> wlan工具箱matlab源码程序 > wlan/wlan/wlanPacketDetect.m

    function [startOffset,M] = wlanPacketDetect(x,chanBW,varargin)
%WLANPACKETDETECT OFDM packet detection using the L-STF
%   STARTOFFSET = wlanPacketDetect(X,CHANBW) returns the offset from the
%   start of the input waveform to the start of the detected preamble using
%   auto-correlation. Only OFDM modulation is supported.
%   STARTOFFSET is an integer scalar indicating the location of the start
%   of a detected packet as the offset from the start of the matrix X. If
%   no packet is detected an empty value is returned.
%   X is the received time-domain signal. It is an Ns-by-Nr matrix of real
%   or complex samples, where Ns represents the number of time domain
%   samples and Nr represents the number of receive antennas.
%   CHANBW is a string describing the channel bandwidth and must be 'CBW5',
%   'CBW10', 'CBW20' 'CBW40', 'CBW80' or 'CBW160'.
%   STARTOFFSET = wlanPacketDetect(..., OFFSET) specifies the offset to
%   begin the auto-correlation process from the start of the matrix X. The
%   STARTOFFSET is relative to the input OFFSET when specified. It is an
%   integer scalar greater than or equal to zero. When unspecified a value
%   of 0 is used.
%   STARTOFFSET = wlanPacketDetect(...,OFFSET,THRESHOLD) specifies the
%   threshold which the decision statistic must meet or exceed to detect a
%   packet. THRESHOLD is a real scalar greater than 0 and less than or
%   equal to 1. When unspecified a value of 0.5 is used.
%   [STARTOFFSET,M] = wlanPacketDetect(...) returns the decision statistics
%   of the packet detection algorithm of matrix X. When THRESHOLD is set to
%   1, the decision statistics of the complete waveform will be returned
%   and STARTOFFFSET will be empty.
%   M is a real vector of size N-by-1, representing the decision statistics
%   based on auto-correlation of the input waveform. The length of N
%   depends on the starting location of the auto-correlation process till
%   the successful detection of a packet.
%   Example 1:
%   %  Detect a received 802.11n packet at 20dB SNR.
%      cfgHT = wlanHTConfig; % Create packet configuration
%      SNR = 20;             % In decibels
%      tgn = wlanTGnChannel('LargeScaleFadingEffect','None');
%      % Generate transmit waveform
%      txWaveform = wlanWaveformGenerator([1;0;0;1],cfgHT);
%      fadedSig = tgn(txWaveform); 
%      rxWaveform = awgn(fadedSig,SNR,0);
%      startOffset = wlanPacketDetect(rxWaveform,cfgHT.ChannelBandwidth);
%   Example 2:
%   % Detect a received 802.11a packet without channel impairments
%      cfgNonHT = wlanNonHTConfig; % Create packet configuration
%      % Generate transmit waveform
%      txWaveform = wlanWaveformGenerator([1;0;0;1],cfgNonHT, ...
%                   'WindowTransitionTime', 0);
%      % Delay the signal by appending zeros at the start
%      rxWaveform = [zeros(20,1);txWaveform];
%      startOffset = wlanPacketDetect(rxWaveform, ...
%                    cfgNonHT.ChannelBandwidth,0,0.99);
%      sprintf('Packet start offset: %d',startOffset)
%   Example 3:
%   % Return the decision statistics of the input waveform. The waveform
%   % consists of five WLAN packets. The decision statistics shows five
%   % peaks. Each peak corresponds to the detection of a single packet.
%       cfgNonHT = wlanNonHTConfig;
%       txWaveform = wlanWaveformGenerator([1;0;0;1],cfgNonHT, ...
%             'NumPackets',5,'IdleTime',20e-6);
%       [~,M] = wlanPacketDetect(txWaveform,cfgNonHT.ChannelBandwidth,0,1);
%       figure; plot(M);
%   See also wlanCoarseCFOEstimate, wlanFieldIndices.
%   Copyright 2016 The MathWorks, Inc.



% Check if M is requested
if nargout==2
    M = [];

validateattributes(x,{'double'},{'2d','finite'},mfilename,'signal input');
startOffset = [];

if isempty(x)

if nargin == 2
    threshold = 0.5; % Default value
    offset = 0;      % Default value
elseif nargin == 3
    threshold = 0.5;
    validateattributes(varargin{1}, {'double'}, ...
        {'integer','scalar','>=',0}, mfilename, 'offset');
    offset = varargin{1};
    validateattributes(varargin{1}, {'double'}, ...
        {'integer','scalar','>=',0}, mfilename, 'offset');
    validateattributes(varargin{2}, {'double'}, ...
        {'real','scalar','>',0,'<=',1}, mfilename, 'threshold');
    offset = varargin{1};
    threshold = varargin{2};

% Validate Offset value
coder.internal.errorIf(offset>size(x,1)-1, ...

% Validate Channel Bandwidth
coder.internal.errorIf(~any(strcmp(chanBW,{'CBW5','CBW10','CBW20', ...
    'CBW40','CBW80','CBW160'})), ...

