> target工具箱matlab源码程序 > target/extensions/processor/intelhost/tfl/make_intel_ipp_tfl_table.m

    function hLib = make_intel_ipp_tfl_table(arch)
%MAKE_INTEL_IPP_TFL_TABLE - Creates TFL table for Intel IPP

%   Copyright 2009-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

incpath = fullfile('$(MATLAB_ROOT)', 'toolbox', 'shared', 'ipp', 'include');

    switch (arch)
        case {'win32', 'win64'};
            libpath = fullfile('$(MATLAB_ROOT)', 'lib');            
            param.AdditionalLinkObjs      = {'libmwipp.lib', 'libmwipp.lib'};
            param.AdditionalLinkFlags     = {};
        case {'win64_mingw'};
            libpath = fullfile('$(MATLAB_ROOT)', 'bin');            
            param.AdditionalLinkObjs      = {'libmwipp.dll', 'libmwipp.dll'};
            param.AdditionalLinkFlags     = {};
            arch = 'win64';
        case {'glnx86', 'glnxa64'};
            libpath = fullfile('$(MATLAB_ROOT)', 'bin');            
            param.AdditionalLinkObjs      = {'', ''};      
            param.AdditionalLinkFlags     = {'-lpthread'};           
            % MAC is not supported at this time; return an empty table
            hLib = RTW.TflTable;
    % add architecture ID to the paths
    param.AdditionalIncludePaths  = {incpath, fullfile(incpath, arch)};
    param.AdditionalLinkObjsPaths = {fullfile(libpath, arch), fullfile(libpath, arch)};
    % make IPP TFL table and add entries 
    hLib = loc_make_ipp_tfl_table(param, arch);
catch exc
    disp(['Error creating math library files: ' exc.getReport('basic')]);

% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function hLib = loc_make_ipp_tfl_table(par, arch)
hLib = RTW.TflTable;
SrcPath = fullfile('$(MATLAB_ROOT)','toolbox','shared', 'ipp', 'src');
IncPath = fullfile('$(MATLAB_ROOT)','toolbox','shared', 'ipp', 'include');
addfir2dentry(hLib, par, 'mw_ipp_conv2d_single', 'single', 'RTW_FIR2D_CONV_MODE', SrcPath, IncPath);
addfir2dentry(hLib, par, 'mw_ipp_conv2d_double', 'double', 'RTW_FIR2D_CONV_MODE', SrcPath, IncPath);
addfir2dentry(hLib, par, 'mw_ipp_corr2d_single', 'single', 'RTW_FIR2D_CORR_MODE', SrcPath, IncPath);
addfir2dentry(hLib, par, 'mw_ipp_corr2d_double', 'double', 'RTW_FIR2D_CORR_MODE', SrcPath, IncPath);
addconvcorr1dentry(hLib, par, 'mw_ipp_conv1d_single', 'single', 'RTW_CONVCORR1D_CONV_MODE', SrcPath, IncPath, loc_getBounds('CONV1D', 1, arch));
addconvcorr1dentry(hLib, par, 'mw_ipp_conv1d_double', 'double', 'RTW_CONVCORR1D_CONV_MODE', SrcPath, IncPath, loc_getBounds('CONV1D', 2, arch));
addconvcorr1dentry(hLib, par, 'mw_ipp_corr1d_single', 'single', 'RTW_CONVCORR1D_CORR_MODE', SrcPath, IncPath, loc_getBounds('CORR1D', 1, arch));
addconvcorr1dentry(hLib, par, 'mw_ipp_corr1d_double', 'double', 'RTW_CONVCORR1D_CORR_MODE', SrcPath, IncPath, loc_getBounds('CORR1D', 2, arch));
addmatrmultplentry(hLib, par, 'mw_ipp_mpy_mm_single', 'single', 'RTW_OP_MUL', SrcPath, IncPath, loc_getBounds('MULT', 1, arch));
addmatrmultplentry(hLib, par, 'mw_ipp_mpy_mm_double', 'double', 'RTW_OP_MUL', SrcPath, IncPath, loc_getBounds('MULT', 2, arch));
adddotproductentry(hLib, par, 'mw_ipp_dot_vv_single', 'single', 'RTW_OP_MUL', SrcPath, IncPath, loc_getBounds('DOTP', 1, arch));
adddotproductentry(hLib, par, 'mw_ipp_dot_vv_double', 'double', 'RTW_OP_MUL', SrcPath, IncPath, loc_getBounds('DOTP', 2, arch));


% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
function bounds = loc_getBounds(opCode, dType, arch)
% Following are the bounds for each IPP operation
% The bounds are given in a 2D matrix for each operation
% Each row represents one supported platform
% Each column represents one supported data type
% Supported platforms are: 1 - (win64, glnxa64), 2 - win32
% Supported data types are: 1 - single, 2 - double
% matrix operations
MULT   = {[ 6   6; inf, inf], [ 6,  6; inf, inf]; ...
          [30, 30; inf, inf], [inf, inf; inf, inf] ...
% vector operations     
DOTP   = {[30; inf], [30; inf]; ...
          [64; inf], [512; inf] ...
CONV1D = {[10; inf], [10; inf]; ...
          [20; inf], [20; inf] ...
CORR1D = {[10; inf], [10; inf]; ...
          [20; inf], [20; inf] ...

idxPlatf = isequal(arch, 'win32') + 1; % 1 - (win64, glnxa64), 2 - win32 

switch opCode
    case 'MULT'
        bounds = MULT{idxPlatf, dType};
    case 'DOTP'
        bounds = DOTP{idxPlatf, dType};
    case 'CONV1D'
        bounds = CONV1D{idxPlatf, dType};
    case 'CORR1D'
        bounds = CORR1D{idxPlatf, dType};
        bounds = [1 1; inf inf];

% LocalWords:  libmwipp libmwipp glnx lpthread ERRORHANDLER utils mw
% LocalWords:  CONVCORR MUL vv DOTP