> vnt工具箱matlab源码程序 > vnt/vnt/canMessage.m

    function message = canMessage(varargin)
% canMessage Construct a CAN message.
%   MESSAGE = canMessage(DATABASE, NAME) constructs a MESSAGE using the NAME 
%   to reference the message definition from the DATABASE.
%   MESSAGE = canMessage(ID, EXTENDED, DATALENGTH) constructs a MESSAGE from 
%   raw information using ID, EXTENDED, and DATALENGTH.
%   Inputs:
%       DATABASE - A handle to a database file.
%       NAME - The name of the message as a string.
%       ID - The message identifier. Note that ID is stored as a decimal
%           value. You can use the HEX2DEC function to convert a
%           hexadecimal ID to decimal if desired.
%       EXTENDED - A logical value of true if the ID is of extended
%           type (29-bit identifier), otherwise false if the ID is of
%           standard type (11-bit identifier).
%       DATALENGTH - The data length of the message from 0 to 8 bytes.
%   Examples:
%       database = canDatabase('C:\Database.dbc')
%       message = canMessage(database, 'MessageName')
%       message = canMessage(500, false, 8)
%       message = canMessage(hex2dec('750'), false, 8)
%   See also VNT.

% Authors: JDP
% Copyright 2008-2009 The MathWorks, Inc.

    % Call the Message constructor.
    message = can.Message(varargin{:});