> vision工具箱matlab源码程序 > vision/cameraCalibrator.m

    function cameraCalibrator(varargin)
%cameraCalibrator Single camera calibration app.
%   cameraCalibrator invokes a camera calibration app. The app
%   can be used to estimate camera intrinsic and extrinsic parameters,
%   and to compute parameters needed to remove the effects of lens 
%   distortion from an image.
%   cameraCalibrator(imageFolder, squareSize) invokes the app and
%   immediately loads the calibration images from imageFolder. squareSize
%   is a scalar specifying the size of the checkerboard square in the
%   calibration pattern in millimeters.
%   cameraCalibrator(imageFolder, squareSize, squareSizeUnits) additionally
%   specifies the unis of the square size as a string. The valid units are
%   'mm' (default), 'cm', and 'in'.
%   cameraCalibrator(sessionFile) invokes the app and immediately loads a
%   saved camera calibration session. sessionFile is the path to the MAT file
%   containing the saved session.
%   cameraCalibrator CLOSE closes all open apps.
%   See also detectCheckerboardPoints, estimateCameraParameters,
%     showExtrinsics, showReprojectionErrors, undistortImage, 
%     cameraParameters

%   Copyright 2012 The MathWorks, Inc.

import vision.internal.calibration.tool.*;
shouldAddImages = false;
shouldOpenSession = false;

% A single argument means either 'close' or load a session.
if nargin == 1 
    if strcmpi(varargin{1}, 'close')
        % Handle the 'close' request
    elseif exist(varargin{1}, 'file') || exist([varargin{1}, '.mat'], 'file')
        % Load a session
        sessionFileName = varargin{1};
        [sessionPath, sessionFileName] = parseSessionFileName(sessionFileName);  
        shouldOpenSession = true;

if nargin > 0 && ~shouldOpenSession
    % Adding images from folders
    narginchk(2, 3);
    [fileNames, squareSize, units] = parseInputs(varargin{:});
    shouldAddImages = true;

% Create a new Camera Calibrator
tool = vision.internal.calibration.tool.CameraCalibrationTool;;

if shouldAddImages
    addImagesToNewSession(tool, fileNames, squareSize, units);
elseif shouldOpenSession
    processOpenSession(tool, sessionPath, sessionFileName);

function [fileNames, squareSize, units] = parseInputs(varargin)
import vision.internal.calibration.tool.*;

folder = varargin{1};
validateattributes(folder, {'char'}, {'vector'}, mfilename, 'folder');
if ~exist(folder, 'dir')
    error(message('vision:caltool:stereoFolderDoesNotExist', folder));
folder = vision.internal.getFullPath(folder);

squareSize = varargin{2};
vision.internal.calibration.checkSquareSize(squareSize, mfilename);

if nargin < 3
    units = 'mm';
    units = checkSquareSizeUnits(varargin{3});

fileNames = vision.internal.getAllImageFilesFromFolder(folder);
if isempty(fileNames)
    error(message('vision:caltool:noImagesFound', folder));

function squareSizeUnits = checkSquareSizeUnits(squareSizeUnits)
squareSizeUnits = validatestring(squareSizeUnits, {'mm', 'cm', 'in'}, mfilename, 'units');