> qit_matlab_0.10.0工具箱源码程序 > qit/@state/to_ket.m

    function s = to_ket(s)
% TO_KET  Convert state representation into a ket (if possible).
%  q = to_ket(s)
%  If the state s is pure, returns a copy of s for which the
%  internal representation of the state ( is guaranteed to
%  be a ket vector.

% Ville Bergholm 2009-2011

global qit;

if is_ket(s)
  return; % already a ket, nothing to do
  % state op
  if (abs(purity(s) - 1) > qit.tol)
    error('The state is not pure, and thus cannot be represented using a ket vector.')
  [v, d] = eig(;
  d = real(diag(d)); % state ops are Hermitian
  [d, I] = sort(d); = v(:, I(end)); % corresponds to the highest eigenvalue, i.e. 1
  s = fix_phase(s); % clean up global phase

  s.dim{2} = 1;