> 精典源码Delphi070:龙邦进销存源码源码程序 > 精典源码Delphi070:龙邦进销存源码源码程序/精典源码Delphi070:龙邦进销存源码/龙邦进销存源码/FastReport2.5/Changes.txt

    Changes in v2.5:

- XLS export over OLE (slow)
- Bitmaps export BMP, JPEG, TIFF - color and monochrome
- RTF Export (beta)
- TfrReport properties:
  ReportComment, ReportName, ReportAutor, ReportDate, ReportLastChange,
  ReportPasswordProtected, ReportPassword, Advanced ReportVersion 
  (major, minor, release, build)
- Global script variables ReportComment, ReportName, ReportAutor,
  ReportDate, ReportLastChange, ReportPasswordProtected, ReportPassword,
  Advanced ReportVersion (major, minor, release, build) 
- New advanced CrossTab
- Save to FR3.0 Xml format optional in Designer
- script editor highlight switch (on/off)
- Undo on/off in designer
- Prepared page run-time modification 
- Report rebuild on printer change (TfrReport: RebuildPrinter)
- FieldIsNull function in script

- correct break words
- TfrPrintTable bugfixes and additions (Title, DoublePass, PreviewButtons, etc)
- composite report bugfixes
- BarCode correct resize
- Correct align by grid on create new object in designer
- Field names with dots in dictionary possible
- uncorrect next row Y pos on using MemoView together with SubReport
- Minor bug fixes.

Changes in v2.47:
- Delphi7 support;
- Script editor with syntax highligt;
- Default Jpeg support;
- Full Bi-directional text output
- Minor bug fixes.

Changes in v2.46:
- Minor bug fixes.

Changes in v2.45:
- Bug fixes (cross-tab and kernel);
- Added visualization in the cross-tab editor;
- Added new type for BandAlign property: baRest; improved align of objects
  with baLeft, baRight;
- Added Greek and Taiwan resources.

Changes in v2.44:
- Minor bug fixes;
- Added new cross-tab object (see frdemo, "Advanced cross-tab" report);
- Added property TfrReport.ShowPrintDialog;
- Improved "text search" function in preview;
- Added support of right-to-left languages.

Changes in v2.43:
- Minor bug fixes;
- Added Delphi6 dbExpress DBXComponents (see FR\SOURCE\DBX);
- Added properties TfrDesigner.OpenDir, SaveDir;
- Added property TfrReport.PrintIfEmpty;
- String resources now have relative numbering (see files fr_lng1..5.rc).
  You can easily move the resource range by changing frRes constant in
  FR_Const.pas file and recompiling the resource files;
- Fixes, changes and additions in the powerpack.

Changes in v2.42:
- Minor bug fixes;
- Improved work with function libraries;
- Added package for BCB5;
- Added package for Delphi6.

Changes in v2.41:
- Minor bug fixes.

Changes in v2.4 release:
- Minor bug fixes;
- Added support of several languages at one time (see
  RES\English\FR_Eng.dpr file);
- Added Object Inspector localization (see RES\...\FR_Lng5.rc file);
- Added "Unlimited height" option for designer page - in case if you have
  not enough space for all bands. See "Page options" dialog;
- Old datamanager (TfrDataManager) is not installed by default. Remove
  comment from {$DEFINE DATAMANAGER} line in file to install it;
- Added FORMATTEXT function, similar to Delphi FormatMaskText;
- Added EXIT procedure to break script execution.

Changes in v2.4beta14-16:
- Minor bug fixes.

Changes in v2.4beta13:
- Minor bug fixes;
- Added ADOComponents (see FR\SOURCE\ADO);

Changes in v2.4beta12:
- Minor bug fixes;
- Some common dialogs and units moved from SOURCE\BDE to SOURCE dir. It
  simplifies creation of new db-aware components (like BDE and IBX
  components) - you don't need to rewrite it;
- Added template for easy creation of new db-aware components (SOURCE\XXX
  folder). Also added small project (SOURCE\NEWENGIN folder) for renaming
  template names like TfrXXXTable to normal names which you choose;
- Added TfrPage.Visible property. Now you able to change page visibility
  from script. 'Page1' is first page of report, 'Page2' is second one etc;
- Changes in export filters. If you want export report in code, use
  TfrReport.ExportTo(ExportFilter, FileName), where ExportFilter is
  reference to appropriate export component from FR palette (e.g.,
- Added TfrReport.MDIPreview property to allow preview windows work
  properly in MDI applications. Also added new demo called MDI.

