> wlan工具箱matlab源码程序 > wlan/wlanexamples/helperReferenceSymbols.m

    function refSym = helperReferenceSymbols(varargin)
%helperReferenceSymbols Find the closest constellation point
%   REFSYM = helperReferenceSymbols(CFGFORMAT) returns the constellation
%   used in a single-user transmission as a column vector of complex
%   symbols. Only OFDM formats are supported. CFGFORMAT is the format
%   configuration object of type <a href="matlab:help('wlanVHTConfig')">wlanVHTConfig</a>, <a href="matlab:help('wlanHTConfig')">wlanHTConfig</a>, or  
%   <a href="matlab:help('wlanNonHTConfig')">wlanNonHTConfig</a>, which specifies the parameters for the VHT,  
%   HT-Mixed, and Non-HT formats, respectively.
%   REFSYM = helperReferenceSymbols(CFGVHTMU,USERNUMBER) returns the
%   constellation used in a transmission for an individual user of interest
%   in a VHT multi-user configuration. CFGVHTMU must be a <a href="matlab:help('wlanVHTConfig')">wlanVHTConfig</a>
%   object with NumUsers > 1. USERNUMBER is the user of interest, specified
%   as an integer from 1 to NumUsers, where NumUsers is the number of users
%   in the transmission.
%   REFSYM = helperReferenceSymbols(SYM,CFGFORMAT) returns the closest
%   constellation point for given symbols SYM and single-user format
%   configuration object CFGFORMAT. SYM is an array containing complex
%   symbols of type double.
%   REFSYM = helperReferenceSymbols(SYM,CFGVHTMU,USERNUMBER) returns the
%   closest constellation point for given symbols SYM for an individual
%   user of interest in a VHT multi-user configuration. CFGVHTMU must be a
%   <a href="matlab:help('wlanVHTConfig')">wlanVHTConfig</a> object with NumUsers > 1.
%   % Example 1: Plot a noisy QPSK constellation with reference points
%     sym = awgn(1/sqrt(2)*qammod(randi([0 3],100,1),4),20); % Noisy QPSK
%     cfgVHT = wlanVHTConfig('MCS',1); % MCS1 = QPSK
%     refSym = helperReferenceSymbols(cfgVHT);
%     figure;
%     plot(sym,'b.');
%     hold on;
%     plot(refSym,'ro');
%     legend('Symbols','Ref','Location','South');
%   % Example 2: Plot the EVM per symbol of a noisy QPSK constellation
%     sym = awgn(1/sqrt(2)*qammod(randi([0 3],100,1),4),20); % Noisy QPSK
%     cfgVHT = wlanVHTConfig('MCS',1); % MCS1 = QPSK
%     ref = helperReferenceSymbols(sym,cfgVHT);
%     figure;
%     plot(100*sqrt((real(sym)-real(ref)).^2+(imag(sym)-imag(ref)).^2));
%     xlabel('Symbol number');
%     ylabel('EVM (%)');

%   Copyright 2016 The MathWorks, Inc.



% First argument should be numeric (symbols) or a confguration object
validateattributes(varargin{1}, ...
    {'numeric','wlanVHTConfig','wlanHTConfig','wlanNonHTConfig'},{},mfilename,'first argument');

userNumPresent = false; % Assume USERNUMBER not passed as an argument
userNum = 1; % Assume SU configuration
if isa(varargin{1},'numeric')
    % REFSYM = helperReferenceSymbols(SYM,CFGFORMAT,...)
    sym = varargin{1};
    cfgFormat = varargin{2};
    calcRef = true; % Input symbols provided; calculate reference
    if nargin>2
        % REFSYM = helperReferenceSymbols(SYM,CFGFORMAT,USERNUMBER)
        userNumPresent = true;
        userNum = varargin{3};
    % REFSYM = helperReferenceSymbols(CFGFORMAT,...)
    cfgFormat = varargin{1};
    calcRef = false;  % No input symbols provided; do not calculate reference
    if nargin>1
        % REFSYM = helperReferenceSymbols(CFGFORMAT,USERNUMBER)
        userNumPresent = true;
        userNum = varargin{2};

% Validate the configuration object
validateattributes(cfgFormat,{'wlanVHTConfig','wlanHTConfig', ...
    'wlanNonHTConfig'},{'scalar'},mfilename,'format configuration object');
coder.internal.errorIf( ...
    isa(cfgFormat,'wlanNonHTConfig') && ~strcmp(cfgFormat.Modulation,'OFDM'), ...

if userNumPresent
    % Validate the user number input against configuration object if a MU
    % VHT object, otherwise assume SU 
    if isa(cfgFormat,'wlanVHTConfig') && cfgFormat.NumUsers>1
        validateattributes(userNum,{'numeric'},{'integer','scalar','>=',1,'<=',4},mfilename,'user number');     
        coder.internal.errorIf(userNum>cfgFormat.NumUsers, ...
        % Force user number to be 1 if not a VHT MU object (therefore SU)
        userNum = 1;

% Get the constellation used for the transmission
% Generate bit input for all symbols and constellation map
mcsTable = wlan.internal.getRateTable(cfgFormat);
x = reshape(de2bi((0:((2^mcsTable.NBPSCS(userNum))-1)),'left-msb').', ...
const = wlan.internal.wlanConstellationMapper(x,mcsTable.NBPSCS(userNum));

if calcRef
    % REFSYM = helperReferenceSymbols(SYM,CFGFORMAT,...)
    % Determine the closest reference constellation point for each symbol
    refSym = complex(zeros(size(sym)));
    for i = 1:numel(sym)
        [~,idx] = min(abs(sym(i)-const));
        refSym(i) = const(idx);
    % REFSYM = helperReferenceSymbols(CFGFORMAT,...)
    refSym = const;