> 基于风险中性模型的实证模拟 > 基于风险中性模型的实证模拟\文件说明.txt

    住房反向抵押贷款是我国创新以房养老模式的重要金融工具,而其产品定价则是金融机构能否成功开展该项业务的关键。基于风险中性定价思路构建住房反向抵押贷款定价模型并设计MATLAB程序,对我国住房反向抵押贷款业务的产品定价问题进行理论探索和实证模拟。研究结果显示,在一次趸领和终身年金方式下,借款人获得的贷款额均随其年龄增长而稳定增长;在浮动利率计息方式下借款人可获得贷款额大于其在固定利率计息方式下可获得的贷款额;借款人所获贷款额与贷款利率负相关,与房产价值正相关且对贷款利率的敏感性最强。 Housing reverse mortgage is an important financial instrument to innovate in the housing model, and its product pricing is the key to whether the financial institution can successfully carry out the business. Based on the idea of risk neutral pricing, this paper constructs the pricing model of housing reverse mortgage and designs the MATLAB program to carry on the theoretical exploration and the empirical simulation to the product pricing of China 's housing reverse mortgage business. The results show that borrowers' loans are steadily increasing with their age in a single and lifelong annuities; borrowers can get a larger amount of loans than their fixed interest rate in floating rate interest The borrower's loan amount is negatively correlated with the loan interest rate and is positively correlated with the value of the property and is most sensitive to the loan interest rate.