> visionhdl工具箱matlab源码程序 > visionhdl/visionhdlexamples/PixelStreamingDesignHDLTestBench.m

    function PixelStreamingDesignHDLTestBench
% VISIONHDLGAMMA_TB  Provide test bench for HDL code generation 

%   Copyright 2014 The MathWorks, Inc.

% frm2pix converts an input frame to a stream of pixels and control structures
frm2pix = visionhdl.FrameToPixels(...
[actPixPerLine,actLine,numPixPerFrm] = getparamfromfrm2pix(frm2pix);

% pix2frm converts a pixel stream and control structures to a full frame
pix2frm = visionhdl.PixelsToFrame(...

% videoIn reads a rhinos video
videoIn = vision.VideoFileReader(... 
viewer = vision.DeployableVideoPlayer(...
        'CustomSize',[2*actPixPerLine actLine]*5);
pixOutVec = zeros(numPixPerFrm,1,'uint8');
ctrlOutVec = repmat(pixelcontrolstruct,numPixPerFrm,1);

numFrm = 10;
for f = 1:numFrm       
    frmFull = step(videoIn);        % Get a new frame  
    frmIn = imresize(frmFull, [actLine actPixPerLine]); % Reduce the frame size
    [pixInVec,ctrlInVec] = step(frm2pix,frmIn);                   
    for p = 1:numPixPerFrm            
        [pixOutVec(p),ctrlOutVec(p)] = PixelStreamingDesignHDLDesign(pixInVec(p),ctrlInVec(p));                                              
    frmOut = step(pix2frm,pixOutVec,ctrlOutVec);
    step(viewer,[frmIn frmOut]);
t = toc;

fprintf('\n%d frames have been processed in %.2f seconds.\n',numFrm,t);
fprintf('Average frame rate is %.2f frames/second.\n',numFrm/t);