> qit_matlab_0.10.0工具箱源码程序 > qit/utils/makemovie.m

    function aviobj = makemovie(filename, frameset, plot_func, varargin)
% MAKEMOVIE  Create an AVI movie.
%  aviobj = makemovie(filename, frameset, plot_func [, ...])
%  Creates an AVI movie file named 'filename.avi' in the current directory.
%  Frame k in the movie is obtained from the contents of the
%  current figure after calling plot_func(frameset{k}).
%  The optional extra parameters are passed directly to avifile.
%  Returns the closed avi object handle.
%  Example: makemovie('test', cell_vector_of_states, @(x) plot(x))

% James D. Whitfield 2009
% Ville Bergholm 2009-2010

if (nargin < 3)
  error('Usage: makemovie(filename, frameset, plot_func, ...')

% create an AVI object
aviobj = avifile(filename, varargin{:});

fig = figure('Visible', 'off');

for k = 1:length(frameset)

  aviobj = addframe(aviobj, fig);

%  F = getframe(fig);   
%  aviobj = addframe(aviobj, F);

aviobj = close(aviobj);