> MATLAB环境下河南省公共服务均等化研究——基于泰尔熵指数 > MATLAB环境下河南省公共服务均等化研究——基于泰尔熵指数\文件说明.txt

     目前,公共服务均等化尚不存在公认的评估标准,主观判断占据主导地位。以河南省18个城市为例,尝试在MATLAB环境下构建公共服务指标体系,建立泰尔熵模型并利用泰尔指数来衡量公共服务均等化水平。定量分析得出的结论如下:公共服务均等化的实现需由地方政府部门持续稳定推进;当地政府部门的政策取向很大程度上影响着公共服务的供给水平;制订供给政策时要考虑相关指标在公共服务均等化中所占权重;从实际出发,将区域优势塑造成特色。At present, there is no accepted standard of evaluation of public service equalization, subjective judgment dominates. Taking the 18 cities in Henan Province as an example, we try to build the public service index system in the MATLAB environment, establish the Taylor entropy model and measure the level of public service equalization with the Teller index. Quantitative analysis of the conclusions are as follows: the realization of equalization of public services by the local government departments continue to stabilize the promotion of the local government departments to a large extent, the impact of the supply of public services supply level; the development of supply policy to consider the relevant indicators in Public service equalization in the weight; from the reality, the regional advantages of shaping the characteristics.