> 浅谈Matlab编程与微分几何简单算法的实现 > 浅谈Matlab编程与微分几何简单算法的实现\文件说明.txt

    微分几何的教学过程中往往由于抽象和运算复杂,使学生难以理解和接受,通过运用Matlab强大的绘图和计算能力,对微分几何中的几个重要概念,向量函数的导数和极限,曲线弧长,曲线的曲率与挠率,通过典型范例运用Matlab编程计算以及图形描绘,教学效果表明Matlab与微分几何结合能有效克服内容抽象,有助于激发学生的学习兴趣。 The process of differential geometry is often due to the complexity of abstract and computational complexity, so that students can not understand and accept, through the use of Matlab powerful drawing and computing power, differential geometry of several important concepts, vector function of the derivative and limit, curve arc length , Curve curvature and torsion, through the typical example of the use of Matlab programming and graphics rendering, teaching results show that Matlab and differential geometry can effectively overcome the content abstraction, help to stimulate students' interest in learning.