> vnt工具箱matlab源码程序 > vnt/vnt/+can/Utility.m

    classdef (Hidden) Utility
% Utility Supporting functionality for toolbox operations.
%   This class implements internal functionality required for toolbox
%   operation. These methods are not intended for external use.

% Authors: JDP
% Copyright 2007-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

methods (Static)
    function dt = calculateInitialTimestamp(offset)
    % calculateInitialTimestamp Makes a datetime out of a seconds offset.
    %   This function is used to convert the seconds offset from a channel
    %   start time as received from asyncio to a MATLAB datetime object of
    %   the current time and locale.
        % Make a datetime object at the base time specified by the tamutil
        % timestamp from asyncio.
        dt = datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0);
        dt.TimeZone = 'UTC';
        % Add the time offset in seconds.
        dt = dt + seconds(offset);
        % Adjust the timezone of the object to the current time
        % zone of the system.
        dt.TimeZone = datetime().SystemTimeZone;
    function key = deriveIDKey(message)
    % deriveIDKey Makes a string key value from a message ID.
    %   This function is used to turn a numeric ID and Extended flag
    %   into a string value, generally use as a key value for maps. The
    %   string is the numeric ID with an 'x' on the end for extended
    %   identifiers.
        % Turn the numeric ID into a string.
        key = num2str(message.ID);
        % Add the postfix onto the string if it is an extended ID.
        if message.Extended
            key = [key 'x'];
    function [code, mask] = filterCalc(id, idType)
    % filterCalc Calculates filter settings for a set of identifiers.
    %   This function is used interally to perform the calculations
    %   necessary to determine the CODE and MASK filter settings for
    %   a given ID or set of IDs of the specified IDTYPE.
        % Cast the input IDs as uint32 for proper bit handling and to
        % enable use of the MATLAB bit functions.
        id = uint32(id);
        % If only one ID is provided, the code and mask can be directly set.
        % There is no need to calculate them. Just set them and return.
        if numel(id) == 1
            % For one ID, code is equal to the exact bit field of the ID.
            code = id;
            % For one ID, mask is simply all 1s to indicate that every bit
            % of the field is relevant.
            mask = uint32(hex2dec('FFFFFFFF'));
            % Trim the unused bits.
        % Bit complement the IDs. This is done to find the common
        % positions in each ID where the values are 0.
        idcmp = bitcmp(id);
        % Calculating the code and mask for 2 or more IDs involves
        % constantly ANDing each ID value together with the ongoing
        % result. First, we do the AND on the first 2 IDs as well
        % as AND the bit complement of the first 2 IDs together.
        runningCode = bitand(id(1), id(2));
        runningbandcmp = bitand(idcmp(1), idcmp(2));
        % Loop through each remaining ID to AND it with the running
        % result for the regular ID and bit complemented value too.
        for ii = 3:numel(id)
            runningCode = bitand(runningCode, id(ii));
            runningbandcmp = bitand(runningbandcmp, idcmp(ii));
        % Set the code.
        code = runningCode;
        % Calculate the mask by ORing together the code along with
        % the ANDing of the one's complement of the IDs. This sets
        % a 1 in every bit position of the mask where all IDs have
        % either a 1 or a 0 in the same position.
        mask = bitor(code, runningbandcmp);
        % Trim the unused bits.
        function zeroBits()
        % zeroBits Clears the unused bits from the code and mask.
        %   This function is used locally to zero out to preceding,
        %   unused bits of the code and mask that are still part of
        %   the uint32 bit field. For standard IDs, the function will
        %   zero the first 21 bits. For extended IDs, it will zero out
        %   just the first 3 bits.
            % Adjust the code and mask values according to the type of ID for
            % which the values are being calculated.
            switch lower(idType)
                case 'standard'
                    code = bitand(code, uint32(hex2dec('7FF')));
                    mask = bitand(mask, uint32(hex2dec('7FF')));
                case 'extended'
                    code = bitand(code, uint32(hex2dec('1FFFFFFF')));
                    mask = bitand(mask, uint32(hex2dec('1FFFFFFF')));
    function passed = validateCallbackFcn(func)
    % validateCallbackFcn Validate a callback function.
    %   This method is used internally to validate an intended value
    %   for the message received callback functionality of the
    %   Channel class. Input may be a function handle, a string, or a
    %   cell array. In the case of a cell array, the first element in
    %   the array is expected to be a function handle.
        % A valid callback value must either be a string, function
        % handle, or cell array. If the type of func is none of
        % these, then error.
        if ~isempty(func) &&...
                ~ischar(func) &&...
                ~isa(func, 'function_handle') &&...
            passed = false;
        % Extra validation is required for cell arrays.
        if iscell(func)
            % Check the type of the first element of the cell array.
            % The first element must be a function handle.
            if ~isa(func{1}, 'function_handle')
                passed = false;
        % Return passed as true.
        passed = true;
    function executeCallbackFcn(func, channel)
    % executeCallbackFcn Execute a callback function.
    %   This method is used internally to execute a set message
    %   received callback function. It activates the callback according
    %   to the type of value set to represent the callback.
        % Check a string.
        if ischar(func)
            % Eval the string to execute it.
            % Check for a function handle.
        elseif isa(func, 'function_handle')
            % Call the function directly.
            feval(func, channel);
            % Check a cell array.
        elseif iscell(func)
            % Set the function.
            funcHandle = func{1};
            % Extract the remainder of the cell array, exclusive of
            % the first element, which was the function handle.
            args = func(2:end);
            % Invoke the callback function passing any extra arguments
            % along with the call.
            feval(funcHandle, channel, args{:});
    function out = callbackFcnToString(func)
    % callbackFcnToString Convert a callback function name to a string.
    %   This method is used internally to convert a callback function
    %   name to a string for used in screen displaying. It handles
    %   converting the name for types of empty, string, function
    %   handle, and cell array.
        % Parse the func name to convert it properly.
        if (isempty(func))
            % When empty, return empty brackets.
            out = '[]';
        elseif (ischar(func))
            % When a string type already, return it with quotes.
            out = ['''' func ''''];
        elseif (isa(func, 'function_handle'))
            % When a function handle, convert with an @ symbol.
            out = ['@' func2str(func)];
        elseif (iscell(func))
            % When a cell, obtain the size and class and return in curly braces.
            out = ['{' num2str(size(func, 1)) 'x' num2str(size(func, 2)) ' ' class(func) '}'];