> datamanager 工具箱matlab源码程序 > datamanager/@datamanager/serializeBrushDataStruct.m

    function gStruct = serializeBrushDataStruct(gobj)
% This undocumented function may be removed in a future release.

% Serialize the data properties of a scattergroup so that data editing
% operations such as removing brushed data can be undone.

% Copyright 2016 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Serialize a structure representing the graphic object data which is
% modified when taking action on brushed data. Some graphic
% objects, such as scatter, may need to add additional properties
% to this structure, e.g., SizeData and CData properties
if nargin==0 || isempty(gobj)
    gStruct = repmat(struct('ProxyVal','','Xdata',[],'Ydata',[],...
        'Zdata',[],'BrushingArray',[]),[0 1]);
elseif ~isprop(handle(gobj),'ZData') || isempty(get(gobj,'ZData'))
    gStruct = struct('ProxyVal',plotedit({'getProxyValueFromHandle',gobj}),...
    gStruct = struct('ProxyVal',plotedit({'getProxyValueFromHandle',gobj}),...

if isprop(gobj,'MarkerIndices') && strcmpi(get(gobj,'MarkerIndicesMode'),'manual')
   gStruct.MarkerIndices = get(gobj,'MarkerIndices');
   gStruct.Marker = get(gobj,'Marker');

gStruct.BrushHandleClass = gobj.BrushHandles.empty;