> visionhdl工具箱matlab源码程序 > visionhdl/visionhdlexamples/html/EdgeDetectionAndOverlayWithImpairedFrameHDLExample.m

    %% Edge Detection and Image Overlay with Impaired Frame
% When designing video processing algorithms, an important concern is the 
% quality of the incoming video stream. Real-life video systems, like 
% surveillance cameras or camcorders, produce imperfect signals. The stream 
% can contain errors such as active lines of unequal length, glitches, or 
% incomplete frames. In simulation, a streaming video source will usually 
% produce perfect signals. When you use the *Frame To Pixels* block from 
% the Vision HDL Toolbox(TM), all lines are of equal size, and all frames 
% are complete. A video algorithm that simulates well under these 
% conditions does not guarantee its effectiveness on an FPGA that connects 
% to a real-world video source. To assess the robustness of a video 
% algorithm under nonideal real-world video signals, it is practical to 
% introduce impairments in the pixel stream. This example demonstrates how 
% to introduce impairments in order to test a design with imperfect video 
% input.
% This example extends the <matlab:EdgeDetectionAndOverlayHDLExample EdgeDetectionAndOverlayHDLExample.slx> 
% example by manually masking off the leading control signals of a frame to
% resemble a scenario where the algorithm starts in the middle of a frame. 
% Such test scenarios are necessary to prove robustness of streaming video designs. 
% It is beneficial to go over the <matlab:EdgeDetectionAndOverlayHDLExample EdgeDetectionAndOverlayHDLExample.slx> 
% example before proceeding to this example.
% Copyright 2014 The MathWorks, Inc.
%% Structure of the Example
% The structure of the <matlab:EdgeDetectionAndOverlayWithImpairedFrameHDLExample EdgeDetectionAndOverlayWithImpairedFrameHDLExample.slx> example is 
% shown below, which closely follows the structure of the pixel-stream processing unit
% of <matlab:EdgeDetectionAndOverlayHDLExample EdgeDetectionAndOverlayHDLExample.slx>. 
modelname = 'EdgeDetectionAndOverlayWithImpairedFrameHDLExample';
set_param(modelname, 'SampleTimeColors', 'on');
set_param(modelname, 'Open', 'on');
set(allchild(0),'Visible', 'off');
% The *Edge Detection* subsystem implements a Sobel algorithm to highlight 
% the edge of an image. The *Align Video* subsystem is used to synchronize 
% the delayed output of the *EdgeDetector* with the original frame. 
% *Image Overlay* weights and sums up the two time-aligned images. 
% This material is organized as follows. We first develop an *Align Video* subsystem 
% that works well with perfect video signals. Then, we use the *Frame Impairment* 
% subsystem to mask off the leading control signals of a frame to
% resemble a scenario where the algorithm starts in the middle of a frame. 
% We will see that such impairment makes *Align Video* ineffective. Finally, 
% a revised version of *Align Video* is developed to address the issue. 
% *Align Video* is implemented as a variant subsystem. You can use the
% variable VERSION in workspace to select which one of the two versions you
% want to simulate.
%% First Version of Align Video 
% The following diagram shows the structure of the first version of the 
% *Align Video* subsystem.
set_param(modelname, 'SampleTimeColors', 'off')
set_param(modelname, 'Open', 'off');
set_param([modelname '/Align Video/FirstVersion'], 'Open', 'on');
% *Align Video* uses control signals to detect the active region of a
% frame. For more information on the streaming pixel protocol, click 
% <matlab:helpview(fullfile(docroot,'visionhdl','ug','streaming-pixel-interface.html')) here>.
% The basic idea of aligning two pixel streams is to buffer valid pixels 
% that come earlier into a FIFO based only on valid signals, and 
% appropriately pop individual pixel from 
% this FIFO based on the valid signal of the delayed pixel-stream.
