> bigdata 工具箱 matlab源码程序 > bigdata/+matlab/+bigdata/+internal/+lazyeval/Operation.m

% An interface that represents an operation.

% Copyright 2015-2016 The MathWorks, Inc.

classdef (Abstract) Operation < handle
    properties (SetAccess = immutable)
        % The number of inputs that the operation accepts.
        % The number of outputs that the operation returns.
        % A flag that specifies if this operation supports preview. This is
        % true if and only if this operation can emit a small part of the output
        % based on only a small part of the input. This must be true if
        % DependsOnOnlyHead is true.
        SupportsPreview = false;
        % A flag that describes if this operation depends on only a small
        % number of slices that originate at the beginning.
        DependsOnOnlyHead = false;
        % The main constructor.
        function obj = Operation(numInputs, numOutputs, supportsPreview, dependsOnlyOnHead)
            assert(isnumeric(numInputs) && isscalar(numInputs) && mod(numInputs,1) == 0 && numInputs >= 0);
            assert(isnumeric(numOutputs) && isscalar(numOutputs) && mod(numOutputs,1) == 0 && numOutputs >= 0);
            obj.NumInputs = numInputs;
            obj.NumOutputs = numOutputs;
            if nargin >= 3
                assert(islogical(supportsPreview) && isscalar(supportsPreview));
                obj.SupportsPreview = supportsPreview;
            if nargin >= 4
                assert(islogical(dependsOnlyOnHead) && isscalar(dependsOnlyOnHead));
                if dependsOnlyOnHead
                    assert(supportsPreview, 'The SupportsPreview property cannot be false if DependsOnOnlyHead is true.');
                obj.DependsOnOnlyHead = dependsOnlyOnHead;
    methods (Abstract)
        % Create a list of ExecutionTask instances that represent this
        % operation when applied to taskDependencies.
        % Inputs:
        %  - taskDependencies: A list of ExecutionTask instances that represent
        %  the direct upstream tasks whos output will be passed into this
        %  operation.
        %  - inputFutureMap: An object that represents a mapping from the
        %  list of dependencies/taskDependencies to the list of operation inputs.
        %  - isInputReplicated: A list of logicals that for each input to the
        %  operation, describes whether that input has been replicated
        %  across all partitions.
        tasks = createExecutionTasks(obj, taskDependencies, inputFutureMap, isInputReplicated)