> ANSYS与MATLAB软件在电磁换向球阀优化设计中的应用 > ANSYS与MATLAB软件在电磁换向球阀优化设计中的应用\文件说明.txt

    采用ANSYS优化模块和MATLAB优化工具箱分别对在超高压工况下的电磁换向球阀的结构尺寸进行优化运算,并对结果进行了分析。结果显示,应用这两种方法均具有程序编写简单、易于上手,运行速度快,效率高,且结果可靠的特点,这两种方法适用于绝大部分液压系统元件的优化设计运算中,尤其适用于不会用C语言编程的工程技术人员使用。 The ANSYS optimization module and the MATLAB optimization toolbox are used to optimize the structural dimensions of the electromagnetic commutation ball valve under the super high pressure condition, and the results are analyzed. The results show that the two methods have the advantages of simple programming, easy to get started, fast running speed, high efficiency and reliable results. These two methods are suitable for the optimal design operation of most hydraulic system components. In the C language programming will not use the engineering and technical personnel.