> demos工具箱matlab源码程序 > demos/threebvp.m

    function threebvp(solver)
%THREEBVP  Three-point boundary value problem
%   This example of multipoint BVPs comes from the study of a physiological
%   flow problem described in C. Lin and L. Segel, Mathematics Applied to
%   Deterministic Problems in the Natural Sciences, SIAM, Philadelphia, PA,
%   1988. For x in [0, lambda], the equations for the problem are
%       v' = (C - 1)/n
%       C' = (vC - min(x,1))/eta
%   for known parameters n, kappa, and lambda > 1. eta = lambda^2/(n*kappa^2).
%   The term min(x,1) in the equation for C'(x) is not smooth at x = 1.
%   Lin and Segel describe this BVP as two problems, one set on [0, 1]
%   and the other on [1, lambda], connected by the requirement that v(x)
%   and C(x) be continuous at x = 1. The solution is to satisfy the boundary
%   conditions v(0) = 0 and C(lambda) = 1.  BVP4C solves this problem as
%   a three-point BVP, imposing internal conditions at the interface point
%   x = 1.
%   This example solves the problem for n = 5e-2, lambda = 2, and a range
%   kappa = 2,3,4,5. The solution for one value of kappa is used as guess
%   for the next.
%   By default, this example uses the BVP4C solver. Use syntax
%   THREEBVP('bvp5c') to solve this problem with the BVP5C solver.

%   Jacek Kierzenka and Lawrence F. Shampine
%   Copyright 1984-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.

if nargin < 1
   solver = 'bvp4c';
bvpsolver = fcnchk(solver);

% Problem parameter, shared with nested functions
n = 5e-2;

% Initial mesh - duplicate the interface point x = 1.
lambda = 2;
xinit = [0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2];

% Constant initial guess for the solution
yinit = [1; 1];

% The initial profile
sol = bvpinit(xinit,yinit);

% For each kappa, the quantity of interest is the emergent osmolarity.
% This example compares the value computed by BVP4C, Os = 1/v(lambda),
% with Lin and Segel's asymptotic approximation.
fprintf(' kappa    computed Os    approximate Os \n')
for kappa = 2:5
   eta = lambda^2/(n*kappa^2);  % use in nested functions
   sol = bvpsolver(@f,@bc,sol);
   K2 = lambda*sinh(kappa/lambda)/(kappa*cosh(kappa));
   approx = 1/(1 - K2);
   computed = 1/sol.y(1,end);
   fprintf('  %2i    %10.3f     %10.3f \n',kappa,computed,approx);

title(['A three-point BVP solved with ',upper(func2str(bvpsolver))])
xlabel(['\lambda = ',num2str(lambda),', \kappa = ',num2str(kappa),'.'])
ylabel('v and C')

% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Nested functions -- n and eta are provided by the outer function.

   function dydx = f(x,y,region)
      % Derivative function -- share n and eta with the outer function.
      dydx = zeros(2,1);
      dydx(1) = (y(2) - 1)/n;
      % The definition of C'(x) depends on the region.
      switch region
         case 1    % x in [0 1]
            dydx(2) = (y(1)*y(2) - x)/eta;
         case 2    % x in [1 lambda]
            dydx(2) = (y(1)*y(2) - 1)/eta;
            error('MATLAB:threebvp:BadRegionIndex','Incorrect region index: %d',region);
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------

   function res = bc(YL,YR)
      % Boundary (and internal) conditions
      res = [ YL(1,1)             % v(0) = 0
         YR(1,1) - YL(1,2)   % continuity of v(x) at x = 1
         YR(2,1) - YL(2,2)   % continuity of C(x) at x = 1
         YR(2,end) - 1    ]; % C(lambda) = 1
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------

end  % threebvp