> visionhdl工具箱matlab源码程序 > visionhdl/visionhdlexamples/html/CornerDetectionHDLExample.m

    %% Corner Detection
% Corner detection is used in computer vision systems to find features in an
% image. It is often one of the first steps in applications like motion
% detection, tracking, image registration and object recognition.
% A corner is intuitively defined as the intersection of two edges. This example
% shows how to use the edge detection capabilities of the Vision HDL Toolbox as
% the first step in corner detection. This example uses the Harris & Stephens
% algorithm [1] in which the computation is simplified using an approximation of
% the eigenvalues of the Harris matrix.
%% Introduction
% The <matlab:CornerDetectionHDLExample CornerDetectionHDLExample.slx> system is shown below.
modelname = 'CornerDetectionHDLExample';
set_param(modelname, 'SampleTimeColors', 'on');
set_param(modelname, 'Open', 'on');
set(allchild(0),'Visible', 'off');
%% First Step: Find the Gradients
% The first step is to find the edges in the image. Use two gradient image
% filters with coefficients $\left[ \begin{array}{ccc} {1}&{0}&{- 1} \end{array}
% \right]$ and $\left[ \begin{array}{c} {1}\\{0}\\{- 1} \end{array} \right]$ to
% produce gradients $G_x$ and $G_y$. Square and cross-multiply to form
% $G_x^2$, $G_y^2$ and $G_{xy}$.
set_param(modelname, 'SampleTimeColors', 'off');
open_system([modelname '/HDL Corner Algorithm/Gradients'],'force');

%% Second Step: Circular Filtering
% The second step of the algorithm is to perform Gaussian filtering to average
% $G_x^2$, $G_y^2$ and $G_{xy}$ over a circular window. The size of the circular
% window determines the scale of the detected corner. Here a 5x5 Gaussian is
% selected. Since we have three components, use three filters, each with the
% same filter coefficients.
open_system([modelname '/HDL Corner Algorithm'],'force');

%% Final Step: Form the Harris Matrix
% The final step of the algorithm is to estimate the eigenvalue of the Harris
% matrix. The Harris matrix is a symmetric matrix similar to a covariance
% matrix. The main diagonal is composed of the two averages of the gradients
% squared $\langle G_x^2 \rangle$ and $\langle G_y^2 \rangle$. The off diagonal
% elements are the averages of the gradient cross-product $\langle G_{xy}
% \rangle$. The Harris matrix is:
% $$A_{Harris} = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{\langle G_x^2
% \rangle}&{\langle G_{xy} \rangle}\\{\langle G_{xy} \rangle}&{\langle
% G_y^2 \rangle}\end{array}} \right]$$

%% Compute the Response from the Harris Matrix
% The key simplification of the Harris algorithm is estimating the eigenvalues
% of the Harris matrix as the determinant minus the scaled trace squared.
% $R = det(A_{Harris}) - k \cdot Tr^2(A_{Harris})$ where $k$ is a constant
% typically 0.04.
% The the corner metric response, $R$, expressed using the gradients is:
% $$ R = \left( {\langle G_x^2 \rangle} \cdot {\langle G_y^2 \rangle} -
% {\langle G_{xy} \rangle}^2 \right) - k \cdot \left( {\langle G_x^2
% \rangle} + {\langle G_y^2 \rangle} \right)^2 $$
% When the response is larger than a predefined threshold, a corner is detected:
% $$ R \quad > \quad k_{thresh} $$
% $$ \left( {\langle G_x^2 \rangle} \cdot {\langle G_y^2 \rangle} -
% {\langle G_{xy} \rangle}^2 \right) - k \cdot \left( {\langle G_x^2
% \rangle} + {\langle G_y^2 \rangle} \right)^2 \quad > \quad k_{thresh} $$
% The det_trace subsystem computes R:
open_system([modelname '/HDL Corner Algorithm/det_trace'],'force');

%% Fixed-Point Settings
% The overall function from input image to output corner metric response is a
% fourth-order polynomial. This leads to some challenges determining the
% fixed-point scaling for each step of the computation. Since we are targeting
% FPGAs with built-in multipliers, the best strategy is to allow bit growth
% until the multiplier size is reached and then start to quantize results on a
% selective basis to stay within the bounds of the provided multipliers.
% The input pixel stream is 8-bit grayscale pixel data. Computing the gradients
% does not add much bit-growth since the filter kernel has only +1 and -1
% coefficients. The result is a full-precision 9-bit signed fixed-point type.
% Squaring and cross-multiplying the gradients produces signed 18-bit results,
% still in full precision. Many common FPGA multipliers have 18-bit or 20-bit
% input wordlengths, so you will have to quantize at the next step.
% The next step is to apply a circular window to the three components using
% three Image Filters with Gaussian coefficients. The coefficients are
% quantized to 18-bit unsigned numbers to fit the FPGA multipliers. To find the
% best fraction precision for the coefficients, create a fixed-point number
% using the fi() function but only specifying the wordlength. In this case a
% fractional scaling of 21-bits is best since the largest value in the
% coefficient matrix is between 1/8 and 1/16.
%   coeffs = fi(fspecial('gaussian',[5,5],1.5),0,18)
coeffs = fi(fspecial('gaussian',[5,5],1.5),0,18)

% The output of the algorithm is then compared against a constant and the
% resulting binary decision is scaled up to represent an 8-bit black and white
% image for visualization.
open_system([modelname '/HDL Corner Algorithm'],'force');

%% Results of the Simulation
% You can see that the resulting images from the simulation are very similar but
% not exactly the same. The small differences in simulation results are because
% the behavioral model uses C integer arithmetic rules and the quantization is
% different from the HDL-ready corner detection block.
% Using Simulink, you can understand these differences and decide if the errors
% are allowable for your application. If they are not acceptable, you can
% increase the bit-widths of the operators, although this increases the area
% used in the FPGA.

