> target工具箱matlab源码程序 > target/extensions/processor/shared/ti/mdlinfo/getBlockInfo_RTDX.m

    function [linkPjtGenInfo, schedPjtGenInfo, targetPjtGenInfo] = getBlockInfo_RTDX(linkPjtGenInfo, schedPjtGenInfo, targetPjtGenInfo)
%GETBLOCKINFO_RTDX Get information about 'To RTDX' and 'From RTDX' blocks.

%   Copyright 2007-2010 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Look for RTDX blocks in the model
ToRTDXblock   = linkfoundation.util.FindSystem(linkPjtGenInfo.modelName,'To RTDX');
FromRTDXblock = linkfoundation.util.FindSystem(linkPjtGenInfo.modelName,'From RTDX');

% Update 'targetPjtGenInfo' if a RTDX block is present
% targetPjtGenInfo.RTDXIntNeeded  - Flag that indicates that RTDX Interrupt is needed

targetPjtGenInfo.RTDXIntNeeded = ~isempty(ToRTDXblock) || ~isempty(FromRTDXblock);

%------ used in C2000
% Process all RTDX blocks 
RTDXblocks  = [FromRTDXblock; ToRTDXblock];
targetPjtGenInfo.numRTDXs = length(RTDXblocks);
%------ used in C2000

%[EOF] getBlockInfo_RTDX.m