> datatypes 工具箱matlab源码程序 > datatypes/@table/write.m

    function write(t,filename,varargin)
%WRITE Write a table to a file.
%   WRITE(T) writes the table T to a comma-delimited text file.  The file name
%   is the workspace name of the table T, appended with '.txt'.  If WRITE cannot
%   construct the file name from the table input, it writes to the file
%   'table.txt'.  WRITE overwrites any existing file.
%   WRITE(T,FILENAME) writes the table T to the file FILENAME as column-oriented
%   data.  WRITE determines the file format from its extension.  The extension
%   must be one of those listed below.
%   WRITE(T,FILENAME,'FileType',FILETYPE) specifies the file type, where FILETYPE is
%   one of 'text' or 'spreadsheet'.
%   WRITE writes data to different file types as follows:
%   .txt, .dat, .csv:  Delimited text file (comma-delimited by default).
%          WRITE creates a column-oriented text file, i.e., each column of each
%          variable in T is written out as a column in the file.  T's variable
%          names are written out as column headings in the first line of the
%          file.
%          Use the following optional parameter name/value pairs to control how
%          data are written to a delimited text file:
%          'Delimiter'      The delimiter used in the file.  Can be any of ' ',
%                           '\t', ',', ';', '|' or their corresponding character vector
%                           names 'space', 'tab', 'comma', 'semi', or 'bar'.
%                           Default is ','.
%          'WriteVariableNames'  A logical value that specifies whether or not
%                           T's variable names are written out as column headings.
%                           Default is true.
%          'WriteRowNames'  A logical value that specifies whether or not T's
%                           row names are written out as first column of the
%                           file.  Default is false.  If the 'WriteVariableNames'
%                           and 'WriteRowNames' parameter values are both true,
%                           T's first dimension name is written out as the column
%                           heading for the first column of the file.
%          'DateLocale'     A character vector specifying the locale that writetable uses to
%                           create month and day names when writing datetimes to the
%                           file. LOCALE must be a character vector in the form xx_YY. See the
%                           documentation for DATETIME for more information.
%          'QuoteStrings'   A logical value that specifies whether to write strings
%                           out enclosed in double quotes ("..."). If 'QuoteStrings'
%                           is true, any double quote characters that appear as part
%                           of a string are replaced by two double quote characters.
%   .xls, .xlsx, .xlsb, .xlsm:  Spreadsheet file.
%          WRITE creates a column-oriented spreadsheet file, i.e., each column
%          of each variable in T is written out as a column in the file.  T's
%          variable names are written out as column headings in the first row of
%          the file.
%          Use the following optional parameter name/value pairs to control how
%          data are written to a spreadsheet file:
%          'WriteVariableNames'  A logical value that specifies whether or not
%                           T's variable names are written out as column headings.
%                           Default is true.
%          'WriteRowNames'  A logical value that specifies whether or not T's
%                           row names are written out as first column of the
%                           file.  Default is false.  If the 'WriteVariableNames'
%                           and 'WriteRowNames' parameter values are both true,
%                           T's first dimension name is written out as the column
%                           heading for the first column of the file.
%          'DateLocale'     A character vector specifying the locale that writetable uses to
%                           create month and day names when writing datetimes to the
%                           file. LOCALE must be a character vector in the form xx_YY. See the
%                           documentation for DATETIME for more information.
%          'Sheet'          The sheet to write, specified as a character vector that contains
%                           the worksheet name, or a positive integer indicating the
%                           worksheet index.
%          'Range'          A character vector that specifies a rectangular portion of the
%                           worksheet to write, using the Excel A1 reference style.
%   In some cases, WRITE creates a file that does not represent T exactly, as
%   described below.  If you use TABLE(FILENAME) to read that file back in and
%   create a new table, the result may not have exactly the same format or
%   contents as the original table.
%   *  WRITE writes out numeric variables using long g format, and
%      categorical or character variables as unquoted strings.
%   *  For non-character variables that have more than one column, WRITE
%      writes out multiple delimiter-separated fields on each line, and
%      constructs suitable column headings for the first line of the file.
%   *  WRITE writes out variables that have more than two dimensions as two
%      dimensional variables, with trailing dimensions collapsed.
%   *  For cell-valued variables, WRITE writes out the contents of each cell
%      as a single row, in multiple delimiter-separated fields, when the
%      contents are numeric, logical, character, or categorical, and writes
%      out a single empty field otherwise.
%   Save T as a mat file if you need to import it again as a table.
%   See also TABLE, READTABLE.

%   Copyright 2012-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.
    if nargin < 2 || isempty(filename)
        type = 'text';
        tablename = inputname(1);
        if isempty(tablename)
            tablename = class(t);
        filename = [tablename '.txt'];
        otherArgs = {'WriteVariableNames',true,'WriteRowNames',false'};
        pnames = {'FileType'};
        dflts =  {   [] };
        [type,supplied,otherArgs] = matlab.internal.table.parseArgs(pnames, dflts, varargin{:});
        [~,~,ext] = fileparts(filename);

        if ~supplied.FileType
            if isempty(ext)
                ext = '.txt';
                filename = [filename ext];
            switch lower(ext)
            case {'.txt' '.dat' '.csv'}, type = 'text';
            case {'.xls' '.xlsx' '.xlsb' '.xlsm' '.xltx' '.xltm'}, type = 'spreadsheet';
            fileTypes = {'text' 'spreadsheet'};
            itype = find(strncmpi(type,fileTypes,length(type)));
            if isempty(itype)
            elseif ~isscalar(itype)

            % Add default extension if necessary
            if isempty(ext)
                dfltFileExts = {'.txt' '.xls'};
                ext = dfltFileExts{itype};
                filename = [filename ext];

    switch lower(type)
    case 'text'
    case 'spreadsheet'
catch ME