> vision工具箱matlab源码程序 > vision/cameraMatrix.m

    function camMatrix = cameraMatrix(cameraParams, rotationMatrix, translationVector)
%cameraMatrix Compute camera projection matrix.
%  camMatrix = cameraMatrix(cameraParams, rotationMatrix, translationVector)
%  returns a 4-by-3 camera projection matrix, which projects a 3-D world point
%  in homogeneous coordinates into the image. cameraParams is a
%  cameraParameters object. rotationMatrix is a 3-by-3 rotation matrix and 
%  translationVector is a 3-element translation vector describing the
%  transformation from the world coordinates to the camera coordinates. 
%  You can obtain rotationMatrix and translationVector using the extrinsics
%  function.
%  Notes
%  -----
%  The camera matrix is computed as follows:
%  camMatrix = [rotationMatrix; translationVector] * K
%  where K is the intrinsic matrix.
%  Class Support
%  -------------
%  cameraParams must be a cameraParameters object. rotationMatrix and
%  translationVector must be numeric arrays of the same class, and must be
%  real and nonsparse. camMatrix is of class double if rotationMatrix and
%  translationVector are double. Otherwise camMatrix is of class single.
%   Example: Compute camera matrix
%   ------------------------------
%   % Create a set of calibration images.
%   images = imageDatastore(fullfile(toolboxdir('vision'), 'visiondata', ...
%       'calibration', 'slr'));
%   % Detect the checkerboard corners in the images.
%   [imagePoints, boardSize] = detectCheckerboardPoints(images.Files);
%   % Generate the world coordinates of the checkerboard corners in the
%   % pattern-centric coordinate system, with the upper-left corner at (0,0).
%   squareSize = 29; % in millimeters
%   worldPoints = generateCheckerboardPoints(boardSize, squareSize);
%   % Calibrate the camera.
%   cameraParams = estimateCameraParameters(imagePoints, worldPoints);
%   % Load image at new location.
%   imOrig = imread(fullfile(matlabroot, 'toolbox', 'vision', 'visiondata', ...
%         'calibration', 'slr', 'image9.jpg'));
%   figure; imshow(imOrig);
%   title('Input Image');
%   % Undistort image.
%   im = undistortImage(imOrig, cameraParams);
%   % Find reference object in new image.
%   [imagePoints, boardSize] = detectCheckerboardPoints(im);
%   % Compute new extrinsics.
%   [rotationMatrix, translationVector] = extrinsics(...
%       imagePoints, worldPoints, cameraParams);
%   % Calculate camera matrix
%   P = cameraMatrix(cameraParams, rotationMatrix, translationVector)
%  See also extrinsics, triangulate, cameraCalibrator, estimateCameraParameters
%    relativeCameraPose, estimateWorldCameraPose, cameraPoseToExtrinsics


[K, R, t] = parseInputs(cameraParams, rotationMatrix, translationVector);
camMatrix = [R; t] * K;

function [K, R, t] = parseInputs(cameraParams, rotationMatrix, translationVector)

validateInputs(cameraParams, rotationMatrix, translationVector)

if isa(rotationMatrix, 'double')
    outputClass = 'double';
    outputClass = 'single';

K = cast(cameraParams.IntrinsicMatrix, outputClass);
R = cast(rotationMatrix, outputClass);
if isrow(translationVector)
    t = cast(translationVector, outputClass);
    t = cast(translationVector', outputClass);

function validateInputs(cameraParams, rotationMatrix, translationVector)
validateattributes(cameraParams, {'cameraParameters'}, {}, ...
        mfilename, 'cameraParams');
    rotationMatrix, mfilename, 'rotationMatrix');
    translationVector, mfilename, 'translationVector');

coder.internal.errorIf(~isequal(class(rotationMatrix), class(translationVector)),...