> 信号处理工具箱 - signal源码程序 > signal\signal\signal\sos2tf.m

    function [b,a] = sos2tf(sos,g)
%SOS2TF 2nd-order sections to transfer function model conversion.
%   [B,A] = SOS2TF(SOS,G) returns the numerator and denominator
%   coefficients B and A of the discrete-time linear system given
%   by the gain G and the matrix SOS in second-order sections form.
%   SOS is an L by 6 matrix which contains the coefficients of each 
%   second-order section in its rows:
%       SOS = [ b01 b11 b21  1 a11 a21 
%               b02 b12 b22  1 a12 a22
%               ...
%               b0L b1L b2L  1 a1L a2L ]
%   The system transfer function is the product of the second-order 
%   transfer functions of the sections times the gain G. If G is not 
%   specified, it defaults to 1. Each row of the SOS matrix describes
%   a 2nd order transfer function as
%       b0k +  b1k z^-1 +  b2k  z^-2
%       ----------------------------
%       1 +  a1k z^-1 +  a2k  z^-2
%   where k is the row index.
%   See also ZP2SOS, SOS2ZP, SOS2SS, SS2SOS

%   Author(s): R. Losada
%   Copyright (c) 1988-98 by The MathWorks, Inc.
%   $Revision: 1.3 $  $Date: 1998/08/04 14:24:40 $

if nargin == 1,
   g = 1;

[L,n] = size(sos);
if n ~= 6,
   error('SOS matrix must have six columns.');

if L == 0,
   b = [];
   a = [];

b = 1;
a = 1;
for m=1:L,
   b1 = sos(m,1:3);
   a1 = sos(m,4:6);
   b = conv(b,b1);
   a = conv(a,a1);
b = b.*g;
if length(b) > 3,
   if b(end) == 0,
      b(end) = []; % Remove trailing zeros if any for order > 2
if length(a) > 3,
   if a(end) == 0,
      a(end) = []; % Remove trailing zeros if any for order > 2