> wlan工具箱matlab源码程序 > wlan/wlanexamples/BasicWLANLinkModelingExample.m

    %% Basic WLAN Link Modeling
% This example shows how to create a basic WLAN link model using 
% WLAN System Toolbox(TM). An 802.11ac(TM) [ <#29 1> ] VHT packet is
% created, passed through a TGac channel. The received signal is equalized
% and decoded in order to recover the transmitted bits.

% Copyright 2015-2016 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Introduction
% This example shows how a simple transmitter-channel-receiver simulation
% may be created using functions from WLAN System Toolbox. A VHT transmit
% and receive link is implemented as shown in the figure below. A VHT
% packet is transmitted through a TGac channel, demodulated and the
% equalized symbols are recovered. The equalized symbols are decoded to
% recover the transmitted bits.
% <<BasicWLANlinkModelingDiagram.png>>

%% Waveform Generation
% An 802.11ac VHT transmission is simulated in this example. The transmit
% parameters for the VHT format of the IEEE(R) 802.11 standard are
% configured using a VHT configuration object.
% The <matlab:doc('wlanVHTConfig') wlanVHTConfig> creates a VHT
% configuration object. In this example the object is configured for a 20
% MHz channel bandwidth, MCS 5 and single transmit antenna.

% Create a format configuration object for a SISO VHT transmission
cfgVHT = wlanVHTConfig;
cfgVHT.NumTransmitAntennas = 1;    % Transmit antennas
cfgVHT.NumSpaceTimeStreams = 1;    % Space-time streams
cfgVHT.APEPLength = 4096;          % APEP length in bytes
cfgVHT.MCS = 5;                    % Single spatial stream, 64-QAM
cfgVHT.ChannelBandwidth = 'CBW20'; % Transmitted signal bandwidth
Rs = helperSampleRate(cfgVHT);     % Sampling rate

% A single VHT packet is generated consisting of training, signal and data
% fields:
% * Non-HT Short Training Field (L-STF)
% * Non-HT Long Training Field (L-LTF)
% * Non-HT Signal (L-SIG) field
% * VHT Signal A (VHT-SIG-A) field
% * VHT Short Training Field (VHT-STF)
% * VHT Long Training Field (VHT-LTF)
% * VHT Signal B (VHT-SIG-B) field
% * Data field
% These fields are generated separately using functions from WLAN
% System Toolbox and are concatenated to produce a VHT transmit packet.

% The first field in the PPDU is the L-STF and is used for the start of
% packet detection and automatic gain control (AGC) setting. It is also
% used for initial frequency offset estimation and coarse timing
% synchronization.  The <matlab:doc('wlanLSTF') wlanLSTF> function
% generates the L-STF field in the time-domain using some of the parameters
% included in configuration object |cfgVHT|.
lstf = wlanLSTF(cfgVHT);  

% The L-LTF is used for fine time synchronization, channel estimation and
% fine frequency offset estimation. The <matlab:doc('wlanLLTF') wlanLLTF>
% function generates the L-LTF in the time-domain.
lltf = wlanLLTF(cfgVHT);  

% The L-SIG field carries packet configuration such as data rate,
% modulation and code rate for Non-HT format. The <matlab:doc('wlanLSIG')
% wlanLSIG> function generates the L-SIG field in the time-domain.
lsig = wlanLSIG(cfgVHT);

% The figure below shows the L-STF, L-LTF and L-SIG fields. These fields
% are common to the VHT, HT-Mixed and Non-HT OFDM transmission formats.
nonHTfield = [lstf;lltf;lsig]; % Combine the Non-HT preamble fields

% <<BasicWLANlinkModelingNonHTpreamble.png>>

% The VHT specific signal and training fields are generated after the
% Non-HT preamble fields. The purpose of the VHT-SIG-A field is to provide
% information to allow the receiver to decode the data payload. The
% VHT-SIG-A is composed of two symbols VHT-SIG-A1 and VHT-SIG-A2. The
% <matlab:doc('wlanVHTSIGA') wlanVHTSIGA> function generates the VHT-SIG-A
% field in the time-domain.
vhtsiga = wlanVHTSIGA(cfgVHT);

% The purpose of the VHT-STF is to improve the gain control estimation in a
% MIMO transmission and help the receiver detect the repeating pattern
% similar to the L-STF field. The <matlab:doc('wlanVHTSTF') wlanVHTSTF>
% function generates the VHT-STF field in the time-domain.
vhtstf = wlanVHTSTF(cfgVHT);

