> vision工具箱matlab源码程序 > vision/+vision/+internal/+detector/cropImage.m

    function Iroi = cropImage(I, roi)
% Crops out and returns the roi from I. The roi should already be validated
% using vision.internal.detector.checkROI.

if isempty(roi)
    [~,~,N] = size(I);
    Iroi    = zeros(0,0,N,'like',I);
    if ~isempty(
        % use assert to define upper bound of Iroi
        assert(roi(3) <= size(I,2));
        assert(roi(4) <= size(I,1));
        assert(roi(1) <= size(I,2));
        assert(roi(2) <= size(I,1));
    % round and cast roi to int32 to avoid saturation of smaller integer types.
    roi = vision.internal.detector.roundAndCastToInt32(roi);    
    % explicitly define ranges to allow unbounded roi
    r1 = roi(2);
    r2 = roi(4) + roi(2) - 1;
    c1 = roi(1);
    c2 = roi(3) + roi(1) - 1;

    Iroi = I(r1:r2, c1:c2, :);