> datatypes 工具箱matlab源码程序 > datatypes/@categorical/horzcat.m

    function a = horzcat(varargin)
%HORZCAT Horizontal concatenation for categorical arrays.
%   C = HORZCAT(A, B, ...) horizontally concatenates the categorical arrays
%   A, B, ... .  For matrices, all inputs must have the same number of
%   rows.  For N-D arrays, all inputs must have the same sizes except in
%   the second dimension.  Any of A, B, ... may also be cell arrays of
%   character vectors or scalar strings.
%   C = HORZCAT(A,B) is called for the syntax [A B].
%   If all the input arrays are ordinal categorical arrays, they must have the
%   same sets of categories, including category order.  If none of the input
%   arrays are ordinal, they need not have the same sets of categories.  In this
%   case, C's categories are the union of the input array categories. However,
%   categorical arrays that are not ordinal but are protected may only be
%   concatenated with other arrays that have the same categories.
%   See also CAT, VERTCAT.

%   Copyright 2006-2016 The MathWorks, Inc.

a = cat(2,varargin{:});