% The VHT-LTF provides a mean for the receiver to estimate the channel
% between the transmitter and the receiver. Depending on the number of
% space time streams, it consists of 1,2,4,6 or 8 VHT-LTF symbols. The
% <matlab:doc('wlanVHTLTF') wlanVHTLTF> function generates the VHT-LTF in
% the time-domain.
vhtltf = wlanVHTLTF(cfgVHT);

% The VHT-SIG-B field is used to set the data rate and the length of the
% data field payload of the transmitted packet. The
% <matlab:doc('wlanVHTSIGB') wlanVHTSIGB> function generates the VHT-SIG-B
% field in the time-domain.
vhtsigb = wlanVHTSIGB(cfgVHT);

% Construct the preamble with the generated signal and training fields for
% the VHT format.
preamble = [lstf;lltf;lsig;vhtsiga;vhtstf;vhtltf;vhtsigb];

% The <matlab:doc('wlanVHTData') wlanVHTData> function generates the
% time-domain VHT data field. The VHT format configuration |cfgVHT|
% specifies the parameters for generating the data field from the PSDU
% bits. The |cfgVHT.PSDULength| property gives the number of bytes to be
% transmitted in the VHT data field. This property is used to generate the
% random PSDU bits |txPSDU|.

rng(0) % Initialize the random number generator
txPSDU = randi([0 1],cfgVHT.PSDULength*8,1); % Generate PSDU data in bits
data = wlanVHTData(txPSDU,cfgVHT);

% A VHT waveform is constructed by prepending the Non-HT and VHT
% preamble fields with data
txWaveform = [preamble;data]; % Transmit VHT PPDU

% Alternatively the waveform for a given format configuration can also be
% generated using a single function call
% <matlab:doc('wlanWaveformGenerator') wlanWaveformGenerator> function.
% This function can produce one or more VHT packets.

%% Channel Impairments
% This section simulates the effects of over-the-air transmission. The
% transmitted signal is impaired by the channel and AWGN. The level of the
% AWGN is given in dBs. In this example the TGac channel model [ <#29 2> ]
% is used with delay profile Model-B. For this delay profile when the
% distance between transmitter and receiver is greater than or equal to 5
% meters, the model is in Non-Line-of-Sight (N-LOS) configuration. This is
% described further in the help for <matlab:doc('wlanTGacChannel')
% wlanTGacChannel>.

% Parameterize the channel
tgacChannel = wlanTGacChannel;
tgacChannel.DelayProfile = 'Model-B';
tgacChannel.NumTransmitAntennas = cfgVHT.NumTransmitAntennas;
tgacChannel.NumReceiveAntennas = 1;
tgacChannel.LargeScaleFadingEffect = 'None';
tgacChannel.ChannelBandwidth = 'CBW20';
tgacChannel.TransmitReceiveDistance = 5;
tgacChannel.SampleRate = Rs;
tgacChannel.RandomStream = 'mt19937ar with seed';
tgacChannel.Seed = 10;

% Pass signal through the channel. Append zeroes to compensate for channel
% filter delay
txWaveform = [txWaveform;zeros(10,1)];
chanOut = tgacChannel(txWaveform);

snr = 40; % In dBs
rxWaveform = awgn(chanOut,snr,0);

% Display the spectrum of the transmitted and received signals. The
% received signal spectrum is affected by the channel
spectrumAnalyzer  = dsp.SpectrumAnalyzer('SampleRate',Rs, ...
            'ShowLegend',true, ...
            'Window', 'Rectangular', ...
            'SpectralAverages',10, ...
            'YLimits',[-30 10], ... 
            'ChannelNames',{'Transmitted waveform','Received waveform'});
spectrumAnalyzer([txWaveform rxWaveform]);

%% Channel Estimation and Equalization
% In this section the time-domain VHT-LTF is extracted from the received
% waveform. The waveform is assumed to be synchronized to the start of the
% packet by taking the channel filter delay into account. The VHT-LTF is
% demodulated and is used to estimate the channel. The received signal is
% then equalized using the channel estimate obtained from the VHT-LTF.

