> bigdata 工具箱 matlab源码程序 > bigdata/@tall/numArgumentsFromSubscript.m

    function sz = numArgumentsFromSubscript(t, s, context)
%numArgumentsFromSubscript Overloaded for tall arrays.

% Copyright 2016 The MathWorks, Inc.

if isscalar(s) % one level of subscripting on a table
    sz = 1; % tall (incl. table) returns one array for parens, braces, and dot
            % If we supported brace indexing on a tall cell, we'd have to change that.
elseif context == matlab.mixin.util.IndexingContext.Assignment
    sz = 1; % tall (table) subsasgn only ever accepts one rhs value
elseif strcmp(s(end).type,'()')
    % This should never be called with parentheses as the last
    % subscript, but return 1 for that just in case
    sz = 1;
else % multiple subscripting levels
     % perform one level of indexing, then forward result to builtin numArgumentsFromSubscript
    x  = subsref(t, s(1));
    sz = numArgumentsFromSubscript(x,s(2:end),context);