> datamanager 工具箱matlab源码程序 > datamanager/@datamanager/@linkbehavior/schema.m

    function schema

% Copyright 2007-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.

hPk = findpackage('datamanager');
cls = schema.class(hPk,'linkbehavior');

% Property Editor java panel class and custom UDD state object
schema.prop(cls,'DataSourceFcn','MATLAB array');
schema.prop(cls,'LinkBrushFcn','MATLAB array');
schema.prop(cls,'BrushFcn','MATLAB array');
schema.prop(cls,'UserData','MATLAB array');

p = schema.prop(cls,'Enable','bool');
p.FactoryValue = true;

% In general PlotTools behavior objects will not serialize since their
% UDD state objects will not serialize
p = schema.prop(cls,'Serialize','MATLAB array');
p.FactoryValue = false;
p.AccessFlags.Serialize = 'off';

p = schema.prop(cls,'Name','ustring');
p.AccessFlags.PublicSet = 'off';
p.AccessFlags.PublicGet = 'on';
p.FactoryValue = 'Linked';