> audiovideo工具箱matlab源码程序 > audiovideo/Contents.m

    % Audio and Video support.
% Audio input/output objects.
%   audioplayer   - Audio player object.
%   audiorecorder - Audio recorder object.
% Audio hardware drivers.
%   sound         - Play vector as sound.
%   soundsc       - Autoscale and play vector as sound.
% Audio file import and export.
%   audioread     - Read audio samples from an audio file.
%   audiowrite    - Write audio samples to an audio file.
%   audioinfo     - Return information about an audio file.
% Video file import/export.
%   VideoReader   - Read video frames from a video file.
%   VideoWriter   - Write video frames to a video file.
%   mmfileinfo    - Return information for a multimedia file.
% Utilities.
%   lin2mu        - Convert linear signal to mu-law encoding.
%   mu2lin        - Convert mu-law encoding to linear signal.
% Example audio data (MAT files).
%   chirp         - Frequency sweeps          (1.6 sec, 8192 Hz)
%   gong          - Gong                      (5.1 sec, 8192 Hz)
%   handel        - Hallelujah chorus         (8.9 sec, 8192 Hz)
%   laughter      - Laughter from a crowd     (6.4 sec, 8192 Hz)
%   splat         - Chirp followed by a splat (1.2 sec, 8192 Hz)
%   train         - Train whistle             (1.5 sec, 8192 Hz)

% Obsolete functions.
%   aviinfo       - Return information about AVI file.
%   movie2avi     - Create AVI movie from MATLAB movie.

%   Copyright 1984-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.