> symbolic工具箱matlab源码程序 > symbolic/@sym/isAlways.m

    function Y = isAlways(X,varargin)
%isAlways     Test mathematical statement
%   Y = isAlways(X) converts each element of the symbolic
%   array X into the value true or false. If the statement
%   is not true or false for all values of all free variables
%   then false is returned. isAlways tests a statement by using
%   assumptions and mathematical simplifications. Nontrivial
%   constants are compared using floating-point approximations
%   and may change results based on the value of the current
%   precision. See DIGITS for more information.
%   Y = isAlways(X,'PARAM1',val1,...)  can
%   be used to specify one or more of the following parameter
%   name/value pairs:
%     Parameter        Value
%     'Unknown'        Specify the behavior for unknown equalities with one of
%                      these strings: 'falseWithWarning', 'false', 'true', or 'error'.
%                      By default, the value is 'falseWithWarning', and isAlways
%                      prints a warning and returns false for unknown results.
%                      If you specify 'true' or 'false', isAlways returns
%                      true or false, respectively, for unknown results.
%                      If you specify 'error', it throws an error for unknown results.
%   See also: SYM/LOGICAL

%   Copyright 2011-2014 MathWorks, Inc.

if builtin('numel',X) ~= 1,  X = normalizesym(X);  end
persistent argparser;
if isempty(argparser)
    argparser = inputParser;
p = argparser.Results;
isMath = 'TRUE';
Y = mupadmex('symobj::isAlways',X.s,isMath,['"Unknown' p.Unknown '"'],9);

function checkValues(x)
if ~any(strcmp(x,{'false', 'falseWithWarning', 'true', 'error'}))