% In this example the received signal is synchronized to the start of the
% packet by compensating for a known channel filter delay. For more
% information on how to automatically detect and synchronize to the
% received signal see the following examples:
% * <HTMIMOPacketErrorRateExample.html
% 802.11n Packet Error Rate Simulation for 2x2 TGn Channel>
% * <VHTMIMOPacketErrorRateExample.html
% 802.11ac Packet Error Rate Simulation for 8x8 TGac Channel>


chInfo = info(tgacChannel); % Get characteristic information
% Channel filter delay, measured in samples 
chDelay  = chInfo.ChannelFilterDelay;
rxWaveform = rxWaveform(chDelay+1:end,:);

% After synchronization the receiver has to extract the relevant fields
% from the received packet. The <matlab:doc('wlanFieldIndices')
% wlanFieldIndices> function is used to return the start and end
% time-domain sample indices of all fields relative to the first sample in
% a packet. These indices are used to extract the required fields for
% further processing.
indField = wlanFieldIndices(cfgVHT);

% An estimate of the noise power after OFDM demodulation is required to
% perform MMSE equalization on the received OFDM symbols. In this example
% the noise power in the VHT fields is estimated using the demodulated
% L-LTF symbols.

% The L-LTF is extracted from the received waveform and is demodulated
% using the <matlab:doc('wlanLLTFDemodulate') wlanLLTFDemodulate> function.
indLLTF = indField.LLTF(1):indField.LLTF(2);
demodLLTF = wlanLLTFDemodulate(rxWaveform(indLLTF),cfgVHT);
% Estimate noise power in VHT fields
nVar = helperNoiseEstimate(demodLLTF,cfgVHT.ChannelBandwidth, ...

% To extract the VHT-LTF from the received signal the start and end indices
% are used to generate a vector of indices.
indVHTLTF = indField.VHTLTF(1):indField.VHTLTF(2);

% The VHT-LTF is used to estimate the channel between all space-time
% streams and receive antennas. The VHT-LTF is extracted from the received
% waveform and is demodulated using the <matlab:doc('wlanVHTLTFDemodulate')
% wlanVHTLTFDemodulate> function.

demodVHTLTF = wlanVHTLTFDemodulate(rxWaveform(indVHTLTF,:),cfgVHT);

% The channel estimate includes the effect of the applied spatial mapping
% and cyclic shifts at the transmitter for a multi antenna configuration.
% The <matlab:doc('wlanVHTLTFChannelEstimate') wlanVHTLTFChannelEstimate>
% function returns the estimated channel between all space-time streams and
% receive antennas.
chanEstVHTLTF = wlanVHTLTFChannelEstimate(demodVHTLTF,cfgVHT);

% The transmit signal encounters a deep fade as shown in the channel
% frequency response in the figure below. The effect of channel fades can
% also be seen in the spectrum plot shown previously.
grid on;
title('Estimated Channel Response');
xlabel('Subcarrier index');
ylabel('Power (dB)');

% To extract the data field from the received signal the start and end
% indices for the data field are used to generate a vector of indices.
indData = indField.VHTData(1):indField.VHTData(2);

% Recover the bits and equalized symbols in the VHT Data field using the
% channel estimates from VHT-LTF
[rxPSDU,~,eqSym] = wlanVHTDataRecover(rxWaveform(indData,:), ...
% Compare transmit and receive PSDU bits       
numErr = biterr(txPSDU,rxPSDU);     

% The following plot shows the constellation of the equalized symbols at
% the output of the <matlab:doc('wlanVHTDataRecover') wlanVHTDataRecover>
% function compared against the reference constellation. Increasing the
% channel noise should begin to spread the distinct constellation points.

% Plot equalized symbols
constellationDiagram = comm.ConstellationDiagram;
constellationDiagram.ReferenceConstellation = ...
% Compare received and reference constellation  
constellationDiagram.Title = 'Equalized Data Symbols';

%% Appendix
% This example uses the following helper functions:
% * <matlab:edit('helperReferenceSymbols.m') helperReferenceSymbols.m>
% * <matlab:edit('helperSampleRate.m') helperSampleRate.m>
% * <matlab:edit('helperNoiseEstimate.m') helperNoiseEstimate.m>

%% Selected Bibliography
% # IEEE Std 802.11ac(TM)-2013 IEEE Standard for Information technology -
% Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Local and
% metropolitan area networks - Specific requirements - Part 11: Wireless
% LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications -
% Amendment 4: Enhancements for Very High Throughput for Operation in Bands
% below 6 GHz.
% # Breit, G., H. Sampath, S. Vermani, et al. TGac Channel Model Addendum.
% Version 12. IEEE 802.11-09/0308r12, March 2010.
