> vision工具箱matlab源码程序 > vision/cvalgEstimateUncalibratedRectification.m

    function [t1, t2] = cvalgEstimateUncalibratedRectification(...
    f, pts1, pts2, imageSize)
% Algorithm for computing rectification transformations.
%   This function supports the estimateUncalibratedRectification function.

% Copyright 2010-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.

outputClass = class(f);

% Compute the projective transformation for the second camera.

% Find the epipole
[u, d, v] = svd(f);
epipole = u(:, 3);

% Translate the epipole to put the origin at the center of the image
imageOrigin = cast(0.5, outputClass);
t = [1, 0, -(cast(imageSize(2),outputClass)/2 + imageOrigin); ...
     0, 1, -(cast(imageSize(1),outputClass)/2 + imageOrigin); ...
     0, 0,                                               1];
epipole = t * epipole;

% Move the epipole to the line at y=0 by rotating the image with the
% minimum angle.
% Ensure the homogeneous coordinates have positive sign.
if epipole(3) < 0
  epipole = -epipole;

% If the x coordinate is positive, rotate clockwise; otherwise, rotate
% counter-clockwise.
if epipole(1) >= 0
  keepOrientation = -ones(1, outputClass);
  keepOrientation = ones(1, outputClass);
r = [-epipole(1),  -epipole(2),                                     0;
      epipole(2),  -epipole(1),                                     0;
       0,      0,   sqrt(epipole(2)^2+epipole(1)^2) * keepOrientation];
epipole = r * epipole;

% Move the epipole to the position at infinity.
if epipole(1) ~= 0
  g = [1,            0, 0; 
       0,            1, 0; 
   -epipole(3)/epipole(1),  0, 1];
  g = eye(3, outputClass);

% Compute the overall transformation for the second image.
t2 = g * r * t;
t([1,2], 3) = -t([1,2], 3);
t2 = t * t2;
if(t2(end)) ~= 0
  t2 = t2 / t2(end);

% Compute the projective transformation for the first camera.

% Compute a (partial) synthetic camera matrix for the second camera.
% This is matrix M, such that F=SM, where S is a skew-symmetric matrix.  
% Unfortunately, M cannot be computed using the usual factorization, where
% S = [e]_x and M = [e]_x * F, because then M will be singular. Instead, M
% must be computed using the SVD of F.
% See
z = cast([ 0, -1, 0;
           1,  0, 0;
           0,  0, 1], outputClass);
d(3,3) = (d(1,1) + d(2,2)) / 2;
m = u * z * d * v';

% Compute the transformation for the first camera so the rows in the first
% camera correspond the rows at the same location in the second camera.
h1r = t2 * m;

% Compute the transformation for the first camera so the points have
% (approximately) the same column locations in the first and second images.
numPoints = size(pts1, 1);
p1 = h1r * [cast(pts1', outputClass); ones(1, numPoints, outputClass)];
p2 = t2  * [cast(pts2', outputClass); ones(1, numPoints, outputClass)];

p2InfinityIdx = abs(p2(3,:)) < eps(outputClass);
p2(3, p2InfinityIdx) = eps(outputClass);
b = p2(1,:) ./ p2(3,:) .* p1(3,:);
y = p1' \ b';
h1c = [y(1), y(2), y(3);          
       0,    1,    0;
       0,    0,    1];

% Compute the overall transformation for the first camera.
t1 = h1c * h1r;
if(t1(end)) ~= 0
  t1 = t1 / t1(end);

t1 = t1';
t2 = t2';

% In MATLAB execution, if either epipole is inside I2, issue warning.
if isempty(
  %MATLAB execution
  if isPointInImage(imageSize, u(:,3)) || isPointInImage(imageSize, v(:, 3));
    epipole1 = v([1,2],3) / v(3,3);
    epipole2 = u([1,2],3) / u(3,3);

      'vision:estimateUncalibratedRectification:epipoleInImage', ...
      num2str(epipole1(1)), num2str(epipole1(2)), ...
      num2str(epipole2(1)), num2str(epipole2(2)), ...
      imageSize(1), imageSize(2));

function isIn = isPointInImage(imageSize, ptHomogeneous)
if ptHomogeneous(3) == 0
  isIn = false;
  pt = ptHomogeneous(1:2) / ptHomogeneous(3);
  imageOrigin = [-0.5; -0.5];
  imageEnd = imageSize([2,1]) - 0.5;
  isIn = pt(1, :) >= imageOrigin(1) && pt(1, :) <= imageEnd(1) ...
    && pt(2, :) >= imageOrigin(2) && pt(2, :) <= imageEnd(2);