二维细观随机混凝土模型的建立和应用 - matlab文档资料 - 谷速源码
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所属分类: 文档资料 资源类型:文档 文件大小: 1.65 MB 上传时间: 2017-07-08 22:25:41 下载次数: 78 资源积分:1分 提 供 者: admin 20170708102554115
为了建立细观随机混凝土模型,将混凝土假定为由粗骨料和水泥砂浆组成的两相复合材料,根据常用骨料的类型,将其分别假定为圆形、椭圆形、凸多边形3种截面形状,分别给出了二维卵石和碎石骨料的随机投放算法,并利用MATLAB软件编制了相应程序,从而实现了细观层次随机混凝土模型的数值计算。为了使MATLAB生成的随机混凝土模型能被有限元程序调用,并对混凝土物理力学性能作进一步分析,研制了fig2dxf程序,将MATLAB中图形文件转换为.dxf格式,实现了随机骨料模型与有限元软件的无缝对接。研究结果表明:建立的随机骨料模型既满足骨料体积的等效性,又保证了骨料粒径的随机性,骨料含量水平较高;圆形和椭圆形随机混合骨料更符合随机性要求和实际情况;凸多边形骨料随机投放算法简单,同时巧妙地消除了多边形骨料的尖角;利用常用的有限元软件ANSYS等对生成的随机骨料进行网格划分的效果较好;用建立的模型生成标准混凝土试件符合规范要求,并能满足有限元细观分析的需要,为进一步研究混凝土细观物理、力学性能提供了可靠基础。 In order to establish a microscopic random concrete model, the concrete is assumed to be composed of coarse aggregate and cement mortar composed of two-phase composite materials, according to the type of commonly used aggregate, respectively, assumed that the circular, oval, convex polygonal three cross-sectional shape , The random delivery algorithm of two - dimensional pebble and gravel aggregate is given respectively, and the corresponding program is compiled by MATLAB software, and the numerical calculation of the microscopic stratified random concrete model is realized. In order to make the random concrete model generated by MATLAB can be called by finite element program, and further study the physical and mechanical properties of concrete, the fig2dxf program is developed, and the graphic file in MATLAB is transformed into .dxf format, and the random aggregate model and finite element Seamless docking of software. The results show that the random aggregate model not only satisfies the equivalence of the aggregate volume, but also ensures the randomness of aggregate size and the higher level of aggregate. The circular and elliptical random mixed aggregate is more suitable for random Sexual requirements and the actual situation
; Convex polygon random placement algorithm is simple, while cleverly eliminating the sharp edges of the polygon aggregate; the use of commonly used finite element software ANSYS and other random aggregate on the generated mesh is better; with the establishment of the model Standard concrete specimens meet the requirements of the specification, and can meet the needs of finite element mesoscopic analysis, in order to further study the physical and mechanical properties of concrete provides a reliable basis.



关键词: 二维 混凝土 模型

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