> wlan工具箱matlab源码程序 > wlan/wlan/wlanTGacChannel.m

    classdef wlanTGacChannel < wlan.internal.ChannelBase
%wlanTGacChannel Filter input signal through a TGac multipath fading channel
%   tgac = wlanTGacChannel creates a System object, tgac, for the TGac
%   channel model as specified by the IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Working
%   group [1,2], which follow the MIMO modeling approach presented in [3].
%   This object filters a real or complex input signal through the
%   multipath, TGac channel to obtain the channel impaired signal.
%   tgac = wlanTGacChannel(Name,Value) creates a TGac channel object,
%   tgac, with the specified property Name set to the specified Value.
%   You can specify additional name-value pair arguments in any order as
%   (Name1,Value1,...,NameN,ValueN).
%   Step method syntax:
%   Y = step(tgac,X) filters input signal X through a TGac fading
%   channel and returns the result in Y. The input X must be a double
%   precision, real or complex matrix of size Ns-by-Nt where Ns is the
%   number of samples and Nt is the number of transmit antennas. Nt must be
%   equal to the NumTransmitAntennas property value of tgac. Y is the
%   output signal of size Ns-by-Nr, where Nr is the number of receive
%   antennas that is determined by the NumReceiveAntennas property value of
%   tgac. Y is of double precision data type with complex values.
%   [Y,PATHGAINS] = step(tgac,X) returns the TGac channel path gains of the
%   underlying fading process in PATHGAINS. PATHGAINS is of size Ns x Np x
%   Nt x Nr, where Np is the number of resolvable paths, that is, the
%   number of paths defined for the case specified by the DelayProfile
%   property. PATHGAINS is of double precision data type with complex
%   values.
%   System objects may be called directly like a function instead of using
%   the step method. For example, y = step(obj, x) and y = obj(x) are
%   equivalent.
%   wlanTGacChannel methods:
%   step     - Filter input signal through a MIMO fading channel (see above)
%   release  - Allow property value and input characteristics changes
%   clone    - Create TGac channel object with same property values
%   isLocked - Locked status (logical)
%   reset    - Reset states of filters, and random stream if the
%              RandomStream property is set to 'mt19937ar with seed'
%   info    -  Return characteristic information about the TGac channel 
%   wlanTGacChannel properties:
%   SampleRate              - Input signal sample rate (Hz)
%   DelayProfile            - Delay profile models for WLAN
%   ChannelBandwidth        - Channel bandwidth of the input waveform
%   CarrierFrequency        - Carrier frequency (Hz)
%   TransmitReceiveDistance - Distance between transmit and receive (m)
%   NormalizePathGains      - Normalize path gains (logical)
%   UserIndex               - UserIndex for single and multiuser scenario
%   TransmissionDirection   - Transmission direction (Uplink/Downlink)
%   NumTransmitAntennas     - Number of transmit antennas
%   TransmitAntennaSpacing  - Transmit antenna spacing in wavelength
%   NumReceiveAntennas      - Number of receive antennas
%   ReceiveAntennaSpacing   - Receive antenna spacing in wavelength
%   LargeScaleFadingEffect  - Inclusion of large scale fading effect
%   FluorescentEffect       - Enable fluorescent effect in channel modeling (logical)
%   PowerLineFrequency      - Power line frequency (Hz) 
%   RandomStream            - Source of random number stream
%   Seed                    - Initial seed of mt19937ar random number stream
%   NormalizeChannelOutputs - Normalize channel outputs (logical)
%   % Example: 
%   %   Filter a VHT waveform through a TGac channel. The seed value is set
%   %   to produce repeatable channel output.
%   cfgVHT = wlanVHTConfig; % Create packet configuration
%   txWaveform = wlanWaveformGenerator([1;0;0;1],cfgVHT);
%   tgacChannel = wlanTGacChannel;
%   tgacChannel.RandomStream = 'mt19937ar with seed';
%   tgacChannel.Seed = 10;
%   [channelOutput, pathGains] = tgacChannel(txWaveform);
%   %   References:
%   [1] Erceg, V., L. Schumacher, P. Kyritsi, et al. TGn Channel Models.
%   Version 4. IEEE 802.11-03/940r4, May 2004.
%   [2] Breit, G., H. Sampath, S. Vermani, et al. TGac Channel Model
%   Addendum. Version 12. IEEE 802.11-09/0308r12, March 2010.
%   [3] Kermoal, J. P., L. Schumacher, K. I. Pedersen, P. E. Mogensen, and
%   F. Frederiksen, "A Stochastic MIMO Radio Channel Model with
%   Experimental Validation", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in
%   Communications, Vol. 20, No. 6, August 2002, pp. 1211-1226.
%   See also wlanTGnChannel, comm.MIMOChannel.

