> qit_matlab_0.10.0工具箱源码程序 > qit/+invariant/LU.m

    function I = LU(rho, k, perms)
% Local unitary polynomial invariants of quantum states.
%  I = LU(rho, k, perms)
%  Computes the permutation invariant I_{k; p1, p2, ..., pn} for the state rho.
%  perms is a cell vector containing n permutation vectors, one for
%  each subsystem in the state.
%  NOTE: Full permutation vectors, NOT cycles!
%  k is the order/degree of the invariant (number of copies of rho in the
%  corresponding diagram). Each pj must thus be a k-permutation.
%  Example: I_{3; (123),(12)}(rho) = LU_inv(rho, 3, {[2 3 1], [2 1 3]})
%  This function can be very inefficient for some invariants, since
%  it does no partial traces etc. which might simplify the calculation.

% shortcut: permutation [a b] means swap a with b...

% Ville Bergholm 2011-2014

n = length(perms);
if n ~= rho.subsystems()
    error('Need one permutation per subsystem.')

for j = 1:n
  perms{j} = perm_convert(perms{j}, k);

% splice k sequential copies of the entire system into k copies of each subsystem
s = reshape(1:n*k, [k, n]).';
s = s(:).';

% permute the k copies of each subsystem
temp = kron(k*(0:n-1), ones(1, k));
p = cell2mat(perms) + temp;

% Permutations: a*b = a(b), x = y * z^{-1}  <=>  x * z = x(z) = y.
s_inv(s) = 1:n*k;
total = s_inv(p(s)); % total = s^{-1} * p * s

% TODO this could be done much more efficiently
I = trace(reorder(tensor_pow(rho, k), {total, []}));

function ret = perm_convert(p, k)
% interpret shortcut permutations

id = 1:k; % identity permutation

% troublesome case (not a swap!)
if k == 2 && isequal(p, [1 2])
  p = [];

switch length(p)
  case 0
    % [], identity
    ret = id;

  case 2
    % swap two subsystems
    ret = id;
    ret(p(1)) = p(2);
    ret(p(2)) = p(1);
    % full permutation
    if length(setxor(id, p)) ~= 0
        error('Invalid permutation.');
    ret = p;

function ret = tensor_pow(rho, n)
% Returns \rho^{\otimes n}.

rho = to_op(rho);
ret = lmap(rho);
for k=2:n
    ret = tensor(ret, rho);