids']) != 0 OR count($userinfo['custommoduleadminids']) != 0)
  // and does this moderator have access to this page?
  if(!$userinfo['adminaccess'] AND !defined('MOD_ACCESS'))
    $kickuser = true;
    $loginerrors[] = '進入失敗: 無權進入此頁!';

// if mod, then make sure he has access to the module
  // check if the user is in a module
  if(isset($_GET['moduleid']) AND !@in_array($_GET['moduleid'], $userinfo['moduleadminids']))
    $kickuser = true;
    $loginerrors[] = '進入失敗: 無權進入此模塊!';

  // check if the user is in a custom module
  if(isset($_GET['custommoduleid']) AND !@in_array($_GET['custommoduleid'], $userinfo['custommoduleadminids']))
    $kickuser = true;
    $loginerrors[] = '進入失敗: 無權進入此模塊!';

  if(defined('CUSTOM_MODULE') AND !is_numeric($_GET['custommoduleid']) AND !is_numeric($_POST['custommoduleid']))
    $kickuser = true;
    $loginerrors[] = '進入失敗: 無權進入此模塊!';

if(isset($kickuser) OR isset($_GET['login']))
  if(defined('ADMIN_LOGIN') OR $_GET['login'])
    header("Location: index.php");

// ############################# LOAD ADMIN STYLE ##############################

$stylefolder = 'advanced';
$stylepath   = 'styles/' . $stylefolder . '/';
