> visionhdl工具箱matlab源码程序 > visionhdl/visionhdlexamples/html/GammaCorrectionHDLExample.m

    %% Gamma Correction
% HDL support is provided for Gamma correction in Vision HDL Toolbox(TM). 
% This example demonstrates the functionality of the pixel-stream Gamma 
% Corrector block and compares the results with those generated by the 
% full-frame blocks from the Computer Vision System Toolbox(TM). 
% Copyright 2014 The MathWorks, Inc.
%% Structure of the Example
% The Computer Vision System Toolbox product models at a high level of 
% abstraction. The blocks and objects perform full-frame processing, 
% operating on one image frame at a time. However, FPGA or ASIC systems
% perform pixel-stream processing, operating on one image pixel at 
% a time. This example simulates full-frame and pixel-streaming algorithms 
% in the same model.
% The <matlab:GammaCorrectionHDLExample GammaCorrectionHDLExample.slx> system is shown below.
modelname = 'GammaCorrectionHDLExample';
set_param(modelname, 'SampleTimeColors', 'on');
set_param(modelname, 'Open', 'on');
set(allchild(0),'Visible', 'off');
% The difference in the color of the lines feeding the *Full-Frame Gamma 
% Compensation* and *Pixel-Stream Gamma Compensation* subsystems indicates the change 
% in the image rate on the streaming branch of the model. This rate 
% transition is because the pixel stream is sent out in the 
% same amount of time as the full video frames and therefore it is
% transmitted at a higher rate.
% In this example, the Gamma correction is used to correct dark images. 
% Darker images are generated by feeding the *Video Source* to the 
% *Corruption* block. The *Video Source* outputs a 240p grayscale 
% video, and the *Corruption* block applies a De-gamma operation 
% to make the source video perceptually darker. Then, the downstream 
% *Full-Frame Gamma Compensation* block or *Pixel-Stream Gamma 
% Compensation* subsystem removes the previous De-gamma operation from the 
% corrupted video to recover the source video. 
% One frame of the source video, its corrupted version, and recovered 
% version, are shown from left to right in the diagram below.
% <<visionhdlgamma_videoviewers.png>>
% It is a good practice to develop a behavioral system using blocks that 
% process full image frames, the *Full-Frame Gamma Compensation* block in 
% this example, before moving forward to working on an FPGA-targeting 
% design. Such a behavioral model helps verify the video processing design. 
% Later on, it can serve as a reference for verifying the implementation of 
% the algorithm targeted to an FPGA. Specifically, the lower *PSNR* (peak 
% signal-to-noise ratio) block in the *Result Verification* section at the 
% top level of the model compares the results from full-frame processing 
% with those from pixel-stream processing.

%% Frame To Pixels: Generating a Pixel Stream
% The task of the *Frame To Pixels* is to convert a full-frame image to 
% pixel stream. To simulate the effect of horizontal and 
% vertical blanking periods found in real life hardware video systems, the 
% active image is augmented with non-image data. For more information on 
% the streaming pixel protocol, click <matlab:helpview(fullfile(docroot,'visionhdl','ug','streaming-pixel-interface.html')) here>.
% The *Frame To Pixels* block is configured as shown:
% <<Frame2PixelsMask.png>>
% The *Number of components* field is set to 1 for grayscale image input, 
% and the *Video format* field is 240p to match that of the video source. 
% In this example, the Active Video region corresponds to the 240x320 
% matrix of the dark image from the upstream *Corruption* block. Six other 
% parameters, namely, *Total pixels per line*, *Total video lines*, 
% *Starting active line*, *Ending active line*, *Front porch*, and *Back 
% porch* specify how many non-image data will be augmented on the four 
% sides of the Active Video. For more information, see the Frame To Pixels 
% block <matlab:helpview(fullfile(docroot,'toolbox','visionhdl',''),'visionhdlframetopixels') reference page>.
% Note that the sample time of the *Video Source* is determined by the 
% product of *Total pixels per line* and *Total video lines*. 
%% Gamma Correction
% As shown in the diagram below, the *Pixel-Stream Gamma Compensation* 
% subsystem contains only a *Gamma Corrector* block.

set_param(modelname, 'SampleTimeColors', 'off');
set_param(modelname, 'Open', 'off');
set_param([ modelname '/Pixel-Stream Gamma Compensation'], 'Open', 'on');

% The *Gamma Corrector* block accepts the pixel stream, as well as a bus
% containing five synchronization signals, from the *Frame To Pixels* block.
% It passes the same set of signals to the downstream *Pixels To Frame* 
% block. Such signal bundle and maintenance are necessary for pixel-stream
% processing. 

