> CRM源码带手机版ASP源码程序 > M/Order.asp

    <!--#include file="inc.asp"--><!--#include file="../data/EasyCrm.asp"-->
<%Set EasyCrm  = New EasyCRM_CRM%>
action = Trim(Request("action"))
oType = Trim(Request("oType"))
subAction = Trim(Request("subAction"))
PNN = Trim(Request.QueryString("PN"))
if PNN="" then PNN=1 
Session("CRM_thispage") = "Order.asp"
Session("CRM_pagenum") = PNN

	Keyword = EasyCrm.Searchcode(Request("Keyword"))
	if Keyword = "未处理" then
		oState = "0" 
	elseif Keyword = "处理中" then
		oState = "1" 
	elseif Keyword = "已完成" then
		oState = "2" 
	elseif Keyword = "已取消" then
		oState = "3" 
	end if
    If Keyword <> "" Then
		sql = sql & " and ( cid in ( select cid from client where cCompany  like '%"&Keyword&"%' ) "
		sql = sql & " or oLinkman like '%"&Keyword&"%' "
		sql = sql & " or oState = '"&oState&"' "
		sql = sql & " or oUser like '%"&Keyword&"%' "
		sql = sql & " ) "
	End If

If Session("CRM_level") < 9 Then
	sql = sql & " And oUser In (" & arrUser & ")"
end if
<!-- start header -->
    <div id="header">
         <a href="Index.asp"><img src="img/logo.png" width="120" height="40" alt="logo" class="logo" /></a>
         	<a href="Index.asp" class="button back"><img src="img/back-button.png" width="15" height="16" alt="icon" /></a>
         	<a href="#" class="button rightbox"><img src="img/search.png" width="16" height="16" alt="icon"/></a>
        <div class="clear"></div>
    <!-- end header -->
    <!-- start searchbox -->
    <div class="searchbox">
   	  <form id="form1" name="form1" method="get" action="?subAction=searchItem">
      	<input type="text" name="Keyword" id="Keyword" class="txtbox" value="<%=Keyword%>" />
		<blockquote>查询条件: 公司,状态(未处理,处理中,已完成),员工</blockquote>
    <!-- end searchbox -->
    <!-- start page -->
    <div class="page">
            <!-- start list menu -->
            <div class="simplebox">
            	<h1 class="titleh">订单记录</h1>
           	 <ul class="list-menu">
							PN = CLng(ABS(Request("PN")))
							If Not IsNumeric(PN) Or PN <= 0 Then PN = 1
							intPageSize = DataPageSize
							pagenum = intPageSize*(PN-1)
							Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
							IF PN=1 THEN
							rs.Open "Select top "&intPageSize&" * From [Order] where 1 = 1 "&sql&" Order By oId Desc",conn,1,1
							rs.Open "Select top "&intPageSize&" * From [Order] where 1 = 1 "&sql&" and oId < ( SELECT Min(oId) FROM ( SELECT TOP "&pagenum&" oId FROM [Order]  where 1 = 1 "&sql&" ORDER BY oId desc ) AS T ) Order By oId Desc ",conn,1,1
							END IF
							Set Rsstr=conn.Execute("Select count(oId) As RecordSum From [Order] where 1 = 1 "&sql&" ",1,1)
							if Int(TotalRecords/intPageSize)=TotalRecords/intPageSize then
							end if
							Set Rsstr=Nothing
							If PN > TotalPages Then PN = TotalPages
							If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
							Do While Not rs.BOF And Not rs.EOF
             	<li><a href="GetUpdate.asp?action=Client&sType=View&otype=Order&cid=<%=rs("cId")%>"><b><%=EasyCrm.getNewItem("Client","cID",rs("cId"),"cCompany")%></b> 
				<%if rs("oUser")<>"" then%>业务员 : <%=rs("oUser")%> <%end if%> <%if rs("oLinkman")<>"" then%>联系人 : <%=rs("oLinkman")%> <%end if%> <BR>
				<%if rs("oSDate")<>"" then%>订单期限 : <%=EasyCrm.FormatDate(rs("oSDate"),2)%>&nbsp;<%end if%> <%if rs("oEDate")<>"" then%>~&nbsp;<%=EasyCrm.FormatDate(rs("oEDate"),2)%> <%end if%> <BR>
				<%if rs("oDeposit")<>"" then%>预付款 : <%=rs("oDeposit")%> <%end if%> <%if rs("oMoney")<>"" then%>总金额 : <%=rs("oMoney")%> <%end if%> <%if rs("oState")<>"" then%>状态 : <%if rs("oState") = 0 then%><font color=red>未处理</font><%elseif rs("oState") = 1 then%><font color=blue>处理中</font><%elseif rs("oState") = 2 then%><font color=green>已完成</font><%elseif rs("oState") = 3 then%><font color=DoderBlue>已取消</font><%end if%><%end if%> <%if rs("oContent")<>"" then%><BR><%=rs("oContent")%><%end if%> </a> </li>
							end if
							Set rs = Nothing
            <!-- end list menu -->

            <%=pagelist("Order.asp?Keyword="&Keyword&"", PN,TotalPages,TotalRecords)%>
    <div class="clear"></div>
    <!-- end page -->  
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/frame.js"></script>
<% Set EasyCrm = nothing %>