Td = 0.8e-6; % Time period of a short training symbol for 20MHz

switch chanBW
    case 'CBW40'
        symbolLength = Td/(1/40e6);
    case {'CBW80'}
        symbolLength = Td/(1/80e6);
    case {'CBW160'}
        symbolLength = Td/(1/160e6);
    otherwise % 'CBW5', 'CBW10', 'CBW20'
        symbolLength = Td/(1/20e6); % In samples

lenLSTF = symbolLength*10; % Length of 10 L-STF symbols 
lenHalfLSTF = lenLSTF/2;   % Length of 5 L-STF symbols
inpLength = (size(x,1)-offset); 

% Append zeros to make the input equal to multiple of L-STF/2
if inpLength<=lenHalfLSTF
    numPadSamples = lenLSTF-inpLength;
    numPadSamples = lenHalfLSTF*ceil(inpLength/lenHalfLSTF)-inpLength;
padSamples = zeros(numPadSamples,size(x,2));

% Process the input waveform in blocks of L-STF length. The processing
% blocks are offset by half the L-STF length.
numBlocks = (inpLength+numPadSamples)/lenHalfLSTF;

if nargout==2
% Define decision statistics vector
DS = coder.nullcopy(zeros(size(x,1)+length(padSamples)-offset-2*symbolLength+1,1));
    if numBlocks > 2
        for n=1:numBlocks-2
            % Update buffer
            buffer = x((n-1)*lenHalfLSTF+(1:lenLSTF)+offset,:);
            [startOffset,out] = correlateSamples(buffer,symbolLength,lenLSTF,threshold);

            DS((n-1)*lenHalfLSTF+1:lenHalfLSTF*n,1) = out(1:lenHalfLSTF);

            if ~(isempty(startOffset))
                % Packet detected
                startOffset = startOffset+(n-1)*lenHalfLSTF;
                DS((n-1)*lenHalfLSTF+(1:length(out)),1) = out;
                % Resize decision statistics
                M = DS(1:(n-1)*lenHalfLSTF+length(out));
        % Process last block of data
        blkOffset = lenHalfLSTF*(numBlocks-2);
        buffer = [x(blkOffset+1+offset:end,:);padSamples];
        [startOffset,out] = correlateSamples(buffer,symbolLength,lenLSTF,threshold);
            if ~(isempty(startOffset))
                startOffset = startOffset+blkOffset; % Packet detected
        DS(blkOffset+1:end,1)= out;
        M = DS(1:end-length(padSamples)); 
        buffer = [x(offset+1:end,:);padSamples];
        [startOffset,out] = correlateSamples(buffer,symbolLength,lenLSTF,threshold);
        M = out;
    if numBlocks > 2
        for n=1:numBlocks-2
            buffer = x((n-1)*lenHalfLSTF+(1:lenLSTF)+offset,:); % Update buffer
            startOffset = correlateSamples(buffer,symbolLength,lenLSTF,threshold);

            if ~(isempty(startOffset))
                startOffset = startOffset+(n-1)*lenHalfLSTF; % Packet detected
    % Process last block of data
    blkOffset = lenHalfLSTF*(numBlocks-2);
    buffer = [x(blkOffset+1+offset:end,:);padSamples];
    startOffset = correlateSamples(buffer,symbolLength,lenLSTF,threshold);
        if ~(isempty(startOffset))
            startOffset = startOffset+blkOffset; % Packet detected
        buffer = [x(offset+1:end,:);padSamples];
        startOffset = correlateSamples(buffer,symbolLength,lenLSTF,threshold); 


function [packetStart,Mn] = correlateSamples(rxSig,symbolLength,lenLSTF,...
%   Estimate the start offset of the preamble of the receive WLAN packet,
%   using auto-correlation method [1,2].

%   [1] OFDM Wireless LANs: A Theoretical and Practical Guide 1st Edition
%       by Juha Heiskala (Author),John Terry Ph.D. ISBN-13:978-0672321573
%   [2] OFDM Baseband Receiver Design for Wireless Communications by
%       Tzi-Dar Chiueh, Pei-Yun Tsai. ISBN: 978-0-470-82234-0

correlationLength = lenLSTF-(symbolLength*2);
pNoise = eps; % Adding noise to avoid the divide by zero
weights = ones(symbolLength,1);
index = 1:correlationLength+1;

packetStart = [];   % Initialize output

% Shift data for correlation
rxDelayed = rxSig(symbolLength+1:end,:); % Delayed samples
rx = rxSig(1:end-symbolLength,:);        % Actual samples

% Sum output on multiple receive antennas
C = sum(filter(weights,1,(conj(rxDelayed).*rx)),2);
CS = C(symbolLength:end)./symbolLength;

% Sum output on multiple receive antennas
P = sum(filter(weights,1,(abs(rxDelayed).^2+...

PS = P(symbolLength:end)+pNoise;

Mn = abs(CS).^2./PS.^2;
N = Mn > threshold;

if (sum(N) >= symbolLength*1.5)
    found = index(N);
    packetStart = found(1)-1;
    % Check the relative distance between peaks relative to the first
    % peak. If this exceed three times the symbol length then the
    % packet is not detected.
    if sum((found(2:symbolLength)-found(1))>symbolLength*3)
        packetStart = [];


% [EOF]