%% Pixels To Frame: Converting Pixel Stream Back to Full Frame
% As a companion to *Frame To Pixels* that converts a full image frame to 
% pixel stream, the *Pixels To Frame* block, reversely, converts
% the pixel stream back to the full frame by making use of the synchronization signals.
% Since the output of the *Pixels To Frame* block is a 2-D matrix of a full
% image, there is no need to further carry on the bus containing five 
% synchronization signals. 
% The *Number of components* field and the *Video format* fields of both 
% Frame To Pixels and Pixels To Frame are set at 1 and 240p, respectively, 
% to match the format of the video source.  
%% Image Viewer and Result Verification
% When you run the simulation, three images will be displayed (refer to the
% images shown in the "Structure of the Example" Section):
% * The source image given by the *Image Source* subsystem
% * The dark image produced by the *Corruption* block
% * The HDL output generated by the *Pixel-Stream gamma Compensation*
% subsystem
% The presence of the four *Unit Delay* blocks on top level of the model
% is to time-align the 2-D matrices for a fair comparison.
% While building the streaming portion of the design, the *PSNR* block 
% continuously verifies the *HDLOut* results against the original full-frame 
% design *BehavioralOut*. During the course of the simulation, this 
% *PSNR* block should give *inf* output, indicating that the output image 
% from the *Full-Frame Gamma Compensation* matches the image generated from
% the stream processing *Pixel-Stream Gamma Compensation* model.

%% Exploring the Example
% The example allows you to experiment with different Gamma values to 
% examine their effect on the Gamma and De-gamma operation. Specifically,
% a workspace variable $gammaValue$ with an initial value 2.2 is created 
% upon opening the model. You can modify its value using the MATLAB command 
% line as follows: 
%   gammaValue=4
% The updated $gammaValue$ will be propagated to the *Gamma*
% field of the *Corruption* block, the *Full-Frame Gamma Compensation* 
% block, and the *Gamma Corrector* block inside *Pixel-Stream Gamma 
% Compensation* subsystem. Closing the model clears $gammaValue$ from your workspace.
% Although Gamma operation is conceptually the inverse of De-gamma, feeding 
% an image to Gamma followed by a De-gamma (or De-gamma first then Gamma) 
% does not necessarily perfectly restore the original image. Distortions 
% are expected. To measure this, in our example, another *PSNR* block is 
% placed between the *SourceImage* and *BehavioralOut*. The higher the 
% PSNR, the less distortion has been introduced. Ideally, if HDL output and 
% the source image are identical, PSNR outputs *inf*. In our example, 
% this happens only when $gammaValue$ equals 1 (i.e., both Gamma and De-gamma 
% blocks pass the source image through).
% We can also use Gamma to corrupt a source image by making it brighter, 
% followed by a De-gamma correction for image recovery.

%% Generate HDL Code and Verify its Behavior
% To check and generate the HDL code referenced in this example, you must
% have an HDL Coder(TM) license.
% To generate the HDL code, use the following command:
%   makehdl('GammaCorrectionHDLExample/Pixel-Stream Gamma Compensation')
% To infer a RAM to implement a lookup table used in the *Gamma Corrector*,
% the LUTRegisterResetType property is set to none. To access this property, 
% right click the *Gamma Corrector* block inside *Pixel-Stream Gamma Compensation*, 
% and navigate to HDL Coder -> HDL Block Properties ...
% To generate testbench, use the following command:
%   makehdltb('GammaCorrectionHDLExample/Pixel-Stream Gamma Compensation')
set_param([ modelname '/Pixel-Stream Gamma Compensation'], 'Open', 'off');
close all;