% Copyright 2015-2016 The MathWorks, Inc.


% Public properties
properties (Nontunable)
    %SampleRate Sample rate (Hz)
    %   Specify the sample rate of the input signal in Hz as a double
    %   precision, real, positive scalar. The default is 80e6 Hz.
    SampleRate = 80e6;
    %ChannelBandwidth Channel bandwidth of the input waveform
    %   Specify the channel bandwidth of the input waveform as one of
    %   'CBW20'|'CBW40'|'CBW80'|'CBW160'. The ChannelBandwidth is used to
    %   reduce the multipath spacing of the power delay profile by a factor
    %   of 2^ceil(log2(BW/40)), where BW is the channel bandwidth in MHz.
    %   The reduction factor applies for channel bandwidths greater than 40
    %   MHz. The default is 'CBW80'.
    ChannelBandwidth = 'CBW80'
    %UserIndex User index for single or multiuser scenario
    %   Specify a particular user in a multiuser scenario. A pseudorandom
    %   per-user angle-of-arrival (AoA) and angle-of-departure (AoD)
    %   rotation is applied to support multiuser scenario. The value of
    %   zero means a simulation scenario not requiring per user angle
    %   diversity and assuming the TGn defined cluster AoAs and AoDs. The
    %   default is zero.
    UserIndex = 0;
    %TransmissionDirection Transmission direction (Uplink/Downlink)
    %   Specify the transmission direction as one of 'Uplink' | 'Downlink'.
    %   The default is 'Downlink'.
    TransmissionDirection = 'Downlink';
    %NumTransmitAntennas Number of transmit antennas
    %   Specify the number of transmit antennas as a numeric, real,
    %   positive integer scalar between 1 and 8, inclusive. The default is
    %   1.
    NumTransmitAntennas = 1;
    % TransmitAntennaSpacing Transmit antenna spacing in wavelengths
    %   Spacing of the regular geometry of the antenna elements at the
    %   transmitter, in wavelengths. Only uniform linear array is
    %   supported. This property applies only when NumTransmitAntennas is
    %   greater than 1. The default is 0.5.
    TransmitAntennaSpacing = 0.5;
    %NumReceiveAntennas Number of receive antennas
    %   Specify the number of receive antennas as a numeric, real, positive
    %   integer scalar between 1 and 8, inclusive. The default is 1.
    NumReceiveAntennas = 1;
    % ReceiveAntennaSpacing Receive antenna spacing in wavelengths
    %   Spacing of the regular geometry of the antenna elements at the
    %   receiver, in wavelengths. Only uniform linear array is supported.
    %   This property applies only when NumReceiveAntennas is greater than
    %   1. The default is 0.5.
    ReceiveAntennaSpacing = 0.5;

properties(Constant, Hidden)
    ChannelBandwidthSet =  matlab.system.StringSet({'CBW20','CBW40','CBW80','CBW160'});
    TransmissionDirectionSet =  matlab.system.StringSet({ 'Downlink','Uplink'});
    ScattererSpeed = 89/3600;

