> demos工具箱matlab源码程序 > demos/amp1dae.m

    function amp1dae
%AMP1DAE  Stiff differential-algebraic equation (DAE) from electrical circuit.
%   AMP1DAE runs a demo of the solution of a stiff differential-algebraic
%   equation (DAE) system expressed as a problem with a singular mass matrix,
%   M*u' = f(t,u).
%   This is the one transistor amplifier problem displayed on p. 377 of
%   E. Hairer and G. Wanner, Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II
%   Stiff and Differential-Algebraic Problems, 2nd ed., Springer, Berlin,
%   1996.  This problem can easily be written in semi-explicit form, but it
%   arises in the form M*u' = f(t,u) with a mass matrix that is not
%   diagonal.  It is solved here in its original, non-diagonal form.
%   Fig. 1.4 of Hairer and Wanner shows the solution on [0 0.2], but here it
%   is computed on [0 0.05] because the computation is less expensive and
%   the nature of the solution is clearly visible on the shorter interval.

%   Mark W. Reichelt and Lawrence F. Shampine, 3-6-98
%   Copyright 1984-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Problem parameters
Ub = 6;
R0 = 1000;
R = 9000;
alpha = 0.99;
beta = 1e-6;
Uf = 0.026;
Ue = @(t) 0.4*sin(200*pi*t);  % Ue(t) = 0.4*sin(200*pi*t)

% The constant, singular mass matrix
c = 1e-6 * (1:3);
M = zeros(5,5);
M(1,1) = -c(1);
M(1,2) =  c(1);
M(2,1) =  c(1);
M(2,2) = -c(1);
M(3,3) = -c(2);
M(4,4) = -c(3);
M(4,5) =  c(3);
M(5,4) =  c(3);
M(5,5) = -c(3);

% Hairer and Wanner's RADAU5 requires consistent initial conditions
% which they take to be
u0 = zeros(5,1);
u0(2) = Ub/2;
u0(3) = Ub/2;
u0(4) = Ub;

% Perturb the algebraic variables to test initialization.
u0(4) = u0(4) + 0.1;
u0(5) = u0(5) + 0.1;

% Leave the 'MassSingular' property at its default 'maybe' to test the
% automatic detection of a DAE.
options = odeset('Mass',M);

[t,u] = ode23t(@f,[0 0.05],u0,options);

axis([0 0.05 -3 1]);
legend('input', 'output', 'Location', 'NorthWest');
title('One transistor amplifier DAE problem solved by ODE23T');

% -----------------------------------------------------------------------
% Nested function

   function dudt = f(t,u)
      % Derivative function. Problem parameters, including the anonymous
      % function Ue, are shared with the outer function.
      f23 = beta*(exp((u(2) - u(3))/Uf) - 1);
      dudt = [ -(Ue(t) - u(1))/R0
         -(Ub/R - u(2)*2/R - (1-alpha)*f23)
         -(f23 - u(3)/R)
         -((Ub - u(4))/R - alpha*f23)
         (u(5)/R) ];
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------

end  % amp1dae