> MATLAB的功能及其应用 > MATLAB的功能及其应用\文件说明.txt

    随着信息技术的飞速发展,无论是在人们的日常生产实践中还是在科学研究中,会遇到各种各样的关于数学逻辑的问题,数据处理的问题等等。而作为功能强大的功能计算和数据处理、分析软件的MATLAB为科学工作者带来了巨大的便利。本文介绍了MATLAB的发展历程以及它的影响,并且着重介绍了MATLAB的基本功能和开发大数据的应用流程,以及MATLAB在其工作中的应用。With the rapid development of information technology, both in people's daily production practice or in scientific research, will encounter a variety of mathematical logic on the issue, the problem of data processing and so on. And as a powerful functional computing and data processing, MATLAB analysis software for the scientific workers has brought great convenience. This paper introduces the development of MATLAB and its impact, and focuses on the basic functions of MATLAB and the development of large data application process, and MATLAB in its work in the application.