> vnt工具箱matlab源码程序 > vnt/vntblks/vntmasks/private/privatecantlstring.m

    function dispString = privatecantlstring
%PRIVATECANTLSTRING Return a display string for XCP and J1939 CAN TL blocks.
%    DISPSTRING = PRIVATECANTLSTRING returns a display string, 
%    DISPSTRING, and port information , PORT, for the XCP/J1939 CAN TL block.

%    Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

% We are called every time the mask is initialized,
% so the current block is always ours.
blk = gcb;
blkh = gcbh;

% Set dispString to empty.
dispString = [];

% Check if we're in the library. If so, don't display any dynamic info.
parentBlk = get_param(blk, 'Parent');
switch parentBlk
    case {'vntxcptllib' 'xcplib'}
        % This check should be done inside the outer level if statement.
        % Not all blocks have a BlockDiagramType parameter (e.g. subsystems),
        % but if the parent is canlib or canmsglib, then it will.
        blkDiagType = get_param(gcs, 'BlockDiagramType');
        if strcmpi(blkDiagType, 'library')
            dispString = sprintf('XCP CAN\nTransport Layer');
    case {'vntj1939tllib' 'vntj1939lib' 'j1939vnttllib'}
        % This check should be done inside the outer level if statement.
        % Not all blocks have a BlockDiagramType parameter (e.g. subsystems),
        % but if the parent is canlib or canmsglib, then it will.
        blkDiagType = get_param(gcs, 'BlockDiagramType');
        if strcmpi(blkDiagType, 'library')
            dispString = sprintf('J1939 CAN\nTransport Layer');

% Get the reference block. 
maskType = get(blkh, 'MaskType');

% Get the Config name.
configName = get_param(blkh, 'ConfigName');
if strcmpi(configName, 'Select a config name')
    dispString = sprintf('No config selected');
    dispString = sprintf('%s', configName);

% Extract the vendor and device name out of the "VENDOR DEVNAME (CHANNEL#)" string.
device = get_param(blk, 'Device');
spIndex = strfind(device, '(');
if ~isempty(spIndex)
    % Extract devName and Channel.
    vendorDeviceName = device(1:spIndex(1)-2); % 
    channel = device( spIndex(1)+1:end-1 );
    % Shorten vendor/device name if required. Arbitrarily set
    % to 20 characters.
    vendorDeviceName = localShortenString(vendorDeviceName);

    % Shorten channel name if required. 
    channel = localShortenString(channel);

    % Form the basic display string.
    dispString = strcat(dispString, '\n', vendorDeviceName, '\n', channel);    
elseif strcmpi(get_param(blk, 'Device'), 'Select a device') % Form display string.
    dispString = strcat(dispString, '\n', 'No device selected');

%% Extract required parameters.
objConstructor = get_param(blk, 'ObjConstructor');
busSpeed = get_param(blk, 'BusSpeedStr');
sampleTime = get_param(blk, 'SampleTime');

% Set the underlying library blocks to correct values.

%% CAN Configuration block.
configBlkName = sprintf('%s/CAN Configuration', blk);
set_param(configBlkName, 'BlockHandle', num2str(get_param(configBlkName, 'Handle')));
set_param(configBlkName, 'Device', device);
set_param(configBlkName, 'ObjConstructor', objConstructor);
set_param(configBlkName, 'BusSpeed', busSpeed);

%% CAN Receive block.
recBlkName = sprintf('%s/CAN Receive', blk);
set_param(recBlkName, 'BlockHandle', num2str(get_param(recBlkName, 'Handle')));
set_param(recBlkName, 'Device', device);
set_param(recBlkName, 'ObjConstructor', objConstructor);
set_param(recBlkName, 'SampleTime', sampleTime);

%% CAN Transmit block
transmitBlkName = sprintf('%s/CAN Transmit Subsystem/CAN Transmit', blk);
set_param(transmitBlkName, 'BlockHandle', num2str(get_param(transmitBlkName, 'Handle')));
set_param(transmitBlkName, 'Device', device);
set_param(transmitBlkName, 'ObjConstructor', objConstructor);

%% Transport Layer Transmit block
switch maskType
    case 'XCP CAN Transport Layer'
        tltxBlkName = sprintf('%s/XCP CAN Transport Layer Transmit', blk);
        set_param(tltxBlkName, 'SampleTime', sampleTime);
    case 'J1939 CAN Transport Layer'
        tltxBlkName = sprintf('%s/J1939 Transport Layer Transmit', blk);
        tlrxBlkName = sprintf('%s/J1939 Transport Layer Receive Subsystem/J1939 Transport Layer Receive', blk);
        set_param(tltxBlkName, 'SampleTime', sampleTime);
        set_param(tltxBlkName, 'TLID', configName);
        set_param(tlrxBlkName, 'TLID', configName);
function inStr = localShortenString(inStr)
% Function that shortens the display string to 17 characters if greater
% than 20. 

% Shorten the string if required. 
if length(inStr) > 20,
    inStr = [inStr(1:17) '...'];