%% Test Align Video Using Frame Impairment Subsystem
% To illustrate how the *Frame Impairment* subsystem works, consider a 
% 2-by-3 pixel frame. In the figure below, this frame is showed in the 
% dashed rectangle with inactive pixels surrounding it. Inactive
% pixels include a 1-pixel-wide back porch, a 2-pixel-wide front porch, 1
% line before the first active line, and 1 line after the last active line. 
% Both active and inactive pixels are labeled with their grayscale values.
% <<visionhdlimpaired_sampleimage.png>>
% If the *Frame To Pixels* block accepts this 2-by-3 frame as an input and 
% its settings correspond to the porch lengths shown above, then the timing 
% diagram of the *Frame To Pixels* output is illustrated in the upper half
% of the following diagram.
% <<visionhdlimpaired_timing.png>>
% The *Frame Impairment* subsystem skips a configurable number of valid 
% pixels at the beginning of the simulation. For example, if it was
% configured to skip 4 pixels of the example frame, the result would be as
% in the lower half of the timing diagram. We can see that by skipping 4 
% valid pixels, the three valid pixels on the second line (i.e., with 
% intensity values of 30, 60, and 90), and the first valid pixel on the 
% third line, are masked off, along with their associated control signals. 
% Moreover, the *Frame Impairment* subsystem introduces two clock cycle 
% delays. If we enter 0 pixels to skip, it just delays both pixel and ctrl 
% outputs from *Frame To Pixels* by two clock cycles. 
% Double-click the *Frame Impairment* subsystem and ensure 'Number of valid 
% pixels to skip' is set to 0. As mentioned before, 
% this setting does not impair the frame, all it does is to delay both pixel and 
% ctrl outputs from *Frame To Pixels* by two clock cycles. 
% The output from the video output is shown below, which is expected.
% <<visionhdlimpaired_correct.png>>
% Now, double-click *Frame Impairment* again and enter any positive integer
% number, say 100, in the 'Number of valid pixels to skip' field. 
% Rerun the model and the resulting video output is shown below.
% <<visionhdlimpaired_shifted.png>>
% We can see that the edge output is at the right place but the original
% image is shifted. This output clearly suggests that our first version of
% *Align Video* is not robust against a pixel stream that starts in the
% middle of a frame.
% Two reasons explain this behavior. Firstly, *EdgeDetector* block starts processing 
% only after seeing a valid frame start, indicated by hStart, vStart, and valid going 
% high at the same clock cycle. The block does not output anything for a partial 
% frame. Secondly, the FIFO, inside the *Align Video* subsystem, starts buffering the frame once 
% the valid signal is true, whether it is a partial frame or a complete frame. 
% Therefore, at the start of the second frame, FIFO has been
% contaminated with the pixels of the previous partial frame.
%% Corrected Version of Align Video
% Based on the insight gained from the previous section, a revised version 
% of *Align Video* is shown below. 
set_param([ modelname '/Align Video/FirstVersion'], 'Open', 'off');
set_param([ modelname '/Align Video/SecondVersion'], 'Open', 'on');
% The goal is to only push the pixels of complete frames into the FIFO. If the
% leading frames are not complete, their valid pixels are ignored. 
% To achieve this, an enabled register called *lock* is used (highlighted 
% in the diagram above). Its initial value is logical 0. ANDing this 0 with 
% a delayed version of valid always gives logical 0. This prevents any 
% valid pixels from being pushed into FIFO. The *lock* toggles its output 
% from logical 0 to 1 only when hStart, vStart, and valid signals assert 
% high, an indicator of the start of a new frame. After *lock* toggles to 
% 1, the 'push' input of FIFO now follows a delayed version of the valid 
% signal. So the valid pixels of a new frame will be buffered in FIFO.
% To test this revised implementation, type the following command at MATLAB 
% prompt.
%     VERSION=2;
% Rerun the simulation. 
% Now the edge output and the original image are perfectly aligned.
% The second version of *Align Video* is used in the 
% <matlab:EdgeDetectionAndOverlayHDLExample EdgeDetectionAndOverlayHDLExample.slx> example.
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