> 基于matlab软件,实现双目视觉原理的摄像机标定,能根据各视场图像求内、外部参数 > 基于matlab软件,实现双目视觉原理的摄像机标定,能根据各视场图像求内、外部参数/TOOLBOX_calib/rectify_stereo_pair.m

    % rectify_stereo_pair.m
% Script file that rectifies a set of stereo images after stereo calibration
% This script loads the stereo calibration file Calib_Results_stereo generated by calib_stereo.m
% Therefore, type help calib_stereo for more information.

if ~exist('fc_right')|~exist('cc_right')|~exist('kc_right')|~exist('alpha_c_right')|~exist('fc_left')|~exist('cc_left')|~exist('kc_left')|~exist('alpha_c_left')|~exist('om')|~exist('T')
    if exist('Calib_Results_stereo.mat')~=2,
        fprintf(1,'No stereo calibration data.\n');
        fprintf(1,'\nLoading the stereo calibration file Calib_Results_stereo.mat.\n');
        load Calib_Results_stereo; % Load the stereo calibration result

fprintf(1,'\nCalculating the rotation to be applied to the right and left images in order to bring the epipolar lines aligned with the horizontal scan lines, and in correspondence...\n\n');

R = rodrigues(om);

% Bring the 2 cameras in the same orientation by rotating them "minimally": 
r_r = rodrigues(-om/2);
r_l = r_r';
t = r_r * T;

% Rotate both cameras so as to bring the translation vector in alignment with the (1;0;0) axis:
if abs(t(1)) > abs(t(2)),
    type_stereo = 0;
    uu = [1;0;0]; % Horizontal epipolar lines
    type_stereo = 1;
    uu = [0;1;0]; % Vertical epipolar lines
if dot(uu,t)<0,
    uu = -uu; % Swtich side of the vector 
ww = cross(t,uu);
ww = ww/norm(ww);
ww = acos(abs(dot(t,uu))/(norm(t)*norm(uu)))*ww;
R2 = rodrigues(ww);

% Global rotations to be applied to both views:
R_R = R2 * r_r;
R_L = R2 * r_l;

% The resulting rigid motion between the two cameras after image rotations (substitutes of om, R and T):
R_new = eye(3);
om_new = zeros(3,1);
T_new = R_R*T;

% Computation of the *new* intrinsic parameters for both left and right cameras:

% Vertical focal length *MUST* be the same for both images (here, we are trying to find a focal length that retains as much information contained in the original distorted images):
if kc_left(1) < 0,
    fc_y_left_new = fc_left(2) * (1 + kc_left(1)*(nx^2 + ny^2)/(4*fc_left(2)^2));
    fc_y_left_new = fc_left(2);
if kc_right(1) < 0,
    fc_y_right_new = fc_right(2) * (1 + kc_right(1)*(nx^2 + ny^2)/(4*fc_right(2)^2));
    fc_y_right_new = fc_right(2);
fc_y_new = min(fc_y_left_new,fc_y_right_new);

% For simplicity, let's pick the same value for the horizontal focal length as the vertical focal length (resulting into square pixels):
fc_left_new = round([fc_y_new;fc_y_new]);
fc_right_new = round([fc_y_new;fc_y_new]);

% Select the new principal points to maximize the visible area in the rectified images

cc_left_new = [(nx-1)/2;(ny-1)/2] - mean(project_points2([normalize_pixel([0  nx-1 nx-1 0; 0 0 ny-1 ny-1],fc_left,cc_left,kc_left,alpha_c_left);[1 1 1 1]],rodrigues(R_L),zeros(3,1),fc_left_new,[0;0],zeros(5,1),0),2);
cc_right_new = [(nx-1)/2;(ny-1)/2] - mean(project_points2([normalize_pixel([0  nx-1 nx-1 0; 0 0 ny-1 ny-1],fc_right,cc_right,kc_right,alpha_c_right);[1 1 1 1]],rodrigues(R_R),zeros(3,1),fc_right_new,[0;0],zeros(5,1),0),2);

% For simplivity, set the principal points for both cameras to be the average of the two principal points.
if ~type_stereo,
    %-- Horizontal stereo
    cc_y_new = (cc_left_new(2) + cc_right_new(2))/2;
    cc_left_new = [cc_left_new(1);cc_y_new];
    cc_right_new = [cc_right_new(1);cc_y_new];
    %-- Vertical stereo
    cc_x_new = (cc_left_new(1) + cc_right_new(1))/2;
    cc_left_new = [cc_x_new;cc_left_new(2)];
    cc_right_new = [cc_x_new;cc_right_new(2)];

