> datatypes 工具箱matlab源码程序 > datatypes/@categorical/sortrows.m

    function [b,varargout] = sortrows(a,col)
%SORTROWS Sort rows of a categorical array.
%   B = SORTROWS(A) sorts the rows of the 2-dimensional categorical matrix A in
%   ascending order as a group.  B is a categorical array with the same
%   categories as A.
%   B = SORTROWS(A,COL) sorts A based on the columns specified in the vector
%   COL.  If an element of COL is positive, the corresponding column in A will
%   be sorted in ascending order; if an element of COL is negative, the
%   corresponding column in A will be sorted in descending order. For example,
%   SORTROWS(A,[2 -3]) sorts the rows of A first in ascending order for the
%   second column, and then by descending order for the third column.
%   [B,I] = SORTROWS(A) and [B,I] = SORTROWS(A,COL) also returns an index 
%   matrix I such that B = A(I,:).
%   Undefined elements are sorted to the end.
%   See also ISSORTED, SORT.

%   Copyright 2006-2015 The MathWorks, Inc. 

import matlab.internal.categoricalUtils.categoricalsortrows;

acodes =;
nCategories = numel(a.categoryNames);

    % CATEGORICALSORTROWS uses counting sort, which is fast only for uint8
    % and uint16 but slower than builtin SORTROWS for larger types
    if isa(acodes, 'uint8') || isa(acodes, 'uint16')
        if nargin == 1
            [bcodes,varargout{1:nargout-1}] = categoricalsortrows(acodes,nCategories);
            [bcodes,varargout{1:nargout-1}] = categoricalsortrows(acodes,nCategories,col);
    else % acodes is 'uint32' or 'uint64'
        % Make sure <undefined> sorts to the end when calling builtin SORTROWS
        acodes(acodes == categorical.undefCode) = invalidCode(acodes);
        if nargin == 1
            [bcodes,varargout{1:nargout-1}] = sortrows(acodes);
            [bcodes,varargout{1:nargout-1}] = sortrows(acodes,col);
        bcodes(bcodes == invalidCode(bcodes)) = a.undefCode; % set invalidCode back to <undefined> code
catch ME

b = a; % preserve subclass = bcodes;