> datatypes 工具箱matlab源码程序 > datatypes/@categorical/ge.m

    function t = ge(a,b)
%GE Greater than or equal to for ordinal categorical arrays.
%   TF = GE(A,B) returns a logical array the same size as the ordinal
%   categorical arrays A and B, containing logical 1 (true) where the elements
%   of A are greater than or equal to those of B, and logical 0 (false)
%   otherwise.  Either A or B may also be a string scalar or
%   character vector.
%   Categorical arrays that are not ordinal can not be compared for greater than
%   or equal to inequality.
%   TF = GE(A,S) or TF = GE(S,A), where S is a string or character vector,
%   returns a logical array the same size as A, containing logical 1 (true)
%   where the elements of A are greater than or equal to the category S.  S
%   must be the name of one of the categories in A.
%   Undefined elements are not comparable to any other categorical values,
%   including other undefined elements.  GE returns logical 0 (false) where
%   elements of A or B are undefined.
%   See also EQ, NE, LE, LT, GT.

%   Copyright 2006-2016 The MathWorks, Inc.

[acodes,bcodes] = reconcileCategories(a,b,true);

% Undefined elements cannot be greater than or equal to anything
if isscalar(bcodes) % faster scalar case
    if bcodes > 0
        t = (acodes >= bcodes);
        t = false(size(acodes));
    t = (acodes >= bcodes) & (bcodes ~= 0);