> demos工具箱matlab源码程序 > demos/cmdlnbgn.m

    %CMDLNBGN Sets up for calling command line demos from DEMO.
%   See also CMDLNEND, DEMO

%   Ned Gulley, 6-21-93
%   Copyright 1984-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Here's the idea: we only want to have ONE unassigned, unnamed command line
% demo figure running around in order to avoid window proliferation. So since
% every other Expo demo figure has a name, before we run any of the old demos
% we'll first check to see if an unnamed figure is lying around.

if figureNeededFlag,
   oldFigNumber = watchon;
   figNumber = findobj('Type', 'figure', 'Name', []);
   if isempty(figNumber),
      pos = get(0,'DefaultFigurePosition');
      % Adjust the window down and to the left so that it doesn't
      % completely obscure the Expo Map window.
      pos = pos+[-50 -50 0 0];
      figNumber = figure('Position',pos);
      figNumber = figNumber(1);
   clear figNumber