%% HDL Code Generation
% To check and generate the HDL code referenced in this example, you must
% have an HDL Coder(TM) license.
% To generate the HDL code, use the following command.
%   makehdl('CornerDetectionHDLExample/HDL Corner Algorithm')
% To generate the test bench, use the following command. Note that test bench
% generation takes a long time due to the large data size. You may want to
% reduce the simulation time before generating the test bench.
%   makehdltb('CornerDetectionHDLExample/HDL Corner Algorithm')
% The part of this model that you can implement on an FPGA is the part between
% the Frame To Pixels and Pixels To Frame blocks. That is the subsystem called
% HDL Corner Algorithm, which includes all elements of the corner detection
% algorithm seen above. The rest of the model, including the Behavioral Corner
% Algorithm and the sources and sinks, form our Simulink test bench.

%% Going Further
% The Harris & Stephens algorithm is based on approximating the eigenvalues of
% the Harris matrix as shown above. The Harris algorithm uses $R =
% det(A_{Harris}) - k \cdot Tr^2(A_{Harris})$ as a metric, avoiding any division
% or square-root operations. Another way to do corner detection is to compute
% the actual eigenvalues.
% The analytical solution for the eigenvalues of a 2x2 matrix is well-known and
% can also be used in corner detection. When the eigenvalues are both positive
% and large with the same scale, a corner has been found.
% $$ \lambda_1 = \frac{Tr(A)}{2} + \sqrt{\frac{Tr^2(A)}{4}-det(A)} $$
% $$ \lambda_2 = \frac{Tr(A)}{2} - \sqrt{\frac{Tr^2(A)}{4}-det(A)} $$
% Substituting in our $A_Harris$ values we get:
% $$ \lambda_1 = \left( \frac{{\langle G_x^2 \rangle} + {\langle G_y^2
% \rangle}}{2} \right) + \sqrt{ \left( {\frac{{\langle G_x^2 \rangle} +
% {\langle G_y^2 \rangle}}{2}} \right)^2 - \left( {\langle G_x^2
% \rangle} \cdot {\langle G_y^2 \rangle} - {\langle G_{xy} \rangle}^2
% \right)} $$
% $$ \lambda_2 = \left( \frac{{\langle G_x^2 \rangle} + {\langle G_y^2
% \rangle}}{2} \right) - \sqrt{ \left( {\frac{{\langle G_x^2 \rangle} +
% {\langle G_y^2 \rangle}}{2}} \right)^2 - \left( {\langle G_x^2
% \rangle} \cdot {\langle G_y^2 \rangle} - {\langle G_{xy} \rangle}^2
% \right)} $$
% For FPGA implementation it is important to notice the repeated value of
% $\frac{Tr(A)}{2}$. We can compute this value once and then square to combine
% with $det(A)$.  This means that the eigenvalue algorithm requires only two
% multipliers but at the expense of more adder/subtractors and a square-root
% function, which requires several multipliers on its own.
% You must then compare both eigenvalues to a constant value to make sure they
% are large. Since the eigenvalues scale up with image intensity, you also need
% to make sure they are both around the same size. You can do this by
% subtracting one from another and making sure that result is smaller than some
% predefined threshold value. Notice that in this subtraction, the first terms
% cancel out and you are left with:
% $$ \lambda_1, \lambda_2 \quad > \quad k_{minimum} $$
% $$ \lambda_1 - \lambda_2 \quad < \quad k_{thresh} $$
% $$ 2 \sqrt{\frac{Tr^2(A)}{4}-det(A)} \quad < \quad k_{thresh} $$
% $$ \frac{Tr^2(A)}{4}-det(A) \quad < \quad \left( {\frac{k_{thresh}}{2}}
% \right)^2 $$
% You can rearrange this so that it is very similar to Harris metric $R$ above:
% $$ det(A) - \frac{Tr^2(A)}{4} \quad \geq \quad \left( {\frac{k_{thresh}}{2}}
% \right)^2 $$
% Expanding the matrix gives:
% $$ \left( {\langle G_x^2 \rangle} \cdot {\langle G_y^2 \rangle} - {\langle
% G_{xy} \rangle}^2 \right) - \left( {\frac{{\langle G_x^2 \rangle} + {\langle
% G_y^2 \rangle}}{2}} \right)^2 \quad \geq \quad \left( {\frac{k_{thresh}}{2}}
% \right)^2 $$
% The similarity between the difference of the eigenvalues and the Harris $R$
% metric shows how the Harris approximation works. If you rearrange the terms
% under the square-root and swap the signs so the result must be greater than or
% equal to a predefined threshold, you arrive at essentially the Harris metric
% with some scaling.
%% Conclusion
% You implemented the Harris corner detection algorithm in an FPGA using Vision
% HDL Toolbox. You applied fixed-point quantization steps to the algorithm to
% make it FPGA capable.  You also showed that the Harris metric $R$ can be
% derived from the difference of eigenvalues.
%% References 
% [1] C. Harris and M. Stephens (1988). "A combined corner and edge detector".
% Proceedings of the 4th Alvey Vision Conference. pp. 147-151.