% Of course, we do not want any skew or distortion after rectification:
alpha_c_left_new = 0;
alpha_c_right_new = 0;
kc_left_new = zeros(5,1);
kc_right_new = zeros(5,1);

% The resulting left and right camera matrices:
KK_left_new = [fc_left_new(1) fc_left_new(1)*alpha_c_left_new cc_left_new(1);0 fc_left_new(2) cc_left_new(2); 0 0 1];
KK_right_new = [fc_right_new(1) fc_right_new(1)*alpha_c_right cc_right_new(1);0 fc_right_new(2) cc_right_new(2); 0 0 1];

% The sizes of the images are the same:
nx_right_new = nx;
ny_right_new = ny;
nx_left_new = nx;
ny_left_new = ny;

% Save the resulting extrinsic and intrinsic paramters into a file:
fprintf(1,'Saving the *NEW* set of intrinsic and extrinsic parameters corresponding to the images *AFTER* rectification under Calib_Results_stereo_rectified.mat...\n\n');
save Calib_Results_stereo_rectified om_new R_new T_new  fc_left_new cc_left_new kc_left_new alpha_c_left_new KK_left_new fc_right_new cc_right_new kc_right_new alpha_c_right_new KK_right_new nx_right_new ny_right_new nx_left_new ny_left_new

% Let's rectify the entire set of calibration images:

fprintf(1,'Pre-computing the necessary data to quickly rectify the images (may take a while depending on the image resolution, but needs to be done only once - even for color images)...\n\n');

% Pre-compute the necessary indices and blending coefficients to enable quick rectification: 
[Irec_junk_left,ind_new_left,ind_1_left,ind_2_left,ind_3_left,ind_4_left,a1_left,a2_left,a3_left,a4_left] = rect_index(zeros(ny,nx),R_L,fc_left,cc_left,kc_left,alpha_c_left,KK_left_new);
[Irec_junk_left,ind_new_right,ind_1_right,ind_2_right,ind_3_right,ind_4_right,a1_right,a2_right,a3_right,a4_right] = rect_index(zeros(ny,nx),R_R,fc_right,cc_right,kc_right,alpha_c_right,KK_right_new);

clear Irec_junk_left

if 0,
    %% Test of rectification for 2 images:
    % left image:
    I = double(rgb2gray(imread('left.jpg')));
    I2 = 255*ones(ny,nx);
    I2(ind_new_left) = uint8(a1_left .* I(ind_1_left) + a2_left .* I(ind_2_left) + a3_left .* I(ind_3_left) + a4_left .* I(ind_4_left));
    % right image:
    I = double(rgb2gray(imread('right.jpg')));
    I2 = 255*ones(ny,nx);
    I2(ind_new_right) = uint8(a1_right .* I(ind_1_right) + a2_right .* I(ind_2_right) + a3_right .* I(ind_3_right) + a4_right .* I(ind_4_right));


% Loop around all the frames now: (if there are images to rectify)

if ~isempty(calib_name_left)&~isempty(calib_name_right),
    fprintf(1,'Rectifying all the images (this should be fast)...\n\n');
    % Rectify all the images: (This is fastest way to proceed: precompute the set of image indices, and blending coefficients before actual image warping!)
    for kk = find(active_images);
        % Left image:
        I = load_image(kk,calib_name_left,format_image_left,type_numbering_left,image_numbers_left,N_slots_left);
        fprintf(1,'Image warping...\n');
        I2 = 255*ones(ny,nx);
        I2(ind_new_left) = uint8(a1_left .* I(ind_1_left) + a2_left .* I(ind_2_left) + a3_left .* I(ind_3_left) + a4_left .* I(ind_4_left));
        write_image(I2,kk,[calib_name_left '_rectified'],format_image_left,type_numbering_left,image_numbers_left,N_slots_left ),
        % Right image:
        I = load_image(kk,calib_name_right,format_image_right,type_numbering_right,image_numbers_right,N_slots_right);
        fprintf(1,'Image warping...\n');
        I2 = 255*ones(ny,nx);
        I2(ind_new_right) = uint8(a1_right .* I(ind_1_right) + a2_right .* I(ind_2_right) + a3_right .* I(ind_3_right) + a4_right .* I(ind_4_right));
        write_image(I2,kk,[calib_name_right '_rectified'],format_image_right,type_numbering_right,image_numbers_right,N_slots_right );