Changes in v2.4beta11:
- Bugs fixed;
- Added IBXComponents (see FR\SOURCE\IBX);
- Added new property of GroupHeader band: Master. Now you can group any
  data, not only master data;
- Added INC and DEC procedures.

Changes in v2.4beta10:
- Bugs fixed;
- Added access to objects that placed on other pages of the report;
- Added new align in BandAlign property (all objects): alBottom;
- Now you can change band datasource from script;
- Return back to the ZIP archives (SFX suxx :)

Changes in v2.4beta9:
- Lot of bugs fixed ;)
- Storing fields list in BDEComponents was changed. Check your reports
  which use BDEComponents. You'll need to recreate all lookup fields which
  you define;
- Added new property of Text object: HideZeros;
- Added new shapes to ShapeObject - diagonal lines;
- Added FOR operator in FastReport Pascal;
- Insert Fields window is now resizeable;
- Added new property to all report objects: BandAlign;
- Added new option for bands: PrintChildIfInvisible. If true, print band's
  childs even if band is invisible;
- Changes in Data Dictionary. Check your old reports that uses DD!
- Files set is changed. Now I use self-extracting archives instead of ZIP
  files. Read "Installation" section in readme.txt.

Changes in v2.4beta8:
- Bug fixes;
- Now FR contains only one package as before 2.4b6 because of many bugs
  when using FR designer inside Delphi IDE.
- Methods and indexed properties support in dialog controls;
- Attention: more reliable alghoritm was implemented in aggregate functions
  handling. Check your old reports!

Changes in v2.4beta7:
- Bug fixes;
- Added RX DateEdit control to the Dialog controls;
- New data manager announced. Now only for BDE (see "ENDUSER1" demo).
  To install new data manager, create BDE folder under FR SOURCE folder
  and unzip from to it. Note: use archiver which can
  handle long file names. After unzipping, install FRBDEx.dpk package.

Changes in v2.4beta6:
- Bug fixes;
- Added possibility to excluding particular dataset or entire datamodule from
  all db-related lists (see TfrDataDictionary.DisabledDatasets and code
  of main demo);
- FR package splitted onto five packages:
  . FRToolsX (where X is 3, 4 or 5) - tool controls;
  . FREnginX - report engine;
  . FRAddinX - add-in components and export filters;
  . FRDesgnX - report designer;
  . FRDMngrX - datamanager.
  You should install these packages in this order;
- Added OnBeforePrint property to the report page (see Object Inspector) and
  OnActivate event to the dialog form;
- Now you can tune export options in the export components (TfrTextExport and

Changes in v2.4beta5:
- Bug fixes;
- Added another dialog "Insert DB field". It allows you to insert fields to
  the report by drag&drop necessary field onto report page. Use Insert key
  or "Tools|Toolbars" menu command to bring up this dialog;
- Added package, trial unit and demo for C++Builder 4.0;
- Syntax highlightning components TSyntaxMemo and TDreamMemo are no longer
  supported. Use mwEdit syntax highlighter by Martin Waldenburg (freeware).
  See details in file.

Changes in v2.4beta4:
- Bug fixes;
- Changed main demo (REPORTS), added new reports;
- Extended information about errors during report building and in data
  manager (query properties dialog);
- Saving Data dictionary moved to the designer, "File|Save as..." menu
- "Insert DB field" dialog now inserts aliases instead of real field names
  (if field has alias).

Changes in v2.4beta3:
- Bug fixes;
- Added Data dictionary;
- Some changes in interface;
- Added script syntax checking in memo editor;
- Added TfrReport.PrintPreparedReportDlg method. It shows print dialog
  before printing report.

Changes in v2.4beta2:
- Bug fixes;
- Added TfrReport.OnMouseOverObject event;
- Report designer now created dynamically, so correct your code like
  if frDesigner.Modified ... to the: if frReport1.Modified ...

Changes in v2.4beta1:
- Bug fixes;
- Added dialog designer.