  function obj = wlanTGacChannel(varargin) % Constructor
    setProperties(obj, nargin, varargin{:});
    obj.pLegacyGenerator = false;
  function set.SampleRate(obj,val)
    propName = 'SampleRate';
        validateattributes(val, {'double'}, ...
            {'real','scalar','positive','finite'}, ...
            [class(obj) '.' propName], propName);   
    obj.SampleRate = val;
  function set.UserIndex(obj, val)
    propName = 'UserIndex';
    validateattributes(val, {'numeric'}, ...
        {'real','scalar','integer','>=',0}, ...
        [class(obj) '.' propName], propName);
    obj.UserIndex= val;
  function set.NumTransmitAntennas(obj, val)
    propName = 'NumTransmitAntennas';
    validateattributes(val, {'numeric'}, ...
        {'real','scalar','integer','>=',1,'<=',8}, ...
        [class(obj) '.' propName], propName);
    obj.NumTransmitAntennas = val;
  function set.TransmitAntennaSpacing(obj, val)
    propName = 'TransmitAntennaSpacing';
    validateattributes(val, {'numeric'}, ...
        {'real','scalar','>',0,'finite'}, ...
        [class(obj) '.' propName], propName);
    obj.TransmitAntennaSpacing = val;
  function set.NumReceiveAntennas(obj, val)
    propName = 'NumReceiveAntennas';
    validateattributes(val, {'numeric'}, ...
        {'real','scalar','integer','>=',1,'<=',8}, ...
        [class(obj) '.' propName], propName);
    obj.NumReceiveAntennas = val;

  function set.ReceiveAntennaSpacing(obj, val)
    propName = 'ReceiveAntennaSpacing';
    validateattributes(val, {'numeric'}, ...
        {'real','scalar','>',0,'finite'}, ...
        [class(obj) '.' propName], propName);
    obj.ReceiveAntennaSpacing = val;

methods(Access = protected)

  function flag = isInactivePropertyImpl(obj, prop)
    % Use the if-else format for codegen
    if strcmp(prop, 'TransmitAntennaSpacing')
        flag = (obj.NumTransmitAntennas == 1);
    elseif strcmp(prop, 'ReceiveAntennaSpacing')
        flag = (obj.NumReceiveAntennas == 1);
        flag = isInactivePropertyImpl@wlan.internal.ChannelBase(obj, prop);
  function s = saveObjectImpl(obj)
    s = saveObjectImpl@wlan.internal.ChannelBase(obj);
  function loadObjectImpl(obj, s, wasLocked)
    loadObjectImpl@wlan.internal.ChannelBase(obj, s, wasLocked);
  function s = infoImpl(obj)
    %info Returns characteristic information about TGac channel
    %   S = info(OBJ) returns a structure containing characteristic
    %   information, S, about the TGac fading channel. A description of
    %   the fields and their values is as follows:
    %   ChannelFilterDelay  - Channel filter delay, measured in samples 
    %   PathDelays          - Multipath delay of the discrete paths in
    %                         seconds for TGac defined delay profile.
    %   AveragePathGains    - Average gains of the discrete paths in dB
    %                         for TGac defined delay profile.
    %   Pathloss            - Path loss in dBs.  
    if ~isLocked(obj)
    s.ChannelFilterDelay  = obj.pChannelFilterDelay;
    s.PathDelays          = obj.pPathDelays;
    s.AveragePathGains    = obj.pPathPowerdBs;
    s.Pathloss = 0;
    if strcmp(obj.LargeScaleFadingEffect,'Pathloss') || ...
            strcmp(obj.LargeScaleFadingEffect,'Pathloss and shadowing')
        s.Pathloss = obj.pPathloss;

methods(Static, Access = protected)
  function groups = getPropertyGroupsImpl
    multipath = matlab.system.display.Section( ...
        'PropertyList',{'SampleRate','DelayProfile','ChannelBandwidth', ...
        'CarrierFrequency','TransmitReceiveDistance',  ...
    antenna = matlab.system.display.Section(...
        'PropertyList', {'UserIndex','TransmissionDirection', ...
        'NumTransmitAntennas','TransmitAntennaSpacing', ...
    pathloss = matlab.system.display.Section(...
        'PropertyList', {'LargeScaleFadingEffect', ...
    pRandStream = matlab.system.display.internal.Property(...
        'RandomStream', ...
        'IsGraphical',false, ...
        'UseClassDefault',false, ...
        'Default','mt19937ar with seed');
    randomization = matlab.system.display.Section(...
    normalization = matlab.system.display.Section(...

    groups = [multipath antenna pathloss randomization normalization];

% [EOF]