> 信号处理工具箱 - signal源码程序 > signal\signal\signal\tfe.m

    function [Txy, f] = tfe(varargin)
%TFE Transfer Function Estimate.
%   Txy = TFE(X,Y,NFFT,Fs,WINDOW) estimates the transfer function of the 
%   system with input X and output Y using Welch's averaged periodogram 
%   method.  X and Y are divided into overlapping sections, each of which 
%   is detrended, then windowed by the WINDOW parameter, then zero-padded 
%   to length NFFT.  The magnitude squared of the length NFFT DFTs of the 
%   sections of X are averaged to form Pxx, the Power Spectral Density of X.
%   The products of the length NFFT DFTs of the sections of X and Y are 
%   averaged to form Pxy, the Cross Spectral Density of X and Y.  Txy
%   is the quotient of Pxy and Pxx; it has length NFFT/2+1 for NFFT even, 
%   (NFFT+1)/2 for NFFT odd, or NFFT if X or Y is complex. If you specify 
%   a scalar for WINDOW, a Hanning window of that length is used.  Fs is 
%   the sampling frequency which does not effect the transfer function 
%   estimate but is used for scaling of plots.
%   [Txy,F] = TFE(X,Y,NFFT,Fs,WINDOW,NOVERLAP) returns a vector of freq-
%   uencies the same size as Txy at which the transfer function is 
%   estimated, and overlaps the sections of X and Y by NOVERLAP samples.
%   TFE(X,Y,...,DFLAG), where DFLAG can be 'linear', 'mean' or 'none', 
%   specifies a detrending mode for the prewindowed sections of X and Y.
%   DFLAG can take the place of any parameter in the parameter list
%   (besides X and Y) as long as it is last, e.g. TFE(X,Y,'mean');
%   TFE with no output arguments plots the transfer function estimate in 
%   the current figure window.
%   The default values for the parameters are NFFT = 256 (or LENGTH(X),
%   whichever is smaller), NOVERLAP = 0, WINDOW = HANNING(NFFT), Fs = 2, 
%   P = .95, and DFLAG = 'none'.  You can obtain a default parameter by 
%   leaving it off or inserting an empty matrix [], e.g. TFE(X,Y,[],10000).
%   See also PSD, CSD, COHERE
%   ETFE, SPA, and ARX in the Identification Toolbox.

% 	Author(s): T. Krauss, 3-31-93
%   Copyright (c) 1988-98 by The MathWorks, Inc.
%       $Revision: 1.2 $  $Date: 1998/08/27 17:33:52 $

x = varargin{1};
y = varargin{2};
% compute PSD and CSD
window = window(:);
n = length(x);		% Number of data points
nwind = length(window); % length of window
if n < nwind    % zero-pad x , y if length is less than the window length
x = x(:);		% Make sure x is a column vector
y = y(:);		% Make sure y is a column vector
k = fix((n-noverlap)/(nwind-noverlap));	% Number of windows
					% (k = fix(n/nwind) for noverlap=0)
index = 1:nwind;

Pxx = zeros(nfft,1); Pxx2 = zeros(nfft,1);
Pxy = zeros(nfft,1); Pxy2 = zeros(nfft,1);
for i=1:k
    if strcmp(dflag,'none')
        xw = window.*x(index);
        yw = window.*y(index);
    elseif strcmp(dflag,'linear')
        xw = window.*detrend(x(index));
        yw = window.*detrend(y(index));
        xw = window.*detrend(x(index),0);
        yw = window.*detrend(y(index),0);
    index = index + (nwind - noverlap);
    Xx = fft(xw,nfft);
    Yy = fft(yw,nfft);
    Xx2 = abs(Xx).^2;
    Xy2 = Yy.*conj(Xx);
    Pxx = Pxx + Xx2;
    Pxx2 = Pxx2 + abs(Xx2).^2;
    Pxy = Pxy + Xy2;
    Pxy2 = Pxy2 + Xy2.*conj(Xy2);

% Select first half
if ~any(any(imag([x y])~=0)),   % if x and y are not complex
    if rem(nfft,2),    % nfft odd
        select = [1:(nfft+1)/2];
        select = [1:nfft/2+1];   % include DC AND Nyquist
    Pxx = Pxx(select);
    Pxx2 = Pxx2(select);
    Pxy = Pxy(select);
    Pxy2 = Pxy2(select);
    select = 1:nfft;
Trans = Pxy ./ Pxx;             % transfer function estimate 
freq_vector = (select - 1)'*Fs/nfft;

% set up output parameters
if (nargout == 2),
   Txy = Trans;
   f = freq_vector;
elseif (nargout == 1),
   Txy = Trans;
elseif (nargout == 0),   % do a plot
   plot(freq_vector,20*log10(abs(Trans))), grid on
   xlabel('Frequency'), ylabel('Transfer Function Estimate (dB)');