Changes in v2.4beta:
- Fixed old bugs, added new;
- Added mouse wheel support in designer and preview (D4 and above);
- Added Open QBuilder support (by Sergey Orlik) in Data manager - see file for details;
- You can use syntax hilightning in the query properties dialog (needed
  TSyntaxMemo component) - see file for details;
- Added TDreamMemo component support - see file for details;
- Object Inspector now looks like Delphi OI;
- Added expression builder;
- Added possibility of use RX TDateEdit or standard TDateTimePicker (D3+)
  in the query parameters dialog;
- Designer has flat comboboxes;
- More options for "Text" object: line and char spacing, top and left gaps,
  "Suppress repeated values" option;
- Now you can turn off variable processing in the "Text" and "RichText"
  objects. See "Text only" option of these objects;
- All objects have restriction flags. You can disable object editing, moving,
  resizing, deleting;
- You can disable some designer operations programmatically
  (moving, resizing, editing, deleting, saving, loading and etc);
- Added TfrReport.OnObjectClick event. This event fires when user clicks on
  any object when previewing report;
- Added new Child band;
- Improved export filters (frames export in TXT, tables in RTF, pictures
  in HTML); added more export options;
- Added paper bins support;
- Added component for printing table;
- Added "Columns" property for data-bands. See last report in the demo;
- Code changed: TfrReport.OnEnterRect now called OnBeforePrint;
- Code changed: TfrReport.OnUserFunction. Return value now has Variant type;
- Added TfrDesigner.OnLoadReport, OnSaveReport and CloseQuery properties.

Changes in v2.32:
- Added Add-In object TfrRoundRectObject;
- Added double line style;
- Improved text printing: now text strings showed like in designer mode
  independently of preview scaling factor;
- Added syntax hilightning in Script editor. You must install TSyntaxMemo
  component by David Brock to use this feature (see file for details);
- Fixed bug when using TQuery in master-detail link;
- Ctrl+End in preview now works properly;
- Fixed bug when getting picture from empty blob field;
- Fixed bugs in "Insert fields" wizard;
- Now you can attach your own popup-menu to the TfrPreview component;
- Added German, Dutch and Ukrain resources;
- Fixed another bug with TQuery (AV when trying to preview report in
  Delphi IDE);
- Fixed bug - loading report form was incorrect and sometimes gives AV
  when trying to preview report.

Changes in v2.31.2:
- Fixed bugs in RichEdit object editor;
- Fixed bug - non-correct variable inserting in "Insert variable" dialog,
  "Other variables" category;
- Fixed bug - line style does'nt work if line width > 2 in designer mode;
- Fixed bug with inserting CrossXXX band on empty page;
- Added property TfrReport.PreviewButtons for setting which buttons to
  show in preview window;
- Added property TfrReport.InitialZoom for setting initial zoom in preview
- Fixed bug - when editing prepared report if pressing "New report" button
  and then closing designer.
- Fixed bug - assigning TQuery to the TfrDBDataSet.DataSet gives AV in
  Delphi IDE when trying to save report form or entire project;
- Fixed bug - AV when trying to print prepared report;
- Now with English, French, Italian, Russian, Spanish resources.

Changes in v2.31.1:
- Fixed bug with assigning TDataSource to the TfrDBDataSet.DataSource;
- Fixed bug - text search in the prepared report does'nt works;
- Fixed bug - PageDown button in the preview window does'nt works;
- Added property TfrDBDataSet.DataSet: TDataSet for easily connecting to
  datasets with no TDataSource component needed.
- Fixed strange bug - assigning TQuery to the TfrDBDataSet gives AV;
- Fixed fr.cnt file;
- Fixed autosize bug.

Changes in v2.31:
- Fixed some old bugs, added new bugs :)
- Added TfrPreview component for creating custom preview windows;
- Object's frame can have non-integer width (0.01 - 10);
- Changes in code:
  . Parser variable renamed to the frParser;
  . TParser class renamed to the TfrParser;
  . DataModule variable renamed to the frDataModule;
  . use Font: TFont property instead of FontName, FontSize, etc properties
    of TfrMemoView object;
  . added TfrReport.ModifyPrepared: Boolean to disable editing of the
    prepared report.
- Value of query parameter can be taken from the FR variable;
- Page tabs in designer reflects what page you editing: normal page or
  subreport page;
- Added option "Hide band tabs" in designer options;
- Object inspector has sizable window;
- Added Add-in object TfrRXRichObject (RTF 2.0);
- Added Add-in object TfrBarCodeObject;
- Cross-reports now can have variable row height;
- Changed assigning header&footer bands to data bands. Now header&footer
  assigned to the nearest data band;
- Stretched and breaked RichObject;
- Some changes in designer (page margins, column margins);
- Memo editor has sizable window with splitter (between memo and script
- Added ability of insertion FR variables (from frVariables object) visually;
- Added compatibility with the old FRP files;
- Added IBObjects support in reporter core (but not in data manager!);
- Added Interbase Express (IBX), ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) support in
  data manager with no BDE required;
- Added line style.