> demos工具箱matlab源码程序 > demos/modes.m

    %% Modes
% This example shows the SURFL function being superimposed on top of a
% PCOLOR plot with interpolated shading. This image looks best if you make
% your figure window as large as possible.
% These are 12 eigenfunctions that arise when solving the wave equation for
% an L-shaped membrane. The first mode, in the upper left corner, shows up
% frequently in MATLAB(R) examples: it is the company logo for 
% The MathWorks, Inc.

% Copyright 1984-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.

data = load('vibesdat');
axis off
shading interp
ax = get(gca,'Position');
for n = 1:12
    xPos = (rem(n-1,4)/4)*ax(3)+ax(1);
    yPos = ((2-floor((n-1)/4))/3)*ax(4)+ax(2);
    xLen = (1/4)*ax(3);
    yLen = (1/3)*ax(4);
    axes( ...
        'Units','normalized', ...
        'Position',[xPos yPos xLen yLen]);
    h = feval('surf',data.(['L' num2str(n)]));
    set(h,'EdgeColor',[0.3 0.3 0.6]);
    axis off