OFDM传输技术与研究外文翻译 - matlab文档资料 - 谷速源码
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所属分类: 文档资料 资源类型:文档 文件大小: 3.1 MB 上传时间: 2016-06-07 19:52:06 下载次数: 7 资源积分:1分 提 供 者: xiaopeng2 OFDM传输技术与研究外文翻译
Abstract—Multiple input-multiple output (MIMO) is an attractive technology for future wireless systems. MIMO communication, enabled by the use of multiple transmit and multiple receive antennas, is known for its high spectral efficiency as
well as its robustness against fading and interference. Combining MIMO with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM),it is possible to significantly reduce receiver complexity as OFDM greatly simplifies equalization at the receiver. MIMO-OFDM is currently being considered for a number of developing wireless
standards; consequently, the study of MIMO-OFDM in realistic environments is of great importance. This paper describes an approach for prototyping a MIMO-OFDM system using a flexible software defined radio (SDR) system architecture in conjunction with commercially available hardware. An emphasis on software permits a focus on algorithm and system design issues rather than implementation and hardware configuration. The penalty of this flexibility, however, is that the ease of use comes at the expense of overall throughput. To illustrate the benefits of the proposed
architecture, applications to MIMO-OFDM system prototyping and preliminary MIMO channel measurements are presented. A detailed de ion of the hardware is provided along with downloadable software to reproduce the system. 



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